Carroll County IAGenWeb

Newton Township Public School

A Record of Grades and Standings
Grades 1st through 5th

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Transcribed by Lynn McCleary March 10, 2025
Please be flexible with spelling of names. Interpretation of handwriting is a challenge!

1st Grade
Subjects of Study - Read., Writ., Arith., Nature, Ind., Deport.. Punt., Attend.

Image Page Given Name Surname
57 460 Charley Cross
56 459 Leonard Else
59 464 Mina Glasford
57 461 Glenn King
57 460 Russell Lerver
57 460 Lynn Mozena
57 460 Anna Rea Roderick
56 459 Johnnie Seivertsen
56 459 Gordon Sibson
56 459 Earl Sigler
59 464 Inez Sigler

2nd Grade
Subjects of Study - Writing, Spell., Arith., Lang., Phys.. Music, Nature, Ind., Deport., Punct., Attend., Read.

Image Page Given Name Surname
58 462 Naomi Aldrich
61 468 Vere Bielefeldt
59 465 Marvel DeWitt
58 462 Delia Downing
60 467 Ollie Earhart
59 464 Mina Glasford
60 466 Dale Pfister
61 468 Clare Renftle
58 463 Ellen Roberts
60 467 Alfred Seivertsen
59 464 Inez Sigler
60 466 Glen Tucker
58 463 Julia Winter

3rd Grade
Subjects of Study - Reading, Spelling, Writ., Draw., Lang., Phys., Arith., Geog., Music, Ind., Deport., Attend., Punct.

Image Page Given Name Surname
63 472 Bonita Bruce
64 474 Fern Cashatt
64 474 Vera Else
63 473 Mildred Evans
65 476 Willie Evans
63 473 Reva McDaniels
62 471 Ila Pomeroy
63 472 Grace Schneider
62 471 Emil Sievertsen
64 475 Olga Stoops
62 470 Keith Young

4th Grade
Subjects of Study - Read, Spell, Writ., Draw., Lang., Phys., Arith., Geog., Music, Ind., Deport., Attend., Punct.

Image Page Given Name Surname
68 482 Etta Cross
65 477 Homer DeWitt
69 485 Aubrey King
66 479 Joseph King
66 479 Merrill Lervre
67 480 Mary Loyd
66 478 Charlie Meshek
67 481 Willie Meshek
68 483 Peter Nelson
68 483 Johnny Petersen
68 482 Rex Renftle
66 478 Earl Roberts
69 485 Edith Roberts
69 484 Luella Roberts
67 480 Isabel Sibson
65 477 Georgia Sigler
69 484 Earl Slife
67 481 Beatrice Toovey

5th Grade
Subjects of Study - Read, Spell, Writ., Draw., Lang., Phys., Arith., Geog., Music, Ind., Deport., Attend., Punct.

Image Page Given Name Surname
70 486 Virgil Mozena
70 487 Orvia Renftle
70 486 Gayle Young

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