Newton Township Public School
A Record of Grades and Standings
Grades 1st through 5th
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Transcribed by Lynn McCleary March 10, 2025
Please be flexible with spelling of names. Interpretation of handwriting is a challenge!
1st Grade
Subjects of Study - Read., Writ., Arith., Nature, Ind., Deport.. Punt., Attend.
Image | Page | Given Name | Surname |
57 | 460 | Charley | Cross |
56 | 459 | Leonard | Else |
59 | 464 | Mina | Glasford |
57 | 461 | Glenn | King |
57 | 460 | Russell | Lerver |
57 | 460 | Lynn | Mozena |
57 | 460 | Anna Rea | Roderick |
56 | 459 | Johnnie | Seivertsen |
56 | 459 | Gordon | Sibson |
56 | 459 | Earl | Sigler |
59 | 464 | Inez | Sigler |
2nd Grade
Subjects of Study - Writing, Spell., Arith., Lang., Phys.. Music, Nature, Ind., Deport., Punct., Attend., Read.
Image | Page | Given Name | Surname |
58 | 462 | Naomi | Aldrich |
61 | 468 | Vere | Bielefeldt |
59 | 465 | Marvel | DeWitt |
58 | 462 | Delia | Downing |
60 | 467 | Ollie | Earhart |
59 | 464 | Mina | Glasford |
60 | 466 | Dale | Pfister |
61 | 468 | Clare | Renftle |
58 | 463 | Ellen | Roberts |
60 | 467 | Alfred | Seivertsen |
59 | 464 | Inez | Sigler |
60 | 466 | Glen | Tucker |
58 | 463 | Julia | Winter |
3rd Grade
Subjects of Study - Reading, Spelling, Writ., Draw., Lang., Phys., Arith., Geog., Music, Ind., Deport., Attend., Punct.
Image | Page | Given Name | Surname |
63 | 472 | Bonita | Bruce |
64 | 474 | Fern | Cashatt |
64 | 474 | Vera | Else |
63 | 473 | Mildred | Evans |
65 | 476 | Willie | Evans |
63 | 473 | Reva | McDaniels |
62 | 471 | Ila | Pomeroy |
63 | 472 | Grace | Schneider |
62 | 471 | Emil | Sievertsen |
64 | 475 | Olga | Stoops |
62 | 470 | Keith | Young |
4th Grade
Subjects of Study - Read, Spell, Writ., Draw., Lang., Phys., Arith., Geog., Music, Ind., Deport., Attend., Punct.
Image | Page | Given Name | Surname |
68 | 482 | Etta | Cross |
65 | 477 | Homer | DeWitt |
69 | 485 | Aubrey | King |
66 | 479 | Joseph | King |
66 | 479 | Merrill | Lervre |
67 | 480 | Mary | Loyd |
66 | 478 | Charlie | Meshek |
67 | 481 | Willie | Meshek |
68 | 483 | Peter | Nelson |
68 | 483 | Johnny | Petersen |
68 | 482 | Rex | Renftle |
66 | 478 | Earl | Roberts |
69 | 485 | Edith | Roberts |
69 | 484 | Luella | Roberts |
67 | 480 | Isabel | Sibson |
65 | 477 | Georgia | Sigler |
69 | 484 | Earl | Slife |
67 | 481 | Beatrice | Toovey |
5th Grade
Subjects of Study - Read, Spell, Writ., Draw., Lang., Phys., Arith., Geog., Music, Ind., Deport., Attend., Punct.
Image | Page | Given Name | Surname |
70 | 486 | Virgil | Mozena |
70 | 487 | Orvia | Renftle |
70 | 486 | Gayle | Young |
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