Carroll County IAGenWeb
Military Records
Great War (WWI)
Transcribed and contributed by Joe Conroy.

The Carroll Times
Carroll, Iowa
16 Aug 1917
Page 1

Married Men Being Called To Serve
Thirty-Three in Carroll County are Refused Exemption Last Week
Another List Posted

Total of 181, With Last Hundred Examined, Sent Up to District Board as Certified for Service — 48 Local Exemptions are Appealed Tuesday.

Thirty-three married men who had formerly claimed exemption from army service had their claims refused by the local board, acting under government instruction the first of the week, and have been posted for service along with the remainder of those accepted from this county. The claims of forty-eight others who had formerly been exempted were appealed by the government to the district board, and if that body reverses the decision of the local board in any of these cases the man affected will be called to the colors at once.

Forty others were posted for service as a result of the examination of the hundred last week, so that it is now apparent that the full quota for Carroll county will be filled from the list, which is already examined. In fact, if the district board reverses many of the exemptions granted in this county, the last hundred men examined will not be called to the colors at this time, the full quota being made up from the first 316, and it is likely that this will be the case.

Wholesale claims for exemption on the part of single men and others with but few dependents, especially in the large cities, has caused the government to radically change its plan of exemption so that it is probable that only those who are actually unfit from a physical standpoint will be exempted. This was necessary in order to prevent "slackers" in the big cities from getting discharged on their flimsy excuses. In a sense, it works a hardship on the since married men whose services are really needed at home, but it cannot be helped. Wholesale arrests on perjury charges are expected to follow in some cities as a result of these false claims. Three hundred slackers were exposed in Omaha in one day as a result of the publication of their names and the flimsy claims upon which they based their plea for exemption.

The government is planning a separation allowance for the dependents of soldiers, and it is the intention to make this allowance large enough to support the average family, so that married men in the future will not stand much of a chance of exemption, nor will any others. The applicant must be able to prove that his family cannot exist on the allowance which will be made by the government before he can claim exemption; otherwise his claim will be followed by his arrest for perjury.

Different counties are following different methods, but as practically everything is being appealed to the district board the answer will be about the same. In Audubon county only three men were exempted, for instance, while in Shelby county every man claiming it was granted exemption and every exemption was appealed to the district board. In this county the board used its own best judgment in granting exemptions, but most of the cases will probably be appealed here, on both sides, so that the final decision in almost every case will rest with the district board.

The following married men from the first 316 have been posted for service:
Herbert J. Kempker, Carroll.
John R. Byerly, Carroll.
William E. Subbert, Carroll.
Bert J. Eich, Manning.
Warren D. Toyne, Carroll.
Delbert G. Sherer, Glidden.
Cornelius F. Bock, Templeton.
Boyd C. Morgan, Coon Rapids.
Henry L. Gibson, Lake City.
Harry W. Heller, Dedham.
Henry H. Wuebker, Breda.
John J. Sullivan, Carroll.
John Renze, Carroll.
Joseph H. Woolworth, Carroll.
Louis A. Baird, Carroll.
Harry E. Cornish, Coon Rapids.
Robert H. Brand, Lanesboro.
William R. Williams, Glidden.
Jesse H. Bayliss, Carroll.
Carl C. Piper, West Side.
Louie Onke Heuton, Glidden.
Mike B. Cathey, Carroll.
Henry J. Wurzer, Carroll.
Anton J. Kokenge, Carroll.
Glenn F. Leacox, Coon Rapids.
Otto Kasperbauer, Carroll.
Frank J. Weitl, Dedham.
Fred Arps, Arcadia.
Frank Nicholson, Lanesboro.
Edward W. Stuart, Carroll.
Alois Loeffler, Dedham.
Edward J. Ries, Carroll.
Frank W. Seyller, Carroll.
The following from the last hundred men examined, who were called for Wednesday of last week, passed the physical examination and did not claim exemption:
Clifton C. Broderick, Dedham.
John H. Ohlinger, Templeton.
Edward J. Riley, Carroll.
John J. Schorholtz, Breda.
Joseph Sappe, Templeton.
Stanton L. Sherman, Carroll.
Dick F. Prill, Glidden.
Glen McGill, Glidden.
Julius F. Hagge, Arcadia.
Joseph F. Schelle, Breda.
Leon C. Carty, Glidden.
John H. Wiederien, Carroll.
John A. Jones, Manning.
James W. Sexton, Ralston.
Francis Daley, Carroll.
John P. Roth, Carroll.
William Lappe, Glidden.
Jacob Wittry, Breda.
Paul C. Ratzburg, Wonewoe, Wis.
Gustav A. Jessen, Manning.
Raymond T. Odendahl, Carroll.
Clifton C. Broderick, Dedham.
John H. Ohlinger, Templeton.
Edward J. Riley, Carroll.
Vosco Dunston, Glidden.
Ernest Pries, Breda.
August Mergle, Manning.
Frank Sporrer, Templeton.
Lawrence A. Miller, Carroll.
Edward O'Tool, Breda.
Joseph Heinrichs, Breda, Iowa.
Albert C. Subbert, Glidden.
Ralph Edward Ogg, Dedham.
Frank A. Kruse, Carroll.
Luther Mattocks, Lenoir City, Ten.
Henry F. Mohr, Manning.
Anton Wegman, Breda.
Herman Stallman, Templeton.
Peter J. Friedman, Halbur.
Nickolas A. Wolff, Carroll.
O. Schirick, Carroll.
John A. Davis, Coon Rapids.
Elmer Strandberg, Carroll.
The lists as posted for actual service to date may be added to or subtracted from when the results of the appeals to the district board are made known. There is nothing final or definite in all that has been done except in the case of those who did not claim exemption. They are the only ones who know their real status at present.

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