Carroll County IAGenWeb
Military Records
Great War (WWI)
Transcribed and contributed by Joe Conroy

The Carroll Times
Carroll, Iowa
9 Aug 1917
Page 1

First List Posted Gives 115 To Army
Only Thirty Men Rejected for Physical Reasons in First 316
150 Claimed Exemption
Board Will Meet Tomorrow to Pass on Claims of Those Who are Married or Have Dependents

 7 Enlisted, 6 Ex. Elsewhere, 8 Missing

The first draft of 316 men in Carroll county netted a total of 115 who were able to pass the physical examination and did not claim exemption because of dependent relatives. Thirty were rejected for physical reasons, 150 passed but claimed that their support was necessary for their dependents, six others were examined elsewhere, seven enlisted before the time for examination came, and eight others are up to the present time missing — on the roll of the "slackers" who, when caught, will be placed in the army without rights of exemption for any cause whatsoever.

The exemption board will meet tomorrow for the purpose of going over the claims of those who have dependents, and as soon as they complete their work will certify the names of those who are not exmepted. It is possible that the published list of 115 will be added to by the work of the board, as it is clearly understood that not all married men are to be exempted.

Of the first 115 posted, some may be exempted for occupational reasons, those among them who are so inclined having five days in which to file their claims for this reason. The five days date from the time in which their notices were mailed to them from Carroll to the effect that they have been accepted for army service. The exemption claims in this case are to be passed upon by the district board, the local board here having nothing to do with them. As rapidly as possible this board will certify back to the county auditor the names of those who are refused exemption, and who therefore must serve in the army without any further opportunity of claiming exemption or appealing. The decision of this board is final.

Those who were examined yesterday will receive their notices of acceptance or rejection later. The examiners had not so far completed their work this morning as to be able to give any idea of the number which passed or which claimed exemption. It will be fully two or three weeks before it is definitely known just who will serve in the army from this county.

Those who passed the physical examination and did not claim exemption are as follows:

Henry Boldt, Carroll.
Philip B. Rohner, Carroll.
Frank R. Jenks, Coon Rapids.
John Hansen, Manning.
Jacob Cretsinger, Coon Rapids.
William Hoffmann, Dedham.
Thomas J. Stewart, Manning.
John E. Hoffmann, Dedham.
Thomas J. Stewart, Manning.
John E. Hoffmann, Dedham.
Michael J. Kerwin, Carroll.
Albert Lankenan, Plotone, Ill.
Leo Schleisman, Carroll.
Wm. Friedman, Carroll.
Joseph P. Frank, Dedham.
August J. Ross, Manning.
Claus Struve, Manning.
John Hulsing, Carroll.
Roland E. McCoy, Carroll.
Joseph W. Daniel, Carroll.
Hans W. Moeller, Arcadia.
A. H. Konstantinersson, Dedham.
Wm. J. Frenking, Carroll.
Chas. D. Wieland, Carroll.
Herman A. Sandrock, Carroll.
Walter E. Schroeder, Arcadia.
Fritz Gehlsen, West Side.
Wayne E. Dillavou, Glidden.
Bernard A. Halbur, Halbur.
Henry Friedman, Templeton.
Henry J. Hannasch, Carroll.
Frank Kennebeck, Carroll.
Herman Schrad, Arcadia.
Arthur F. Ehlers, Arcadia.
George H. Gute, Glidden.
Peter Nielson, Dedham.
George E. Stanley, Glidden.
Otto Kroeger, Arcadia.
Joseph T. Wiskus, Dedham.
Veliko Marcheff, Carroll.
Glenn N. Weeks, Carroll.
Ernest D. Dammann, Manning.
Grover H. Riggin, Carroll.
John E. Jordan, Manning.
Henry Riesenberg, Carroll.
John Wm. Loeschen, Glidden.
Harold Hemming, Glidden.
Bert Wilson, Carroll.
Anton Jensen, Charter Oak.
Henry R. Becker, Carroll.
Bernard S. Kelly, Carroll.
Joseph Crandall, Glidden.
Jack Clint Bupa, Tiburon, Cal.
Henry Uhlenkamp, Templeton.
Bryan F. Bayne, Manning.
William J. Myers, Carroll.
Albert L. Bruch, Carroll.
Philip W. Dentlinger, Arcadia.
Philip Jacobs, Manning.
August J. Wiederin, Carroll.
Frank G. Herbers, Manning.
Edmund C. Naber, Templeton.
LeRoy Furman, Stillwater, Okla.
William Eich, Dedham.
William J. Leuer, Glidden.
Joe Steen, Manning.
John H. Wiskus, Dedham.
Russell Douglas, Glidden.
Chauncey B. Miller, Manning.
Herman Scharfenkamp, Carroll.
G. F. Douglas, Fort Branch, Ind.
Mike Lammers, Carroll.
Albert J. Neumayer, Breda.
Ed Heller, Carroll.
Cyrenus W. Stout, Coon Rapids.
Albert F. Schmich, Carroll.
George W. Clausen, Arcadia.
Laurence A. Augustine, Carroll.
Henry Hoffman, Carroll.
Abner Strohm, Carroll.
William J. Lappe, Carroll.
John S. Cheasbro, Carroll.
Lester Van Scoyoe, Glidden.
Albert Riedmueller, Breda.
Joe Anstoetter, Manning.
Charles H. Snyder, Glidden.
Frank Ferneding, Templeton.
Peter J. Wolterman, Breda.
Ledger D. Free, Manning.
Anton J. Klocke, Carroll.
August Jack Berger, Arcadia.
Edward J. Glass, Carroll.
Andy Krapfl, Templeton.
Charles W. Rogers, Pender, Neb.
Floyd Sexton, Ralston.
Carl E. Koepke, Carroll.
Walter I. Davenport, Glidden.
Frank C. Meyers, Carroll.
Frank J. Lutwitze, Dedham.
Roy Andrew Cox, Glidden.
Bennie H. Holstein, Glidden.
Joseph H. Dewey, Glidden.
Harold F. Bruggeman, Arcadia.
Fred C. C. Passick, West Side.
Albert Wm. Klockman, Carroll.
Frank J. Stevens, Templeton.
Jessie K. Fisher, Carroll.
Henry J. Bernholtz, Carroll.
John Pudenz, Carroll.
Edward A. Kock, Alhambra, Ill.
Avery H. Bell, Coon Rapids.
Albert C. Wegner, Carroll.
Joseph Muhlbauer, Manning.
Harris S. Krensky, Carroll.
Theodore Tunning, Dedham.
Gurney B. Parker, Coon Rapids.
John W. Schleisman, Lidderdale.

The following out of the first group of 316 examined were dismissed for physical disability:

Herman Grau, Manning.
Vertus Lamp, Manning.
Charles F. Drach, Carroll.
Rudolph Heinen, Halbur.
Harvey C. Moore, Glidden.
Henry A. Hoelscher, Arcadia.
John Haberl, Templeton.
Vernon Pruter, Arcadia.
Charles C. Toyne, Glidden.
Ben Roderick, Dedham.
Albert A. Wiederin, Carroll.
Michael Berger, Carroll.
John H. J. Hansen, Manning.
Charlie Garis, Arcadia,
Edward J. H. Passler, West Side
Emmanual H. Loeschen, Glidden.
George Farmakis, Carroll.
Zen F. Bradley, Dedham.
John Alfred Kuhl, Manning.
Emil L. Fedderson, Carroll.
Laurence R. Seiler, Carroll.
Lester M. Clark, Carroll.
William I. Lyons, Carroll.
Charles L. Wallace, Coon Rapids.
Peter Danner, Dedham.
Wilson E. Jones, Glidden.
John Bernard Morgan, Carroll.
Harry Martens, West Side.
John Harns Haase, Carroll.

The Carroll Times
Carroll, Iowa
9 Aug 1917
Page 1

Calls For Another Hundred Men Friday
Possible Shortage in First Call Makes Another Necessary at Once
Thirty Are Discharged

Ten Per Cent Found Physically Disqualified from Army Serivce, While Many Others Claim Exemption on Account of Dependent Relatives.

The large number of claims for exemption on account of dependent relatives, together with the number of others who have expressed their intention of filing industrial claims made it necessary for the exemption board to call another hundred men for examination last Friday. Before the end of the examinations which were conducted last week it became apparent that another call would be necessary so the board took steps at once and the men were examined yesterday.

Of the first 316 men called just thirty were discharged for physical disability, indicating that about ten per cent of the men in the county are physically incapable of bearing arms in the new national army. Fully fifty per cent of the men examined were married, and these, almost without exception, claimed exemption. However, not all will be exempted, as witnessed by a telegram received Saturday from the governor, calling attention to the fact that where the government's allowance would support a family the husband should be called for service just as if he were single.

Many of the single men who were examined also declared that they would file exemption on the grounds of their occupational duties, the farmer boys especially. These exemptions are to be passed on by the district board, and it is estimated that about ten per cent of them will be allowed, as the instructions are that the board shall have a list of accepted men ten per cent over the number which will ultimately be called for active service.

Of the 316 men called, about twenty-five failed to respond for examination. Fifteen of these were accounted for as having already enlisted in the service of the United States, or were taking the examination elsewhere. The other ten, so far as is known, are listed under the head of "slackers," and when apprehended by the authorities will be placed in the army without examination, and without being allowed to make any claim for exemption whatsoever. Probably not all are intentionally guilty of evading service, but this does not alter the penalty now. Every one of them will be rounded up and impressed into service, as the government does not intend that one of them shall escape.

The extra hundred men called on Friday of last week and examined yesterday were as follows:

1783 — Clifton C. Roderick, Dedham.
642 — Carl A. Daniels, Carroll.
939 — Arthur W. Bester, Glidden
1639 — John H. Ohlinger, Templeton.
222 — Anton H. Wernimont, Auburn.
1715 — Peter Balk, Dedham.
999 — Albert A. B. Nelson, Glidden.
1357 — Joseph B. Herbers, Manning.
700 — Edward J. Riley, Carroll.
1250 — Edw. J. Bruggeman, Halbur.
1195 — Henry A. Neppl, Carroll.
297 — Gerd B. Gerdes, Breda.
321 — John J. Schlorholtz, Breda.
736 — Bernard Comes, Carroll.
1628 — Joseph Sappe, Templeton.
707 — Stanton L. Sherman, Carroll.
1425 — Frank Fangman, Manning.
1002 — Dick F. Prill, Glidden.
1151 — Joseph Danzer, Carroll.
1101 — Glenn McGill, Glidden.
368 — Julius F. Hagge, Arcadia.
974 — Earl Hudson, Glidden.
1698 — Chester A. Babcock, Templeton.
320 — Joseph F. Schelle, Breda.
950 — Leon C. Carty, Glidden.
926 — John H. Wiederien, Carroll.
1010 — Ralph E. Riedesel, Glidden.
1857 — Walter J. Courtney, Coon Rapids.
919 — Gerhard E. Smidt, Glidden.
656 — Judd R. Grout, Carroll.
1919 — Geo. F. Moylan, Coon Rapids.
1339 — John A. Joens, Manning.
814 — David E. Duckett, Carroll.
1175 — John W. Knobble, Carroll.
1070 — James W. Sexton, Ralston.
738 — Francis Daley, Carroll.
1167 — John Hugeback, Carroll.
1097 — Joseph H. Everts, Glidden.
1191 — Robt. McKinney, Bucyrus, Mo.
1234 - John P. Roth, Carroll.
1871 — Wm. E. Reiling, Coon Rapids.
1360 — Otto H. Popp, Arcadia.
848 — Rev. Joseph M. Neppl, Carroll.
1118 — William Lappe, Glidden.
1211 — Harley E. Sebern, Carroll.
221 — Jacob Wittry, Breda.
1537 — P. C. Ratzburg, Wonewoc, Wis.
1474 — Gustav A. Jessen, Manning.
1414 — Leroy E. Durgeon, Manning.
1616 — Frank Truhe, Templeton.
292 — Herman Flink, Breda.
822 — Otto M. Gross, Carroll.
504 — Raymond T. Odendahl, Carroll.
1064 — Major I. Richardson, Ralston.
1205 — Joseph M. Stucker, CArroll.
1510 — Henry F. Misselhorn, Manning.
1091 — Vasco Dunston, Glidden.
480 — Andrew Droulos, Bettendorf.
312 — Ernest Pries, Breda.
1507 — August Mergele, Manning.
1729 — Herman D. Freese, Dedham.
1626 — Frank Sporrer, Templeton.
1284 — Lawrence A. Miller, Carroll.
90 — Pat O. Finnegan, Auburn.
191 — Edward O'Tool, Breda.
477 — A. Georgakes, Bettendorf, Ia.
1187 — Hugh Arthur Loyd, Dedham.
1179 — William Kennebeck, Carroll.
753 — Louie J. Hiebler, Carroll.
130 — Ludwig M. Schulte, Lake City.
858 — Wm. J. Schmich, Carroll.
168 — Joseph Heinrichs, Breda.
1023 — Albert C. Subbert, Glidden.
1932 — Raymond A. Naylor, Coon Rapids.
1774 — Ralph E. Ogg, Dedham.
424 — Henry Preyt, Arcadia.
840 — Frank A. Kruse, Carroll.
1347 — Luther Mattochs, Arcadia.
1511 — Henry F. Mohr, Manning.
1188 — Aloies J. Morman, Carroll.
657 — Frank E. Gray, Carroll.
175 — Frank J. Ludwig, Jr., Breda.
300 — Adolph Hinz, West Side.
278 — Anton Wegman, Breda.
1622 — Herman Stallman, Templeton.
1240 — Peter J. Freidman, Halbur.
524 — Nickolas A. Wolff, Carroll.
911 — J. Schirck, Carroll.
1172 — John J. Hansman, Carroll.
532 — Will Booth, Carroll, Iowa.
1517 — Dan R. McGrath, Manning.
1851 — Dave C. Cretsinger, Coon Rapids.
1924 — B. L. McLaughlin, Coon Rapids.
1139 — Lawrence Bayer, Glidden.
1214 — William Schon, Carroll.
336 — Julius M. Anderson, Arcadia.
1952 — Orvill R. Roison, Coon Rapids.
212 — Joseph Tegels, Carroll.
1357 — August E. Passick, West Side.
49 — Walter L. Rule, Lanesboro.

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