Tipton Advertiser. Sheriff Bunker after making a couple of trips to Clarence without result finally landed his man this week in the person of Fred Dettman, wanted for failing to appear when ordered by the exemption board. He was placed in jail while officers were out looking for another suspect who was able to make the right showing and was not held. It appears that Dettman was being harbored at the Clarence home of a man named Rickhoff. People of that community manifested their disapproval of his actions by treating his house to a coat of yellow paint. Dettman was taken to Camp Dodge and turned over to the military authorities, who will pass on his case.
Tipton Conservative: Word comes from Clarence that Louie Wendt, a farmer in that vicinity, was suspected of having more than his rightful share of flour on hand and when a U.S. officer went there to make an investigation, it was found that Wendt had twenty sacks of flour stowed away where he supposed they would be perfectly safe and mighty handy in case of a shortage. But the officer thought differently and proceeded to confiscate all but three sacks and take the owner before a federal court commissioner, who, after being informed of the facts, advised that the defendant purchase a $1000 Liberty loan bond and contribute $25 to the Red Cross, which was promptly done, and that is why Louie has less bread stuff and more bonds.
Mechanicsville Press: Ernest Meier of Lowden, one of the individuals of that town who expressed his disloyalty in several ways and is alleged to have stated, among other things, that he’d shoot his boy rather than permit him to join the United States colors and fight against the fatherland, has just been found guilty of disloyalty in the federal court now is session at Cedar Rapids. He has not been sentenced as yet. The jury was out three hours. Cedar county people are curious to know what disposition will be made of the Lowden preacher’s case. He was a bell wether and was accused of having led his flock into disloyal ways. The fact that he is a minister ought not to bring immunity to him if he is guilty. Sedition, disloyalty and unfriendliness toward the government cannot be excused on any pretext. The officers of the government need have no fear in enforcing the laws. The people want it—and they need it.