Cedar County, Iowa
Genealogical Society



The Cedar County Genealogical Society hopes it can be of help in your quest to learn more about your ancestors in Cedar County Iowa.

Our Purpose

  • Create and foster an interest in genealogy.
  • Assist in genealogical researching, compiling and preserving of family histories with Cedar County connections.
  • Gather and preserve genealogical and historical data.
  • Maintain and expand our genealogical library collection.
  • Promote communication with members and other genealogical organizations via publication of a society newsletter.
  • Work to improve access of public records.
  • Encourage family reunions.

The Society's History

The Cedar County Genealogical Society was organized Jan. 15, 1991, by a group of enthusiastic and dedicated people wishing to promote the preservation of family histories.

CCGS Library and Research

The society's collections are housed at Ms Mollys store at 421 Cedar Street, Tipton  and is an excellent repository of genealogical and historical data pertaining to Cedar County as well as neighboring counties. CCGS volunteers will perform limited searches of the library holdings for a fee.  Books for sale

Visit us

We encourage family history researchers to plan a research trip to the county and spend a few days doing their own hands-on work. Ideally, that is always the most rewarding experience for the family genealogist. Keep Cedar County in mind for your next vacation and do a little ancestor hunting!

Contact CCGS in advance for guidance on planning and tips on how to make the most of your time for a successful and rewarding research trip.


Anyone with an interest in genealogical or historical research, and above all, anyone pursuing ancestors in Cedar County, Iowa, may become a member and enjoy the benefits of CCGS membership. The membership year parallels the calendar year, January 1 through December 31, with dues of only $12.50 annually. A family membership is available for $15.00.

All members receive a society newsletter, have voting privileges, and are welcome to attend society meetings. The society meets at 1:30 p.m. the third Tuesday, January through November.

CCGS newsletters are intended to convey news and information of interest to the society membership and contain at least one or more topics of genealogical data. Members may submit free queries to be published in the newsletters.

 If you would like to become a member of CCGS, feel free to print and complete the application and send it, along with dues payment to: Cedar County Genealogical Society, Box 52, Tipton, Iowa 52772-0052.

Page Last Updated 04/15/2011 13:18:24

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