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Carroll County IAGenWeb Military Records |
Great War (WWI) Transcribed and contributed by Joe Conroy. |
News of Carroll County Boys & Important
Local Issues The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 6 Sep 1917 Page 1 First Eight Men Going Into Service Carroll County's First Quota Left for Camp Dodge Yesterday Cooks and Ex-Soldiers Men in First Bunch Picked as Advance Guard to Prepare Camp for Big Rush Commencing in Two Weeks — Friends at the Station THE ROLL OF HONOR Jesse K. Fisher, Carroll Michael J. Kerwin, Carroll Leo Schleisman, Carroll Ledger D. Free, Manning Chas. W. Rogers, Manning William Lappe, Carroll Philip B. Rohner, Carroll Jack C. Bupo, West Side. The full effect of the conscription act, and a more definite realization of the fact that the United States is actually at war, was firmly brought home ot the people of Carroll yesterday afternoon when the first quota of eight men from this county left for Camp Dodge to take up their duties in the service of the country. The names of those so chosen appear above, and it was with perhaps a tinge of envy that the other men who are soon to leave for the same place realized the honor that had befallen this, the first contingent. Only five per cent of the entire draft list of the country was called for mobilization yesterday, and the local board was requested to select men for this contingent, not from their order number on the list of call, but their special adaptability in the organization of the new camp. This mean that the first contingent was to be composed of cooks and others who could by reason of past experience be employed in the mess department, and men who had had previous military training. Just what will be done with these latter is a matter of conjecture, but it is presumed that they will be used to some extent to assist in drilling the raw recruits which will commence pouring into the camp in about two weeks. Forty per cent more of this county's quota, or sixty-three men, will be called for mobilization on Wednesday, September 19, and the boys who have gone on ahead are getting the camp in shape for their coming. For the past two days every train coming eastward through Carroll has been loaded with boys from this and other states in this district bound for the big cantonment. The rush two weeks from now will be just eight times as large. The boys left yesterday afternoon at 4:15, going east to Grand Junction, thence south to Perry, and directly to Camp Dodge over the inter-urban without going through Des Moines. There was a goodly gathering of friends and relatives at the depot to see them off, but no public demonstration of such character as had been planned, as, owing to the necessary absence of Signor Tolomeo from the city, the services of the entire band could not be secured for this occasion. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 6 Sep 1917 Page 1 Hundred More Men Called For Saturday May Not be Used, but Are to be Held in Readiness for Future Nothing Definite Yet Action on Exemption Appeals May Result in Need for More Men, but Report of Final Decision Not Yet Received — Board is Overworked. One hundred more men of the list drawn for military service in this county have been called for examination Saturday with a view to making up any possible deficiencies which may be found when the final results of the district board's decisions are announced. It is not certain that any of the men so called will be used at this time, but the local board has been advised to have them in readiness in case any are needed, so that cantonment from time to time with the required quota may be sent without delay. This action seems to indicate that the recent declaration of the president with regard to the status of married men is being taken seriously by the various district boards, and that the married men who were refused exemption by the local board, and who have filed appeals, will have their appeals granted. It also indicates that those which were exempted by the local board and had their exemptions appealed by the government will find the decision of the local board upheld. While nothing definite is at present known, it would seem that practically no married men are to be sent into service at this time. Of course all this is merely conjecture, but as it stands the local board has received the names of only 160 men who were certified for service by the district board, with a few more to follow. Basing an estimate on the district board's letter, it appears that there will be about ten men short of the 174 required from this county, and this result comes from the examination of the first 416 men. Therefore, about ten more will be required from this last hundred to be examined Saturday, according to the local board's estimate. This being the case, it is apparent that the district board is planning on the exemption of practically all married men. The list called for next Saturday is as follows: Girolono Cauala, Lugo, Italy. John B. Albers, Templeton. Jacob B. Greteman, Carroll. Joseph G. Meiners, Carroll. Bernard Krapfl, Templeton. Hans Lammack, Breda. Bernard W. Brincks, Carroll. Lewis C. Forbes, Carroll. Max Kastl, Templeton. Albert M. Jensen, Manning. Henry W. Hauroth, Templeton. Tony Strunk, Dedham. Clyde M. Bayliss, Carroll. Fred W. Mohler, Carroll. Harry Hinz, Manning. Henry Beyerink, Carroll. Andrew F. Carl, Scranton. Harry E. Spencer, Coon Rapids. Frank Pauley, Carroll. Frank J. Dultmeier, Manning. Leslie G. Walters, Glidden. William Renze, Carroll. Clarence E. Dickson, Glidden. Henry Schelle, Breda. John Koenig, Halbur. Fred Gruhn, Manning. Lawrence Thomas, Dedham. Edward A. Schiltz, Carroll. Herbert A. Schelldorf, Manning. Hans G. W. Beese, Manning. Henry Starman, Carroll. LeRoy F. Haggard, Glidden. Bernard Schroer, Carroll. Joseph D. Beisch, Carroll. Fred Lee Nellis, Ralston. Herman J. Scheerbring, Arcadia. Gustav R. Conrad, Carroll. Carl M. Peterson, Dedham. Emil Miene Ehlers, West Side. Henry C. Jensen, Lanesboro. Joseph Kraus, Carroll. Christian Walter, Breda. Daniel Hupp, Coon Rapids. Dick F. Heuton, Glidden. Henry C. Langemann, Coon Rapids. Nicholous Kramer, Maple River. George Pletchette, Jr., Carroll. Carl Isac Taylor, Coon Rapids. Thomas J. Hall, Carroll. Mathias Bolster, Carroll. Max Holmer, Dedham. Herman W. Hagedorn, Manning. Burton A. Hamilton, Glidden. Hugo H. Grundmeier, Manning. Nick Thomopoulous, Carroll. Henry C. Fleshner, Glidden. Fenn H. Cooney, Carroll. William F. Bucholz, Arcadia. Samuel P. Welsh, Whitebeath, Ill. Byron William Gray, Carroll. Harry A. Claussen, Manning. William D. Nieland, Carroll. Albert Kurth, Glidden. Scott Minges, Coon Rapids. John H. Claussen, Manning. Boyd Young, Coon Rapids. Fred W. Berns, Glidden. Hal V. Riggs, Dedham. George S. Thomas, Carroll. Herman C. Pahde, Mt. Olive, Ill. Albert Dewey, Glidden. Harold W. Taylor, Glidden. Louis Rupiper, Carroll. Louis L. Akin, Carroll. Albert C. Juels, Arcadia. Earl John Schmidt, Manning. George F. Chambers, Ralston. John Willenberg, Dedham. Bernie H. Olsen, Coon Rapids. George William Widman, Glidden. John A. McMahon, Manning. Enoch A. Tomey, Coon Rapids. Charles J. Fuchs, Templeton. Asa R. Green, Exira, Iowa. Henry C. Anthony, Manning. Arthur Turner, Arcadia. Wayne E. Cooney, Coon Rapids. Victor G. Farrell, Carroll. Lloyd F. Kennet, Glidden. Joseph Behrens, Carroll. Ben Olberding, Carroll. Bruno R. Thomsen, Manning. Henry Timmerman, Manning. John J. Lovell, Dedham. Joseph Fangman, Manning. Arthur J. Albright, Carroll. Jos. F. Holescher, Carroll. Emil J. W. Oppermann, Manning. Earl Ray Bonner, Carroll. Bernard H. Schomaker, Arcadia. Charles C. Ludwig, Carroll. |