Great Resources for Genealogists
Five Computers with Internet Connection and printer.
Microfilm reader with printer.
Cost of copies $0.20.
Newspapers on Microfilm
Lowden Sun News 1908- 2003. (1913-1926 has issues missing)
County Histories
1910 Topical History of Cedar County, Vol. 2. C.Ray Aurner, M.A., S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, IL Contains 456 biographies of Cedar County Citizens.
Atlas of Cedar County, 1965 and 1977 Published by Title Atlas Co., Inc. Minneapolis, MN.
Lowden Centennial Book, 1857-1957
We Remember When, Our Tribute to America’s Bicentennial
Compiled by Lowden Historical Society, Lowden, Iowa 1976
A Collection of Articles Submitted by Present and Former Residents of Lowden and Surrounding Community.
Beyond A Century. A History of the Years 1957-1982. Celebration of Lowden’s 125 years.
Full Steam Ahead, Lowden Iowa 1857-2007
Lowden Historical Society Review
2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2001, 2000
1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990
1989, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980
1979, 1978
Lowden Historical Society Annual Reports 2007, 2008
The Lowden Weather Almanac, 1850-2010 by Steve Gottschalk
Research Services by Library Staff:
We provide an obituary request service for the general public. For a small fee we will access our local newspaper, The Sun-News, on microfilm, and search for the requested obituary. We charge $5.00 for the first half hour of research and $10.00 for every hour there-after. In addition to the research fee we also charge 20 cents for each copy made and the cost of a first class postage. We will only post (US mail) obituaries domestically.
We cannot guarantee that we will locate the obituary requested, although the research fee will still apply. Therefore, the patron should specify how much they are willing to spend prior to the request being carried out. E-mail your requests to vjmohr@lowden.lib.ia.us or call 563-941-7629.
Checks or money order should be made out to
Friends of Lowden Library P.O. Box 307 Lowden, IA 52255
When it is received, we will make the copies and mail them to you. |