Carroll County IAGenWeb

Deaths, Stillbirth Records
1921 - 1929

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Transcribed by Lynn McCleary September 9, 2024

Image Registered No. Township Village or City Surname Given Name Stillborn Father Mother Cemetery
86 1402068 Union Coon Rapids Aldridge Edith Darcle 11 Nov 1923 Wm. Martha Davis Not given
31 1402013 Arcadia   Andersen Male Infant 26 Mar 1922 Julius Tieske Tjaden Arcadia Cemetery
80 1402062 Union Coon Rapids Anderson Mary Josephine 21 Oct 1927 Martin T. Carrie Back Willow Creek Cemetery
40 1402022 Union Coon Rapids Barrett Evelyn Jean 8 May 1927 Willard Eva McCamley Highland Twp. Cemetery
15 1401997   Glidden Batta Florence Pauline Thede 22 Feb 1927 John Mary Marie Thede West Lawn Cemetery
2 1401984   Carroll Batta Walter James 5 Jan 1928 John Mary Batta West Lawn Cemetery
93 1402075   Glidden Battie Darlene May 17 Nov 1928 John Mary Tede West Lawn
23 1402005 Union   Beatty Female Infant 6 Feb 1923 Elbert Amanda Muller Coon Rapids Cemetery
54 1402036 Warren Manning Behrens Not given 15 Jun 1924 Herman Erna Berg Manning Cemetery
63 1402045 Eden Templets Bellinghann Female Infant 26 Jul 1927 J. P. Tillie Hunkln Sacred Heart Cemetery
9 1401991 Warren   Best Male Infant 6 Jan 1923 Russel Lois Duling Manning Cemetery
47 1402029 Warren Manning Blair Male Infant 3 May 1924 Herbert Francis Lukegord Manning Cemetery
30 1402012 Union Coon Rapids Bowman Male Infant 1 Mar 1923 Shelby S. Ella Niedermeyer Coon Rapids Cemetery
4 1401986 Sheridan Lidderdale Breidert Male Infant 15 Jan 1927 F. J. Topp Lidderdale, Ia
65 1402047 Arcadia   Bruening Male Infant 12 Aug 1921 Henry H. Elizabeth Berger Arcadia
25 1402007   Carroll Burns Not given 2 Mar 1928 Leo Anna Wolfe St. Joseph Cemetery, Carroll, Ia
94 1402076   Carroll Bushman Male Infant 3 Nov 1928 Carl Janette Mosher East Liberty
59 1402041   Carroll Cissna Male Infant 9 Jul 1924 William Edna Fellingham West Side Cemetery
77 1402059 Maple River Carroll Clark Arlene 12 Oct 1921 Robert L. Blanche Shaffe Audubon, Ia
41 1402023 Newton Dedham Cross Cecil Marion 2 May 1926 Leo Katherine Carper Willow Cemetery
62 1402044 Sheridan Lidderdale Daniel Male Infant 29 Jul 1927 Henry Mary Schlusman Lidderdale, Ia
32 1402014 Jackson West Side Dixon Male Infant 25 Apr 1929 Earl Edna Lenz Not given
33 1402015 Union Coon Rapids Drake Mary Lorraine 20 Apr 1929 Francis B. Unice Drake Coon Rapids Cemetery
61 1402043 Maple River Carroll Eberle Male Infant 6 Jul 1927 Thomas W. Anna Schaa St. Peter & Paul
39 1402021 Carroll Carroll Eifles Male Infant 8 May 1927 Ignatius J. Emma M. Nelson Carroll
19 1402001 Rossell Halbur Eischeid Female Infant 17 Feb 1925 Wm. Bernadine Dalhoff St. Augustine Cemetery, Halbur
50 1402032   Carroll Eischeid Male Infant 16 Jun 1928 George Matilda Olurtz Halbur, Ia
84 1402066   Carroll Eischeid Male Infant 29 Oct 1929 William Bernadine Dalhoff Halbur, Ia
76 1402058 Pleasant Valley   England Male Infant 12 Sep 1929 John Anna Schathenkamp Carroll, Ia
81 1402063 Union Coon Rapids Ensey William Forest 3 Oct 1927 Ansel G. Myrtle J. Prettyman Coon Rapids Cemetery
49 1402031   Carroll Eshenhover Female Infant 16 May 1922 Henry Sophia Klocke Roselle, Ia
48 1402030 Ewoldt   Grau Female Infant 10 May 1924 Emil Magda Holm Manning Cemetery
68 1402050 Union   Gutheil Male Infant 18 Aug 1924 Chas. D. Fay Bower Not given
10 1401992 Warren   Hazedorn Female Infant 14 Jan 1923 Carol F. Martha Bork--- Not given
36 1402018 Maple River Lake City Heath Male Infant 18 Apr 1924 Earl Hatfield Lake City Cemetery
55 1402037   Carroll Heider Male Infant 11 Jun 1923 Joseph Agnes Delaney St. Peter & Paul
21 1402003   Glidden Hein Male Infant 11 Feb 1925 Arthur Anna Thede West Lawn Cemetery
8 1401990 Maple River Carroll Heller John Jacob 29 Jan 1924 Joseph Matilda Hansen Carroll
64 1402046 Kneist   Henerich Male Infant 9 Aug 1921 John G. Helen Baunkover Mt. Carmel
7 1401989 Union   Herman Female Infant 21 Jan 1924 John H. Mayme Brugfort Dedham Cemetery
96 1402078 Maple River Carroll Holden Charles Robert 6 Nov 1929 Charles Susie Leonard Scranton, Ia
74 1402056     Jackson Male Infant 20 Sep 1928 Homer Pearl Bertha Roma Scharp Lanesboro, Ia
60 1402042   Carroll Jacobs Male Infant 6 Jul 1925 George T. Caroline Lange Carroll, Ia
24 1402006   Carroll Jansen Ronald Dean 12 Mar 1928 Gerke Gladys Mason Furguson Cemetery, Lake View, Ia
87 1402069   Carroll Jones Male Infant 11 Nov 1923 Frank Pettit Woodbine, Ia
12 1401994 Eden   Kastl Male Infant 1 Jan 1922 Max Julia Warringer Templeton, Ia
22 1402004   Carroll Kelley Harold Wayne 4 Feb 1925 George Agnetta Florn Arcadia Cemetery
13 1401995 Carroll Carroll Kempker Female Infant 27 Feb 1928 John J. Kathryn Kenviss Carroll, Ia
29 1402011 Jasper Lanesboro Kepler Darwin D. 27 Mar 1924 Cornelius C. Florence Howard Lanesboro Cemetery
57 1402039   Carroll King Male Infant 9 Jun 1922 Glenn Ora Burgan City Cemetery, Carroll
78 1402060   Templeton Klocke Rose 24 Cot 1921 Henry R. Rose Banscher Templeton Cemetery
72 1402054 Lake Creek   Klockuer Female Infant 12 Sep 1923 Theo. Grace Peters Lake City Cemetery
18 1402000 Arcadia West Side Kolln Male Infant 18 Feb 1927 John Edith Moll West Side Cemetery
101 1402083 Carroll Carroll Lenz Male Infant 8 Dec 1929 Philip Hilda Wiederin Mt. Carmel
67 1402049   Glidden Lester Male Infant 23 Apr 1923 L. M. Clara Stutesman West Lawn
35 1402017 Arcadia   Liechtl Male Infant 16 Apr 1924 Otto Ruth Nolton Carroll, Ia
16 1401998   Carroll Lohwire Male Infant 6 Feb 1927 R. E. Elsie Audresen Not given
97 1402079 Kniest Mt. Carmel Maier Geo. Jr. 25 Dec 1923 Geo. Clara Indeus Mt. Carmel Cemetery
52 1402034 Carroll Carroll McClurg Female Infant 16 Jun 1927 Claude Helen Tangney Spencer, Ia
5 1401987 Union Coon Rapids McLaughlin Female Infant 14 Jan 1926 Boier B. Mildred Linton Coon Rapids, Ia
46 1402028   Glidden McPherson Mildred Elaine 30 May 1925 Harry Beatrice Vallie Dellevou Cemetery, Green Co.
98 1402080 Pleasant Valley   Meineke Female Infant 13 Dec 1926 Wm. Mary Brinks Carroll
70 1402052 Carroll Carroll Moeller Female Infant 15 Aug 1927 Andrew Ruth Rodgers Carroll, Ia
71 1402053   Carroll Mohr Female Infant 12 Aug 1929 John Annie Lamp Hays Twp. Cem.
90 1402072 Carroll Carroll Mueller Male Infant 25 Nov 1925 Paul FrancisDopheide Carroll
27 1402009   Carroll Myers Male Infant 28 Mar 1926 Truman Anna Sheaffer Farmhamville
79 1402061 Kneist Mt. Carmel Newmeyer Mary 23 Oct 1923 Anton Mary Damm Mt. Carmel Cemetery
82 1402064 Arcadia Arcadia Nichaus Female Infant 9 Oct 1929 Henry J. Elizabeth Alberding Arcadia, Ia
73 1402055   Carroll Nielsen Female Infant 6 Sep 1928 Chris Helen Torp Exira Cemetery
51 1402033 Carroll   Ohl Marjorie Ione 20 Jun 1927 John Nellie Johnson Dunlap, Ia
6 1401988   Carroll Patten Male Infant 8 Jan 1925 Frank Ethel Sheffield Lanesboro, Ia
11 1401993 Eden Templeton Penze Female Infant 19 Jan 1922 Ben Mary Sindgroth Templeton, Ia
99 1402081 Carroll Carroll Peterson Female Infant 10 Dec 1927 Harry Fagan Scranton, Ia
37 1402019 Union Coon Rapids Raygor Female Infant 9 Apr 1922 James Dorothy Alex Coon Rapids Cemetery
69 1402051   Coon Rapids Reerling Male Infant 25 Aug 1925 Wm. E. Mary Gilsing Not given
92 1402074 Carroll Carroll Rohrbeck Floyd 11 Nov 1927 Ted McAllister Carroll, Ia
17 1401999   Carroll Ryan Female Infant 9 Feb 1927 Edward Misa Alice Lieb Not given
85 1402067 Eden Hernplitn Schenhelberg William 9 Nov 1921 Henry Annie Peterson Templeton, Ia
45 1402027 Warren Manning Schmidt Male Infant 31 May 1925 Henry Kath Oppermann Manning Cemetery
75 1402057 Warren Manning Schrumm Female Infant 15 Sep 1929 Hugo Adelaide Wiese Not given
34 1402016   Carroll Schwenk John Joseph 22 Apr 1925 Lawerence C. Ellen Vollmer St. Peter Paul Cemetery
43 1402025   Carroll Simons Female Infant 23 May 1926 William Gertrude Scharframkamp Carroll
14 1401996 Pleasant Valley   Speiker Male Infant 8 Feb 1927 Tony Regina Pulsger Carroll, Ia
26 1402008 Carroll Carroll Stork Male Infant 28 Mar 1926 Ben Agnes Grote St. Bernard Cemetery
20 1402002 Warren   Strathman Female Infant 4 Feb 1922 Leroy Clara Peterson Hayes Twp. Cemetery
42 1402024 Warren Iowa Tarkington Male Infant 30 May 1926 S. E. Violet Mincey Manning Cemetery
44 1402026 Warren Manning Tarkington Male Infant 30 May 1926 S. E. Violet Mincey Manning Cemetery
56 1402038 Kniest Breda Tegels Anna 12 Jun 1923 Andrew J. Laura Schulte Breda Cath. Cem.
91 1402073 Union Coon Rapids Textor Mary Alice 1 Nov 1926 Archer Celia Davis Oak Hill Cemetery
88 1402070 Newton   Tunning Male Infant 5 Nov 1923 Theodore Anna Bekehermes Not given
53 1402035 Maple River Carroll Uhlenkamp Female Infant 24 Jun 1925 Edward Helen Dopheide Arcadia, Ia
38 1402020 Newton Carroll Van Bon James 17 May 1929 John Theresa Schmitz Not given
28 1402010 Jasper Lanesboro Veremule Bernard Dean 5 Mar 1925 Frank Sara Dilivan Lanesboro Cemetery
95 1402077 Eden   Wallenborg Male Infant 27 Nov 1928 Leonard Lucy Schoeppner Templeton, Ia
58 1402040   Breda Walterman Female Infant 21 Jul 1921 J. A. Anna Oken Breda Cath. Cem.
3 1401985 Sheridan   Wenck Female Infant 18 Jan 1929 Chris Edna Inken Not given
89 1402071 Maple River Carroll Wequre Female Infant 11 Nov 1924 Albert Fay Duncan Carroll, Ia
100 1402082   Carroll Wigman Female Infant 22 Dec 1927 Leo Sarah Schulte Breda, Ia
66 1402048   Carroll Woodman Male Infant 23 Aug 1923 Hiram Saddie Heckle City Cemetery, Carroll
83 1402065 Maple River Maple River Wright Male Infant 15 Oct 1929 Clarence Florence Pille Maple River

Page created September 9, 2024 by Lynn McCleary

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