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Carroll County IAGenWeb Military Records |
Great War (WWI) |
Transcribed and contributed by Joe Conroy. |
The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 9 May 1918 Page 1 More Boys Go To Camp About May 25 Call For Last of Second Draft Call Over Country 34 Will Go From County Mostly Farm Boys, as Others With Low Numbers are All Gone — About 200 With Deferred Classification to be Placed in Class 1. About thirty-four more registered men from Carroll county will be sent to Camp Dodge during the five-day period beginning May 25, under the conditions of the latest draft call for men from the war department, issued last Monday. Owing to the fact that the draft board will now begin sending men strictly according to their order numbers, practically all of these men will come from the farms of the county, as all the men in other occupations having numbers low enough to get into this call have already been sent. The names of those who are included in this call have not yet been made public, but will be announced next week. The local board, acting under orders from headquarters, is already preparing to reclassify about two hundred men who have been given deferred classification and place them in class one for future use. The department has ordered that all men who were married after May 18, 1917, and all farm laborers, who have been given deferred classification for either of those two reasons, are to be placed in class one. This latter does not mean farm owners or permanent farm managers, but only hired laborers on farms. Several men who volunteered for special service have also been ordered to report for duty at various places in the country, and these will be entrained on Friday, May 17. The volunteers called at this time and their destinations are H. P. Neely, engineer corps, brakeman, Columbus Barracks, Ohio; Wallace Baker, engineer corps, railway conductor, Camp Benjamin Harrison, Indiana; Palmer B. Smith, electrician, Camp Humphreys, Belvoir, Virginia; and William Conley, engineer corps, railway conductor, unassigned. Boys who have become of age since the registration last year should watch for announcements of the new registration June 5. Places for registration will be given later. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 9 May 1918 Page 1 Seventeen Boys Go To Army On Monday Carroll County Contingent Ordered Sent to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Seventeen more Carroll county boys will leave next Monday afternoon at 4:15 for Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, where they will be enrolled as members of the National army. Inasmuch as that camp is a training station for artillery, it is presumed that these men will be placed in that branch of the service. The men will report at the court house at 10 o'clock in the morning, and will be entertained at the noon luncheon by the Citizens' club, which has prepared a program for the afternoon exercises on the court house lawn similar to those held previously. Rev. A. J. Mueller and Rev. Huessman, of Templeton, will be the principal speakers on this occasion. The boys who will leave at this time are: George Vennix, Essexville, Mich. Lodie H. Harrison, Davenport. F. R. Florencourt, Savannah, Ga. James A. Raygor, Coon Rapids. J. P. O'Brien, Maple River. Edward J. Conway, Rick Island (sic). Ben H. Determan, Breda. George D. Esdohr, Coon Rapids. Leo Schueller, Dedham. Fred Nicholson, Ralston. Haraloppos Fatakes, Bettendorf, Ia. Julius Vinke, Manning. John Herbers, Manning. Joe A. Bruning, Breda. Franx J. Silbereisen, Dedham. W. E. Brown, Table Rock, Nebr. Hubert Odendahl, Lanesboro. William H. Meis, Carroll. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 16 May 1918 Page 1 List of Names In Next Service Call Thirty-Four Carroll County Boys Will Go To Camp Dodge Soon County Got Its Credits Would Have Been Obliged to Send 130 Men at This Time If it Had Not Been for Volunteers — Some are Listed for Special Service. The official call for 34 more Carroll county men for Camp Dodge was received by the local board at the court house Tuesday, and the board immediately made up the list of names of those who are to entrain for service some time during the five-day period beginning May 25. This call completes the second draft call for 500,000 men throughout the nation, and all credits for enlistments since the end of the first call are given at this time. In the official list published in the Register Tuesday it was noticed that some counties will be required to furnish no men for service at this time, and some people are wondering why Carroll must furnish 34 men after so many have volunteered. The matter is thus explained in the official bulletin for the call sent out by Adjutant Logan: When the call was made last winter for 500,000 more men, comprising the second call since the beginning of the war, it was determined that Carroll county's quota for the half million was 206 men. These were to be called at various periods up to the first of June. Thirty men were sent to Camp Dodge two weeks ago, 17 more went to Jefferson Barracks at the first of the present week, 14 went to the Sweeney Auto school in Kansas City late in March, two went to Kellyfield, Texas, and there were 13 individual inductions of men sent to various places. Therefore, the number of men sent into service as listed above amounts to 76. This means that if the entire second call is to be filled at this time, Carroll county would be obliged to send 130 men into service. In the meantime, however, there have been 96 enlistments and the county has received credit for all of these, cutting the number of men to be sent down to 34. Thus it will be seen that the county has received full credit for its volunteers. Some counties have had more volunteers, or enough to make up their entire quota on this last call, so they send no men at this time. It is only on the last quota of a call that credits are given. Other counties have sent practically no volunteers and are compelled to send more than a hundred men at once. For instance little Monroe county must send 98 men, Wapello 66, and others with less area and population than Carroll often more than double its number of men in the call. The county was given credit for the men who enlisted before the beginning of the present year in the first draft call for 687,000 men, which was made last year. The following is a semi-official list of names of men who are subject to this call. Some of these have enrolled for special service, and if they are called for that service before May 25 others must be called to take their places, and the county will be given credit in the next call. If they are not called up before that time they will be taken to Camp Dodge and transferred later. The next thirty-four men on the call list are: Peter D. Ohden, Breda. J. J. Pletchette, Dedham. John Kohnke, Carroll. Herman Bruning, Breda. Bernard E. Friend, Coon Rapids. Hans H. Hansen, Gray. Otto J. Weitkamp, Arcadia. Elbert Eicher, Liberal, Kansas. Wm. O. Butterick, Glidden. Frank Kraus, Carroll. Frank Stokes, Lanesboro. Richard E. Seeden, Glidden. John A. Baumhover, Carroll. Anton Rosener, Breda. George Koester, Carroll. John J. Ortner, Carroll. Henry Olbertz, Arcadia. Henry C. D. Brandt, Arcadia. Ben H. Determan, Breda. Frank A. Bachman, Breda. John Zitzlsperger, Carroll. Gerhard Lamp, Manning. John Reiling, Carroll. Charles Berger, Carroll. Leonard J. Arnold, Coon Rapids. Leo G. Goedert, Manning. Chas. M. Bowman, Coon Rapids. Joe F. Langel, Manning. Victor M. Wernimont, Auburn. Irving Brown, Coon Rapids. Herman Lamp, Manning. Charles E. Jones, Glidden. Leo E. Greteman, Templeton. Frank Uhlenkamp, Templeton. In case any of these are called for special service, others to take their places will be selected from the next list. The next five are John Knobbe, Breda; Ben Willenborg, Templeton; Lawrence Bock, Templeton; John J. Weitl, Dedham, and George Wittrock, Halbur. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 30 May 1918 Page 1 Thirty-Four More Off For The Army Carroll County Makes Last Contribution to Second Draft Call Tuesday Morning Thirty-four more Carroll cunty boys, most of them farmers, left at 10:30 Tuesday morning by special train over the Northwestern for Camp Dodge in answer to their country's call. The usual ceremonies and entertainment marked the final respects of the city and county, and a large concourse of friends and relatives gathered at the station to bid them farewell. Father M. A. Schemel and Rev. A. T. Aller were the speakers at the services which were held in the court room preceding the departure of the contingent, and both delivered excellent addresses of a stirring, patriotic nature. The usual parade to the station followed the exercises at the court house. The boys leaving at this time were: Leonard Arnold, Coon Rapids. Irvin Brown, Coon Rapids. Herman Bruning, Breda. William Buttrick, Glidden. John Baumhover, Carroll. Henry Brandt, Arcadia. Frank Bachman, Breda. Chas. Berger, Carroll. W. E. Brown, Omaha, Neb. Ben Determan, Breda. Elbert Elcher, Liberal, Kansas. Leo Greteman, Templeton. Leo Goedert, Manning. Hans H. Hansen, Gray. Charles Jones, Glidden. John Kohnke, Carroll. George Koester, Carroll. William J. Kerwin, Carroll. Frank Kraus, Carroll. Gerhard Lamp, Manning. Herman Lamp, Manning. John Ortner, Carroll. Peter D. Ohden, Breda. J. J. Pletchette, Dedham. Anton Rosener, Breda. John Reiling, Carroll. Frank Stokes, Lanesboro. Richard Seeden, Glidden. Karl J. Schmidt, Manning. Herman Stallman, Templeton. Frank Uhlenkamp, Templeton. Victor Wernimont, Auburn. Ben Wilenborg, Templeton. Otto Weitkamp, Arcadia. John Zitzlsperger, Carroll. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 30 May 1918 Page 1 Harding Prohibits All Foreign Speech Governor In Proclamation Saturday Says Only English Goes The Order Sweeps All Those Who Cannot Speak English Advised to Remain at Home for Religious Worship — All Foreign Languages Included in the Order. Governor W. L. Harding on last Saturday issued another proclamation — this time to the effect that nothing but the English language may be used in public in the state of Iowa. He orders that English be the only language used in churches, public gatherings of all kinds, on the streets or in trains, in the schools and elsewhere, and suggests that those who cannot speak English conduct their religious services in their homes. This proclamation, which is probably the most drastic of any of the great number so far issued by the governor, reads as follows: "To the People of Iowa:" "Whereas, our country is engaged in war with foreign powers, and "Whereas, controversy has arisen in parts of this state concerning the use of foreign languages; "Therefore, for the purpose of ending such controversy and to bring about peace, quiet and harmony among our people, attention is directed to the following, and all are requested to govern themselves accordingly. "The official language of the United States and the state of Iowa is the English language. Freedom of speech is guaranteed by federal and state constitutions, but this is not a guaranty of the right to use a language other than the languages of this country — the English language. Both federal and state constitutions also provide that 'no laws shall be made respecting an establishment of religious or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.' Each person is guaranteed freedom to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, but this guaranty does not protect him in the use of a foreign language when he can as well express his thought in English, nor entitle the person who cannot speak or understand the English language to employ a foreign language, when to do so tends, in time of national peril, to create discord among neighbors and citizens, or to disturb the peace and quiet of the community." "Every person should appreciate and observe his duty to refrain from all acts or conservation which may excite suspicion or produce strife among the people, but in his relation to the public should so demean himself that every word and act will manifest his loyalty to his country and his solemn purpose to aid in achieving victory for our army and navy and the permanent peace of the world. "If there must be disagreement, let adjustment be made by those in official authority rather than by the participants in the disagreement. Voluntary or self-constituted committees or associates undertaking the settlement of such disputes, instead of promoting peace and harmony, are a menace to society and a fruitful cause for violence. The great aim and object of all should be unity of purpose and a solidarity of all the people under the flag for victory. This much we owe to ourselves, to posterity, to our country and to the world. "Therefore the following rules should obtain in Iowa during the war: "First — English should and must be the only medium of instruction in public, private, denominational or other similar schools. "Second — Conversation in public places, on trains and over telephones should be in the English language. "Third — All public addresses should be in the English language. "Fourth — Let those who cannot speak or understand the English language conduct their religious worship in their homes. This course carried out in the spirit of patriotism, though inconvenient to some, will not interfere with their guaranteed constitutional rights and will result in peace and tranquility at home and greatly strengthen the country in battle. The blessings of the United States are so great that any inconvenience and sacrifice should willingly be made for their perpetuity. "Therefore, by virtue of authority in me vested, I, W. L. Harding, governor of the state of Iowa, commend the spirit of tolerance and urge that henceforward the within outlined rules be adhered to by all; that petty differences be avoided and forgotten and that, united as one people, with one purpose and with one language, we fight shoulder to shoulder for the good of mankind. "In witness whereof, I have here-unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state of Iowa. "Done at Des Moines this twenty-third day of May, 1918. W. L. Harding." The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 30 May 1918 Page 1 Sergeant Crackling In Officer School Carroll Boy Highly Recommended by Superior Officers for Promotion in Army. Sergeant Earl J. Crackling, who enlisted from Carroll for service in the army at the very outbreak of the war, and who has been stationed at various camps in the east for some time, has been promoted to the Fourth Officers' Training School and sent to Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan, where he will take up his new training. Since his entrance into the army, Mr. Crackling's advance has been rapid, and he has now gone as far as he can go without receiving a commission. It is now the intention to give him the commission which he has earned if he can qualify as an officer at the end of his present training. There is but little doubt of this, as the letter of recommendation which his officer at Metuchen, N. J., gave him speaks in very complimentary terms of his ability in things military, and his many friends in Carroll know that Mr. Crackling possesses all the qualifications of a good army officer. He has lately been stationed at Metuchen, N. J., where he was serving as Sergeant-Major and Company clerk, positions which mark the highest limits to which non-commissioned officers may attain. His Carroll friends are expecting great things of him at the officers' school and they do not anticipate a disappointment. |