Western Historical Company
Successors to H. F. Kett & Co., 1878

Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, October 26, 2013

Section on


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         Presbyterian Church—In the early days of this town, when emigrants came in from the East, they did not forget their devotion to Him who had provided a dwelling place for them, but gathered together, first in private houses and afterward in public halls, for divine worship. From the records of the Presbyterian Church we transcribe the following:

         Rev. Samuel J. Mills, after preaching a few weeks in the towns of Wheatland and Onion Grove (now Clarence), and a state of things arising which appeared to call for the organization of a church, did, by notice previously given, convene a meeting for the purpose of such organization, in the hall over the store of Messrs. Fish & Gere, on Wednesday, November 14, 1860.

         A sermon was preached by Rev. Daniel Clark, after which, and assisted by Rev. George D. Young, he organized “The First Presbyterian Church of Dayton,” now called the First Presbyterian Church of Clarence. At this time, it was connected with the New School branch, but by the union of the two bodies, it is now in connection with the Presbyterian Church.

         A church building was erected and dedicated in the Summer of 1861, Rev. H. M. Stanley, of Lyons, Iowa, officiating. This was the first church building erected in the town, and has been occupied to some extent by all of the denominations.

         Organized with six members, through the eighteen years which have passed, there have been as regular members about 175 persons, and, with short intervals, . . .

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. . . the pulpit has been regularly supplied. Rev. S. J. Mills was the first Pastor. He remained for about four years, and was followed by Rev. Chas. W. Treadwell, Rev. A. K. Baird and Rev. E. B. Cousins.

         Rev. T. H. Candor was called to the pastorate April 22, 1878; was ordained and installed May 16, 1878, and at this date is Pastor of the church.

         The officers of the church at present are; Pastor, Rev. T. H. Candor; Elders, W. P. Hills, M.D., and Allen Elijah; Trustees, W. B. Hanna, John Greig and Wm. Shearer.

         Shortly after the organization of the church, a Sabbath school was commenced, and has continued to the present time. Mr. Milton Scott is its Superintendent.

         United Presbyterian Church.—The congregation which, soon after its organization, became the United Presbyterian Church, was organized at the house of Robert Safley, at Onion Grove, November 19, 1860. According to the appointment of the Chicago Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, the organization was perfected by Rev. John McCorkell, of Elgin, Ill., assisted by Robert Smyth and Robert Davidson, Ruling Elders of the congregation at Mount Vernon, Iowa.

         The church began with ten members, Robert Safley, William Chisholm and David Clancy being duly elected its ruling Elders, and Hugh Ferguson, Robert Safley and Peter Monroe its Trustees In 1862, as a congregation, they changed their church relation, connecting themselves with the United Presbyterian Presbytery of Le Claire.

         Rev. J. S. Buchanan was the first Pastor, taking charge in July, 1866, and continuing until 1871, when he was followed by Rev. J. B. Galloway, the present pastoral incumbent.

         The present membership is fifty. Ruling elders, Robert Safley, David Claney, Robert Anderson and Andrew Nicoll; Trustees, John Claney, J. B. Allen and David Lemmon.

         Evangelical Lutheran Church.—This church was organized November 2, 1861, by Rev. J. G. Schaeffer, with a membership of ten persons and officers, as follows: Elders, Wm. Flannagan and Caspar Decker; Deacons, P. S. Gortner and John Decker. The Pastors have been Rev. W. H. Wynn, J. C. Baird, J. Helsell, J. Zimmerman, S. B. Hyman and the present Pastor, R. H. Nye, who has a congregation of thirty-nine members.

         The whole number who have been members of this church since its organization is seventy-nine. Their first meetings were held in the Presbyterian Church, where they continued until the completion of their present house of worship, in 1865, and which was built at a cost of $4,535.53. It is a frame structure, 26x45 feet, and presents a neat and tasty appearance, quite in accordance with the very worthy people who worship within its portals.

         The Sunday school was organized under the pastorate of Rev. J. C. Baird and immediately after occupying the new church. The first accessible record bears date September 21, 1873, at which time there were six teachers and fifty-two scholars, with Rev. S. B. Hyman as Superintendent and P. S. Gortner as Assistant Superintendent; Wm. L. Leland, Secretary and Librarian; Mrs. George W. McLeod, Treasurer. The present number of teachers, seven, with thirty-five scholars.

         Methodist Episcopal Church.—The first Methodist minister who preached in Clarence was Rev. T. C. Woodford, a superannuate of the Iowa annual Conference, residing in Tipton, about the 1st of November, 1862, and who was invited here by the Lutherans. Clarence was first made a regular appointment . . .

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. . . by Rev. J. W. Kynett, who was then supplying the Pioneer (now Mechanicsville) work. Mr. Kynett first preached here on the 23d of November, 1862. His text was the twentieth verse of the fourth chapter of First Corinthians. This was the first sermon preached for the Methodist—the first sermon, by Mr. Woodford, being preached for the Lutherans. Mr. Kynett remained in the work until the 15th of February, 1863, but did not form a class. He was followed by Rev. John Scoles. The next year, Rev. C. F. McLain was placed in charge, and he was followed by Rev. J. L. Paine and G. R. Manning. R. G. Hawn succeeded them, and Clarence was made an independent work in 1868, and W. A. Allen placed in charge. During this conference year, a church edifice was erected. It was dedicated by Rev. Dr. Hatfield, assisted by Revs. Allen and Miller, October 10, 1869. Since then, the Pastors, in regular succession, have been as follows: C. A. Hawn, J. A. Kerr, E. L. Miller, J. H. Rigby, J. F. Wilcox and the present Pastor, Rev. J. T. Spry.

         Under the pastoral labors of Mr. Spry, a neat and commodious parsonage was erected, in 1877, and the church handsomely repaired.

         The first District Conference held in Clarence convened June 10, 1878, Bishop Peck presiding. All the Methodist Episcopal Ministers of the Davenport District were present, besides a number from adjoining districts.

         The congregation has an aggregate membership of about one hundred and twenty, and a prosperous Sabbath school of one hundred and fifty scholars. E. B. Simmons is its Superintendent.

         First Wesleyan Church of Dayton Township.—This house of worship was erected in 1869, at a cost of $1,800, furniture included. The class out of which this church organization has grown was formed September, 1856, with fourteen members. The church organization dates from the 1st of March, 1872, with the following officers:

         President, Perez Frink; Vice President, M. Springsted; Ira Brink, Treasurer; J. M. Kent, Secretary. The present Directors are Jacob Rogers, H. W. Frink and H. C. Frink.

         The present Pastor is Rev. F. F. Blair.

         Catholic Church.—Under the direction and management of Rev. Father Murphy, of Toronto, a small Catholic Church edifice was erected in Clarence in the Summer of 1877. Father Murphy preaches to his people here every four weeks.

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Page created October 26, 2013 by Lynn McCleary