Lowden, August 2. - On his way to Cedar Rapids this afternoon Marshal Moore arrested William Goldsmith at Clarence. Goldsmith is alleged to have made some anti administration remarks to a traveler there last night and was severely beaten.
Lowden, Ia., Aug. 2 - Four prominent and wealthy residents of Lowden are under arrest and several more will be taken into custody on charges of treason and interfering with government agents. The arrests were made shortly before noon by the United States marshal, who came here from Cedar Rapids.
Those arrested are as follows: Albert Schaeffer, 65, retired wealthy farmer; Carl Gerdal, 36, farmer; William Richmann, 66, furniture dealer; Ernest Meyer, 63, retired farmer.
Five others are being questioned by the federal operatives and it is likely they will also be placed under arrest.
Following the arrest today the officers of the town, characterized as the hot bed of sedition by the federal agents, and county agents were ordered to use force in subduing any unruly persons making treasonable comment.
Those arrested today are charged with threatening to lynch Dan C. McGillvray, an attorney who aided in the questioning of Rev. John Reichart, when the latter was arrested here Tuesday night following treasonable utterances from his pulpit on Sunday. A few blows were struck, but cooler heads in the crowd persuaded the others to let the attorney alone.