Western Historical Company
Successors to H. F. Kett & Co., 1878

Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, November 2, 2013

Section on


Pg 427

         This is one of the oldest societies in the State of Iowa. Of its founding, and subsequent operations, we have the following account furnished by William H. Tuthill, of Tipton. Extract from minutes of the society.

          “On the 27th of September, 1842, at the instance of the Rev. Julius Field, agent of the parent society, a few well disposed persons feeling an interest in the Bible cause, met at the house of Henry Hardman, Esq., for the purpose of forming a Bible Society for Cedar County, an auxiliary to the American Bible Society, in the manner pointed out by that institution. Although but a small number of persons attended the meeting, yet with a spirit of unanimity and a confiding hope that the cause they were about to embark in, would, by the kind aid of Divine Providence, be successful, they completed the organization of the Cedar County Bible Society by adopting the auxiliary constitution of the present society and electing a complete board of officers. As a matter of historical interest, I have transcribed the names of the officers then elected, which were as follows: Daniel Hare, President; John Ferguson, Henry Hardman, William H. Tuthill, Solomon Aldrich, John P. Cook, Vice Presidents; Rev. Uriah Ferree, Secretary; Elisha E. Edwards, Treasurer; John Boydston and Richard E. Knott, Executive Committee.

          “A regular annual meeting was held at Tipton, on the 1st of September, 1844, when the Rev. Ebenezer Alden, Jr., pastor of the First Congregational Church, in Tipton, delivered an address, and at the election of officers, William H. Tuthill, was elected Secretary.

          “The society has been judiciously and carefully managed, and has successfully carried out the objects for which it was organized. It has repeatedly made thorough exploration of the county, and supplied the destitute with the Bible.”

         The officers for the present year are: President, William Lee; Vice Presidents, Dr. Samuel Ensign, L. D. Ingman, Walter Shearer, Laurie Tatum, Harry Bagley; Secretary and Treasurer, William H. Tuthill: Depository at the post office bookstore of Alonzo Shaw.

         It is interesting to add that William H. Tuthill has acted as Secretary of the society for thirty-four years and through his management, in a great measure, the society has met with prosperity.

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Page created November 3, 2013 by Lynn McCleary