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Armed Forces / Military Graves


Red Rose Border

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Sager Harvey Earl Korea Atlantic 1/19/1995 
Sager Otto  WWI First Lutheran, Wiota, Blk 4, Lot 4 8/5/1947 
Sams Paul Lee WWII Atlantic 5/27/1999 
Samuels Lyle P. WWII Pleasant 6/12/2003 
Sandbothe Stephen Vernon Peacetime Atlantic Catholic 9/5/1985 
Sander Max E. WWII Greenwood 1/10/1997 
Sanders Benjamin J. WWII Oakwood 8/30/1970 
Sanders Benjamin John Vietnam Oakwood 9/22/2007 
Sanders Clelle McVere WWI Massena 5/22/1984 
Sanders Daniel  Civil War Atlantic, Lot 37, Blk 1 3/28/1909 
Sandhorst Harvey Paul Vietnam First Lutheran, Wiota 12/10/2012 
Sanny Donald Dean Korea Oakwood 4/24/2010 
Sash Hilard Milton WWI Atlantic 6/15/1971 
Savery Charles Don WWI/ WWII Atlantic 7/1/1983 
Scarf William W. Civil War Oakwood, E, Lot 4, Blk 13 10/8/1887 
Scarlett Bert Lafeyette WWI Atlantic Catholic 11/11/1985 
Scarlett Buford L. Civil War Evergreen, Lot 22, Blk G 1/20/1935 
Scarlett Charles Lafyette WWII Evergreen 9/4/2006 
Scarlett Paul Edward Korea Oakwood 5/28/2000 
Scase Florence Belle WWI Massena 3/27/1986 
Scase George Nelson ( III) WWII Massena 2/24/1991 
Schaaf Dale Edward Korea Atlantic Catholic 6/21/2000 
Schaaf Merlin Henry Korea St John's 5/5/2003 
Schaake Kenneth C. WWII Atlantic 10/18/1996 
Schafer Seymour John WWII Reno 9/27/1990 
Schain Albert C WWI Atlantic, Lot 16, Blk 1 11/18/1930 
Scharf Edward Henry WWI Noble Center, Sec 21, Lot 94 8/3/1946 
Scharf Louis C. WWI Noble Center, Sec 21, Lot 94 9/14/1943 
Scheibler Michael Anthony N/A Atlantic Catholic 2/16/2008 Military Counselor
Schenk James Ray N/A Atlantic 7/24/1992 
Scherdin Hurbert  Korea Oakwood 9/3/1951 
Scherdin Raymond E.Schlake WWII Atlantic 2/2/1972 
Schiappacasse Joseph James N/A Atlantic Catholic 11/11/1959 
Schlake Henry Franklin Korea Atlantic 5/28/1995 
Schmeling Gilbert Louis WWII Atlantic 3/18/1999 
Schmidt Gene Leroy Korea Massena 10/3/2011 
Schmitt David Lynn Vietnam Brighton 6/20/1991 
Schmitt Elmer Harold Korea Brighton 4/16/2007 
Schneider Rex Fredrick WWII Southlawn 11/15/1984 
Schoening Norman Edward WWII Pleasant 5/12/2002 
Scholl Bruno  Civil War Evergreen, E, Lot 8, Blk 13 12/1/1924 
Scholl Edwin LeRoy WWII Evergreen 9/22/1960 
Scholl Roy Nelson WWI Evergreen 11/16/1983 
Schrader Henry Lewis WWI St John's 9/6/1981 
Schrader James William Orville WWII St John's, New Add, Lot 1, NW 11/20/1946 Purple Heart
Schrier Fred  Spanish American War Reno 9/6/1944 
Schrier Robert Allen Korea Reno 1/7/1997 
Schroder Lenard Faye WWII Monroe - Shelby Co 8/29/2013 
Schuler Earl Theodore WWII Noble Center 11/9/1983 
Schuler Louis C. WWI Noble Center, Sec 21, Lot 37 9/28/1918 DIS
Schuler Max Theodore Peacetime Noble Center 3/20/1997 Prior to WW II
Schuler Royal William WWII Noble Center 11/5/1996 
Schultz Max Andrew WWII Atlantic 1/12/1986 
Schwanke Reinhold  Civil War Massena, Old Add, Lot 107, Blk A 11/6/1919 
Schwartz Darrell L. WWII Atlantic, Lot 343, Blk 1 5/6/1945 Accident on leave
Schwartz Edward Dale WWII Atlantic 9/28/1995 
Schwartz Gustaf Peter WWII Atlantic 5/21/1979 
Schwartz Kenneth Lloyd WWII Atlantic 7/5/2007 
Schwenke Ivan Otis Korea Oakwood 8/15/2010 
Schwenke Leroy Arthur Korea Massena 8/21/2013 
Scott Charles Harry Spanish American War Atlantic, Lot 4, Blk 2 12/25/1933 
Scott G. W. Civil War Oakwood, E, Lot 16, Blk 10 N/A 
Scott John W. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 4, Blk 2 12/26/1920 
Scovill George  Civil War Greenwood, Old Add, Lot 96 1897 
Scovill James J. Civil War/ Blackhawk War Evergreen, Lot 2, Blk W N/A 
Scriven Dee M. Spanish American War Atlantic 2/28/1929 Mausoleum
Seaman August Fredrick Civil War Atlantic, E, Lot 88, Block 2 4/3/1908 
Seaman Frederick August WWII Atlantic 7/23/1994 
Searles Alvey P. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 289, Blk 2 2/25/1907 
Sears Frederick H. Civil War Atlantic 2/17/1925 Mausoleum
Sears Sackett  Civil War Atlantic, Lot 101, Blk 2 3/11/1899 
Seastrom Junior Raymond WWII Pleasant 2/2/1976 
Sedelmeir Charles H. WWII Atlantic 6/8/1997 
Semelroth William B. Civil War Evergreen, Lot 5, Blk G 6/16/1888 
Seydell Leroy Eddy WWI Atlantic, Lot 190, Blk 3 9/9/1920 
Seymour Monroe  Civil War Brighton, West, Row 1, Lot25 1/11/1915 
Shaffer Benjamin F. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 119, Blk 4 6/22/1884 
Shank Paul L. WWII Noble Center 12/29/1957 
Shannon Lloyd Randal Korea Oakwood 12/5/1998 
Shannon Roert Linden WWII Atlantic N/A 
Shannon Samuel E. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 83, Blk 4 5/24/1912 
Sharpling Robert Cecil WWII Oakwood 6/2/2011 
Shay John A. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 123, Blk 4 5/31/1886 
Shearer Robert A. Civil War Oakwood, E, Lot 8, Blk 4 6/13/1922 
Sheets George Gerald WWII Oakwood 10/27/1988 
Sheley James  Civil War Evergreen, Lot 1, Blk 11 9/11/1924 
Sheppard Guy  WWI Atlantic 3/18/1967 
Shepperd Phillip Duane Korea Atlantic 2/19/1994 
Sheumaker Cecil  WWI Atlantic 4/13/1958 
Shey Daniel E. WWI Atlantic Catholic 1/1/1978 
Shey Patrick Joseph WWII Atlantic Catholic 1/17/1999 
Shields John B. Civil War Massena, Old Add, Lot 43, Blk B 7/30/1905 
Shields Warren L. WWII Massena 6/7/1990 
Shields Winnie Orville WWI Victoria, Old Add, Lot 127 4/5/1939 
Shoaf Frederick  Civil War Atlantic, E, Lot 64, Block 2 9/3/1904 
Shoemaker Andrew  Civil War Wiota, Old Add, Lot 224 3/22/1902 
Shrum Donald Courtney Lebanon/ Grenada Evergreen, Red Oak, IA 9/4/2002 Montgomery Co
Shultz John B Civil War Oakwood, W Lot 7, Block 1 5/26/1917 
Sidney Martin Larsen WWII Evergreen 8/1/1980 
Sien Paul Bruce WWII Atlantic 3/17/2002 
Sievers John  WWI Atlantic 7/27/1971 
Silk Elmer Charles WWII Pleasant, St Mary's 5/29/1998 
Silvery Lester Ernest WWII/ Korea/ Peactime Atlantic, Field of Glory 3/18/1972 
Simmons Chester W. Civil War Evergreen, Lot 15, Blk A 4/19/1900 
Simms Abraham  Civil War Greenwood, Lot 66 N/A 
Simon Billie Lee Vietnam Evergreen 7/11/1979 
Simonton Harold Dean WWII Iowa Veterans 10/21/2014 
Simonton Silas A. Civil War Wiota, Old Add, Lot 133 1/18/1926 
Simpson Frederick DeFord WWI Atlantic 1/16/1980 
Simpson Gladys Holland WWI Atlantic 7/8/1980 
Sindt Creighton Emery Korea Noble 10/16/2012 
Sisler Dickie Lee Korea Evergreen 1/4/2009 
Sisler Robert Wayne Korea Evergreen 10/6/1981 
Six Robert W. WWII Atlantic 12/26/2000 
Skipton Basel H. WWI Atlantic, New Add, Lot 306, Blk 5 12/10/1926 
Skipton Cecil Marcellas WWI Atlantic Catholic 1/28/1960 
Skoog Robert M. WWII Southlawn 5/2/1966 
Skow Frederick P. WWI Brighton, Lot 47, Row 5 5/27/1953 
Slaughter Robert C. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 41, Blk 3 1/9/1901 
Sloanaker Theodore A. Civil War Oakwood, E, Lot 24, Blk 15 7/17/1876 
Smalley James Lawrence WWII Atlantic 1/19/1977 
Smeltzer Clyde A. WWI Massena 6/12/1918 KIA Memory Stone
Smiley Earl Burton WWI Oakwood, W, Lot 10, Block 1 8/9/1950 
Smiley Jesse Richard WWI Oakwood 11/15/1989 
Smit Howard Eugene Peacetime Atlantic 1/4/2002 
Smith Albert E. WWI Pleasant 3/27/1975 
Smith Bob Emory WWII Newlon's Grove 9/15/1979 
Smith Claude Oliver WWII N/A N/A record missing
Smith Dean Robert WWII Atlantic 11/10/2011 
Smith Delford O. Peacetime Oakwood, W, Lot 2, Blk 15 1/21/1962 
Smith Garland F. WWII Atlantic 8/12/1944 KIA
Smith Harold Vernon WWII Evergreen 6/19/1986 
Smith Harry Burton WWII Evergreen 11/29/1980 
Smith Harvey Issac WWI Atlantic 1/3/1979 
Smith Jackson C. Civil War Oakwood, E, Lot 10, Blk 5 N.Lot 1/21/1938 
Smith James Byrne WWII Oakwood 4/13/2006 
Smith John E. Civil War Atlantic, GAR Lot 149-153, Blk 4 1897 
Smith Levi  Civil War Smith 3/17/1878 
Smith Max D. WWII Massena, Lot 21, Sec A 6/29/1952 
Smith Patrick  Civil War Evergreen, Lot 21, Blk N 10/9/1903 
Smith Paul Herbert WWII Brighton 5/15/1974 
Smith Raymond William WWII Pleasant 2/8/1997 
Smith Ronald Edward WWII Newlon's Grove 8/27/1983 
Smith Simon Donald WWII Evergreen 2/13/1984 
Smith Solomon B. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 149-153 GAR, Blk 4 1877 
Smith William Henderson Civil War Smith 1/20/1910 
Smither Claude Oliver WWII Evergreen 1/29/1994 
Smither George O. WWI Evergreen 12/1/1974 
Smither William Thomas Civil War Evergreen, Lot 5, Blk B 10/6/1903 
Snelson William  Civil War Massena, Old Add, Lot 57 Blk C 1910 
Snouffer Francis J Civil War Atlantic, Old Part, Lot 251, Blk 4 4/1/1925 
Snyder Charles William WWII Atlantic, Field of Glory #67 4/8/1943 KIA
Snyder Marvin  WWI Massena, Old Add, lot 81, Blk C 9/15/1931 
Sorensen Albert  WWII Atlantic 3/27/1993 
Sorensen Ivan H. N/A Massena 10/31/1989 
Sorensen Jerry Sterling Korea Evergreen 2/10/2014 
Sorensen Peter C. WWI Atlantic 7/7/1964 
Sorensen Tony  WWI Brighton, Lot 8, Row 8 9/30/1956 
Sothman Orlin Frank Korea Weirich 6/30/2000 
Sothman Russell H. WWII Greenwood N/A 
South Billy Blaine WWII Atlantic Catholic 7/26/1996 
South Dee Ward WWII Massena 1/4/1983 
South Donald Clyde WWII Atlantic 4/16/1998 
South LaVerne Mayo WWII Victoria N/A 
South Marvin Glen WWII Massena 1/24/1991 
Spangler Frank B. WWI N/A N/A record missing
Spangler Harrison  Civil War Evergreen, Lot 4, Blk 16 12/7/1911 
Spence Frank B. WWI Atlantic 12/13/1950 
Speraw William S. Civil War Greenwood, New Add, Lot 40 9/20/1915 
Spieker Walter W. WWI Greenwood, New Add, Lot 12 5/30/1922 
Spies Durward E. WWII First Lutheran, Wiota 2/13/1972 
Spies Floyd J. WWI Atlantic 5/3/1964 
Sprouse Charles L. Civil War Oakwood, W, Lot 3, Block 4 2/19/1916 
Sprouse Samuel Lewis Spanish American War Oakwood, E, Lot 4, Blk 3 4/1899 
St. Clair William Junior WWII Griswold 3/9/2000 Pottawattamie Co
Stafford George Henry Spanish American/ WW I Atlantic 1/14/1931 
Stafford William B. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 23, Blk 1 2/17/1889 
Stahl Jacob Oliver WWI Greenwood 8/16/1954 
Stakey Leroy  WWI Massena 8/18/1985 
Stanley Cortez Gordon JR. WWII Evergreen 6/14/2007 
Stanley Jack M. WWII Atlantic Catholic 7/13/1989 
Stanley Lowell Bryan WWII Victoria 12/7/1980 
Stapleton Harry W. WWII Massena 9/30/1988 
Stapleton James  Spanish American War Newlon's Grove 1/2/1962 
Stauffer Bertrand  Civil War Evergreen, Lot 1, Blk T 7/11/1936 
Steffen Donald Bill WWII Griswold 10/21/2008 Pottawattamie Co
Steffen Morris Norman WWII Griswold 2/23/2011 Pottawattamie Co
Steffens Walter  WWII First Lutheran, Wiota 3/10/1999 
Steffens Wayne L. WWII Southlawn N/A 
Stein Timothy Robert Peacetime Brighton 7/14/2014 
Steinke Theodore G. Civil War Atlantic 3/21/1913 Mausoleum
Steinmetz Guy Harold WWI Evergreen 11/9/1953 
Stengel George A. WWI Atlantic Catholic, Lot 209, Sec 2 9/14/1918 DIS
Stennett Wayne Laurence Peacetime Atlantic, Lot 262, Blk 4 1/17/1936 DIS
Stevens George H. Civil War Oakwood, E, Lot 8, Blk 3 N/A 
Stevens Leonard J. WWII Pleasant 9/23/1987 
Stewart John C. Civil War Brighton, Old , W, Row 9, Lot 23 11/8/1916 POW
Stewart Karl  WWII Oakwood, Lot 18, Block 4, West 4/10/1963 
Stewart William E. N/A Reno 12/31/1994 
Stillian Merl F. WWI Atlantic 3/16/1977 
Stillian Rex Everett WWII Atlantic 11/4/1978 
Stillings Oregon A. Civil War Brighton, West, Row 11, Lot 30 5/22/1894 
Stirek Louis  WWII Atlantic 8/23/1979 
Stockton Richard Lee Korea Atlantic 3/10/1993 
Stolley Frederick  Civil War Atlantic, Lot 35, Blk 3 3/4/1892 
Stone Edwin Karl WWI Evergreen, Lot 2, Blk B 1/10/1935 
Stone Luman W. Civil War Massena, Old Add, Lot 88, Blk A 7/29/1934 
Stormer Horace Bois WWI Atlantic 3/25/1978 
Stormer Raymond Lester Peacetime Atlantic 7/30/2001 After 1955
Stormer Walter Wesley WWI Oakwood, W Lot 71, Block 9 11/2/1935 
Story William Rolfe WWI Evergreen, Lot 8, Blk 6 7/7/1924 
Strand George A. WWI Southlawn 2/25/1973 
Strickler Leo Howard WWII Atlantic, Field of Glory 6/26/1971 
Strong Ivan  Korea Atlantic 1/28/1982 
Struthers George Richard WWII Atlantic 12/2/1961 
Struthers James  Civil War Lorah, SE Sec N/A 
Struthers John R. WWII Atlantic 3/14/1971 
Studley Hiram Weeks Civil War Greenwood, New Add, Lot 2 11/13/1912 
Stuetelberg George Frederick Korea Atlantic 10/8/2014 
Sunderman Elwin Charles Henry WWII St John's, Div 3, Lot 33 9/13/2013 
Suplee Lester Harry WWII Evergreen 9/30/1972 
Supplee William A. Civil War Evergreen, Lot 4, Blk H 1/7/1934 
Swain Chester Harold WWII Victoria 5/25/2015 
Swain Lester Glen WWII Victoria 12/1/2002 
Swan Harry B. WWI Atlantic, Lot 196, Blk 5 3/13/1941 
Swan William H. Civil War Atlantic, Lot 247, Blk 1 11/21/1917 
Swanke Robert C. Korea Massena 2/23/2009 
Swanson James Marion Korea Atlantic Catholic 11/6/1989 
Swanson Robert Williams Korea Atlantic 11/5/1978 
Sweeney Harold R. WWII Victoria 6/14/1995 
Swensen LaVerne H. Korea Southlawn 2/6/1972 
Switzer Charles R. Civil War Oakwood, W, Lot 23, Blk 6 5/25/1926 
Swolley Richard Lee N/A Southlawn 10/18/2001 
Sykes James Reginald Vietnam Atlantic 6/7/1988 
Symonds Robert M. WWII Victoria 5/1/1994 
Symonds Russell Wraymond WWII Victoria 5/28/1984 

Contributed by the Cass County Genealogical Society, July 2015.

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