Nine hundred attended dedication services at Peace Evangelical and Reformed church on Sunday, Oct. 9, at morning, afternoon and evening services. The offering for the day was $678--$572 in the building fund and $106 in the general fund. The speakers for the day were listed previously. Visiting pastors for the day from the area were Rev. Herbert Barton, Wheatland; Rev. E. J. Bowers, Clarence; Rev. Harold Kratzat, Tipton; Rev. A. H. Bauch, Wilton; Rev. Gerald Boch, Davenport; Rev. C. F. Rohlfing, Rock Island, Ill.; Rev. N. Roberts, Lowden. Floral gifts were presented by the Bennett State Bank, Horstmann’s Cash Store, Carl’s Superette, Thorson, Thorson & Madson, architects; and Bob’ Floral Shop, Tipton. Messages of congratulation were read from pastors of the area and Iowa Synod and a telegram was read from Rev. Sonnewald, Lancaster, N.Y., one of the first pastors of the church. Memoriam gifts included are glass window, hand-made altar, pulpit, lectern, baptismal fount, ceiling lights, misel, Bible candelabras, altar candle holders, cross, offering plates, choir chairs, song books, 2 clocks, altar vases, candle lighter, flower baskets, lantern lights. There was a fellowship dinner at noon and supper for the pastors and wives. Receptions following afternoon and evening services were in charge of Young People’s League and Women’s Guild.
Peace church had its beginning in 1868 when a Methodist group founded a chapel congregation in Fairfield township about five miles southwest of Bennett.
The congregation was comparatively short lived, and the chapel was closed. The building was then known as Wesley chapel, and in 1885 was moved the five miles to Bennett by another Methodist organization.
In 1895 a group of German-speaking residents of the area had founded a church congregation and made arrangements to hold services in the Wesley chapel.
A year-and-a-half later, the group was officially organized with the German name ‘Friedens’ which in English means Peace.