Frank J. McClellan, residing on section 30, Dayton township, was born in Springfield township, this county, on the 6th of June, 1878, and is a son of John McClellan. At the usual age he entered the public schools, and, after pursuing his studies therein until he had mastered the common branches of learning, he entered the high school of Clarence and afterward spent two winters in the Mount Vernon Academy. He remained with his father on the home place after he attained his majority and assisted in operating the farm in connection with his brother W. H. McClellan. He was early trained to the work of the fields and his practical experience well qualified him for the successful management of his interests when he started out in life for himself.
On the 9th of December, 1903, in Center township, Mr. McClellan was married to Miss Mamie Gaige, who was born in Davenport, Scott county, and was reared in Tipton. In the schools of the latter place she pursued her education until graduated from the high school. She is the adopted daughter of Robert Gaige.
After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. McClellan located on the farm where they now reside, Mr. McClellan taking charge of the place. He has made great improvements, keeping up all the repair work, building a new barn for the stock and also a hay barn and hog house. He has fenced and cross-fenced his land with woven wire, has put in about five hundred rods of tiling and has carried on his work along the most modern and progressive lines, his labors resulting beneficially, as evidenced in the excellent appearance of the place and in the success which has attended his efforts. In connection with the cultivation of the fields he raises and feeds stock, shipping about a carload of cattle and a large number of hogs each year. He also buys, raises and feeds horses, this being one of the important branches of his business. He is a successful farmer and stock-feeder and is well known as a breeder and dealer in pure blooded shorthorn cattle. He now has a herd of twenty thoroughbred and high grade cows with a pure blooded registered male of Scotch stock at the head of his herd. The appearance of his horses and cattle cannot but delight the lover of fine stock and in this connection Mr. McClellan has done much to advance the grade of stock raised in the county.
In his political views Mr. McClellan is a republican, voting with the party on national questions, while at local elections he casts an independent ballot. He and his wife are members of the Stanwood Methodist Episcopal church, in which he has served as an official and in the faith of that church they are rearing their two children, Robert John and Ward Everett. Mr. McClellan is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belonging to the Tipton Lodge, and his wife is connected with the Daughters of Rebekah. He is also a Modern Woodman and in his life exemplifies the beneficent teachings of these orders. Having spent his entire life in this county, Mr. McClellan is widely acquainted and as a citizen and business man displays many sterling qualities.