10th Grade
Subjects of Study - Civics, Phys. Geog., Alg ebra, Writing, Music, Comp. Gen. Hist. Attend., Punct. Ind., Depart.
Image | Page | Given Name | Surname |
16 | 373 | Grace | Agnew |
16 | 373 | Mabel | Aldrich |
15 | 371 | Cecil M. | Benson |
15 | 371 | Laura | Bowden |
16 | 372 | Minnie | Hartman |
16 | 372 | Henry | Sievertsen |
Grade not given
Subjects of Study - Reading, Physiologys - Spell, Writing, Arith., Gram., U. S. Hist., Music, Algebra., Reading, Physiology,
Attend, Punct. Ind., Depart.
Image | Page | Given Name | Surname |
17 | 374 | Julius | Tuel |
11th Grade
Subjects of Study - Gen. Hist., Am. Literature, Pol. Economy, Physics, Algebra, Writing, Civics, Composition, Physiology,
U.S. History, Grammer, Geography, Orthography, Music, Reading, Attend., Punct. Ind., Depart.
Image | Page | Given Name | Surname |
17 | 375 | Earl H. | Bruce |
18 | 377 | Edwin | Else |
19 | 378 | Tommie | Evans |
18 | 377 | Joseph I. | Minnich |
18 | 376 | Viola | Stoops |
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