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 History - 1913 Industrial Edition


Hon. James E. Bruce

  The subject of this sketch needs no introduction to Cass county people. The senior editor of this paper has intimately known "Jim" Bruce from the day that he landed in Anita, thirty-one years ago, a beardless youth, and briefless young lawyer. His worldly possessions consisted principally of what he owed for money borrowed from friends to enable him to get his "schooling." His career in this county as a lawyer, county attorney, the owner of an even half dozen prosperous banks and other business interests, his nine years' service in the state senate and the success that he has attained is well known to the people of the county.   The crowning and great work of his life has been in the promo-tion and establishment of the Neal Three Day treatment for alcoholism or the Drink Habit. Two years ago last December he became first interested in the work and established the first Neal institute in Des Moines, Iowa. He has since devoted his entire time and invested largely of his private fortune in this splendid work. Already the Neal is international in its scope and Senator Bruce is at the head of over 75 grand institutes in the United States and foreign coun-tries, in which thousands are being saved from the awful curse of strong drink. The treat-ment is so harmless that a little   child could safely take the entire treatment. It is so effective that in three short days it removes all the stored up poisons of alcohol from the system and all craving, appetite and desire for liquor.

The Neal treatment is always given under the absolute agree-ment with the patient that unless he is entirely satisfied at the end of the third day's treatment, no charge is made for the treatment.

The nearest and most conven-ient Neal institute in this territory is located at 1502 South 10th street, Omaha, Nebraska. Thos interested should call upon or address them for full and complete information.

From: Industrial Edition, published by Atlantic News Telegraph, Atlantic, Iowa, 1913, pg. 30.

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