Clarence Ray Aurner, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co.
Volume II pages 611-612

Submitted by Sharon Elijah, September 13, 2011


C. L. Richmann, operating an excellent farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 6, Springfield township, claims Germany as the land of his birth, for it was in that country that he first opened his eyes to the light of day in 1863. His parents, Fred and Minnie Richmann, who took up their abode in Cedar county, Iowa, in 1867, passed away many years ago.

C. L. Richmann was but four years of age when brought to this county by his parents and has remained within its border continuously since. General agricultural pursuits have claimed his attention throughout his entire business career and have proved a gratifying source of remuneration to him. He now operates his wife’s farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 6, Springfield township, and the well tilled fields annually yield golden harvests in return for the care and labor which he bestows upon them.

About 1892 Mr. Richmann was united in marriage to Mrs. Emma Miller, nee Kreinbring, by whom he has four children, namely: Mattie, Gustie, Edna and Elvin. By her first husband, Louis Miller, Mrs. Richmann likewise had four children, three of whom are yet living: Edward, Paulina and Hugo.

Mr. Richmann is a stalwart democrat in politics but has never sought nor desired office. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Evangelical church at Lowden, with which his wife is also identified. The period of his residence in Cedar county covers more than four decades and he is widely recognized as one of its substantial and representative citizens.

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Page created September 13, 2011 by Lynn McCleary