Clarence Ray Aurner, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co.
Volume II pages 442-443

Submitted by Sharon Elijah, August 28, 2011


R. J. Davidson, who carries on general farming on section 35, Fremont township, and is numbered among the thrifty and enterprising agriculturists and stock-raisers of the community, has a place of two hundred and forty acres. Its neat and attractive appearance is indicative of the care and cultivation which he bestows upon it, and of his practical methods. Mr. Davidson is one of Cedar county’s native sons, his birth having here occurred on the 17th of September, 1876. His father, J. K. Davidson, was one of the pioneer settlers of the county and a prominent farmer, who, as the years passed by, met with success in his undertakings, becoming the owner of about four hundred acres of land.

R. J. Davidson was reared upon the home farm and in the common schools acquired his early education, which was supplemented by two years’ study in the Stanwood high school. He also spent one winter as a student in the college at Vinton, Iowa. He was reared upon his father’s farm, where he remained until he had attained his majority. His life has always been an active one and substantial results have followed his efforts.

On the 5th of June, 1907, Mr. Davidson was married in Stanwood to Miss Florence Baker, who was born in Fairfield, Iowa, and was reared there and in Wisconsin. Before her marriage she engaged in teaching. Following her marriage the young couple began their domestic life upon the old home farm and in connection with tilling the soil and the cultivation of the cereals best adapted to the climatic conditions here Mr. Davidson also began raising and feeding stock, making a specialty of hogs and high grade shorthorn cattle. His business interests are carefully managed and bring him substantial success.

Unto Mr. and Mrs. Davidson two children have been born, but the elder, the son, died in infancy. Their daughter is Margaret Estelle, an interesting little maiden who is the light and life of the household. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian church at Stanwood and are highly esteemed wherever known because of their many sterling traits of character. In his political views Mr. Davidson is independent. A life-long resident of this county, he has witnessed much of its growth and progress and takes a deep interest in all that pertains to its upbuilding and development, nor does he withhold his support from any public project when he believes that it will prove of benefit to the community.

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