Clarence Ray Aurner, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co.
Volume II pages 48-49

Submitted by Sharon Elijah, July 22, 2011


William T. Gilmore is practically a lifelong resident of Tipton for he was only six weeks old when his parents came to this city, where he has since made his home. He was born in Bellefontaine, Ohio, in 1856. At the usual age he entered the public schools, wherein he continued his studies until he had completed the course in the high school by graduation. He next attended the Iowa State College at Ames, from which he was graduated in the class of 1876, having completed the civil engineering course.

On the completion of his education, Mr. Gilmore joined his father in business as a clothing merchant of Tipton and the partnership was maintained in the father’s name until the retirement of William Gilmore in 1893. William T. Gilmore then conducted the business alone for thirteen years and in 1906 admitted Edward Roehlk to partnership under the firm style of Gilmore & Roehlk, occupying the same stand where the father had conducted business for so long, their store being located on Fifth street, north of the court house square. They carry a large and well selected line of goods and their store is thoroughly modern in its equipment and appointment, while reasonable prices and honorable dealing secure to them a liberal patronage. Mr. Gilmore is also well known in financial circles in the city, being now vice president of the Cedar County State Bank and a director since the reorganization of the bank about twelve years ago.

Mr. Gilmore has been a member of the city council for the past four years and exercises his right of franchise in support of many measures and movements that have been of significant value to the city. His political allegiance is given to the republican party. Fraternally he is connected with Cedar Lodge, No. 11, A.F. & A. M., of Tipton, and with Alhambra Lodge, No. 93, K.P. He possesses those energies which make for personal popularity and has a large circle of warm friends in the community where his entire life has been passed. A liberal education well qualified him for life’s practical and responsible duties and he has used his knowledge to good advantage in the conduct of his business, so that he is now numbered among the leading merchants of Tipton.

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Page created July 22, 2011 by Lynn McCleary