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Carroll County IAGenWeb Military Reccords |
Great War (WWI) |
Transcribed and contributed by Joe Conroy. |
The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 26 Sep 1918 Page 1 Call List Down to New Registrants Only Eight Men of Old Registrations Left in Class 1 106 Go To Camp Dodge Date of Entrainment Between October 7 and October 11 Call Takes Nearly All Men Down to the September 12th Registration Practically every Class One man in Carroll county, whether of the 1917 registration or of those of June 5 and August 24 of this year, is included in the call for the entrainment of 106 men to Camp Dodge in the period beginning October 7. To be exact only eight men are left in Class One in this county, and these are the last eight men of the August 24 registration. This call, which take 5305 men from the state at large, practically cleans up all of these registrations in every county of the state. There will be only 250 Class One men left in the 99 counties, or an average of between two and three to the county. Carroll will have eight left, which is better than the average. Most counties will be stripped down to their very last man. In this county there are now 55 men from the 1917 registration not holding deferred classification. There are still 21 remaining from the June 5 registration and 37 from that of August 24. Twenty-nine of these latter will be required to make up the county's quota of the October 7 call. Thus it will be seen that it behooves the various county boards to get immediate action on the questionnaires of the men in the last registration. No more army calls will be possible in this state until these men are classified and given their order numbers, which work is going forward just as rapidly as possible. All of the questionnaires for the first section of the new registration have been mailed out and they are coming back rapidly, and it is expected that some of these men will be called late in October or early in November. Every board in the state is working at top speed in order to get this work in shape for the next call, and the local board for Carroll county is no exception to the rule. It is expected that the 19 and 20 year old classes, or at least a good part of them, will be necessary to make up the late October and early November calls. Many of these boys are enlisting in the special calls which are now open. The October 7 call includes: Frank Ferneding, Templeton. Henry Claus Schluter, West Side. Bernhardt Joe Olberding, Arcadia. Joseph E. Frischenmeyer, Carroll. Louie Uhlenkamp, Templeton. Henry Tunning, Dedham. Harry Marions Peterson, Glidden. Peter George Daiker, Carroll. Joseph Koster, Breda. Henry E. Westphalen, Manning. Thomas B. Satterfleld, Glidden. Will Lamaak, Breda. Roy H. Parr, Dedham. Joseph T. Wiskus, Dedham. Frank Krapfl, Templeton. Jerome S. Ahrling, Carroll. Edward J. Daugherty, Carroll. John F. Irlmeier, Dedham. John Peter Roth, Carroll. George Danzer, Dedham. Andrew Wiebers, Arcadia. Sylvester F. Schwaller, Carroll. Joseph F. Friedman, Halbur. Albert John Neumayer, Breda. Anton Irlmeier, Carroll. Joseph G. Meiners, Carroll. Joseph A. Berg, Arcadia. Clarence R. Kennedy, Coon Rapids. Hubert Lamp, Manning. Frank J. Brauckman, Coon Rapids. William Gehlsen, West Side. Homer J. England, Carroll. John Henry Meyers, Carroll. Clarence Vollmer, Tramping Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. Claude Coppick, Omaha, Neb. Charles W. Bowman, Coon Rapids. C. H. Miller, Lanesboro. George Preyt, Arcadia. Pietro Manzardo, Chicago. 0. W. Stout, Coon Rapids. L. H. Kurth, Glidden. A. F. Lappe, Carroll. Henry Anstoter, Manning. Bernard Kramer, Carroll. B. A. Hartwigsen, Ralston. Kurt H. C. Langmeier, Carroll. Otto Carl Kempf, Manning. Joseph H. Schrad, Maple River. John Clapper, Carroll. Will Fox, Templeton. Joseph G, Meiners, Carroll. Otto Gosch, Arcadia. William A. Sibbel, Templeton. Tony J. Bernholtz, Carroll. Ben Heithoff, Carroll. Otto H. Juergens, Glidden. Henry George Gross, Glidden. Joseph Sextro, Templeton. Linus J. Wiedemeier, Carroll. Kenneth E. Potter, Glidden. Joseph Hugebach, Carroll. Joseph Herman Heue, Carroll. Clarence. F. Grundmeier, Manning Anthon Riesenberg, Carroll. Louie Struve, Sydney, Nebr. Derk Renie Peters, Glidden. Charles N. Phipps, Lohrville. August E. Thielke, Templeton. Wendy John Oswald, Carroll. Joseph F. Sporrer, Templeton. Perry Danfort Hewitt, Glidden, Henry Dopheide, Carroll. Joseph J. Haubrich, Carroll. John Julius Thelen, Breda. Clem A. Rehker, Arcadia. Ariel Lloyd Woldron, Glidden. Leonard Murphy, Carroll. Vinus Wimbers, Breda. Edward Kemper, Templeton. Floyd Stapleton, Glidden. Frank M. Schachtner, Carroll. Frank H. 0. Koepke, Arcadia. Matthew N. Bornback, Halbur. Frank Wille, Carroll. Frank T. Eischeid, Halbur. John Frease, Breda. William Peter Daiker, Carroll. John J. Schumacher, Carroll. John Galterman,, Red Stone, Mont. Vitus Jake Schechinger, Carroll. Theodore Julius Poeppe, Carroll. Herman Frahm, Manning. Edwin Walter Onken, Carroll. Wlybur D. Fry, Coon Rapids. (Probably Wilbur D. Fry) Lawrence Leo Balk, Dedham. Elgie M. Wessel, Glidden. William O. Subbert, Glidden. Henry J. Niehaus, Arcadia. Lloyd Edward Orris, Coon Rapids. Frank H. Reiff, Lidderdale. Joseph Kuker, Carroll. Joseph M. Wegman, Templeton. Walter Raleigh Green, Lanesboro. George L. Leonard, Glidden. Alfred John Rix, Manning. Frank H. Vogl, Halbur. Frank X. Kasperbauer, Templeton. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 26 Sep 1918 Page 1 Rev. R. B. Sheppard Is Army Chaplain Pastor Of Local M. E. Church Goes To Camp Taylor, Kentucky Rev. Thuresson Comes Former Pastor of First Church, Boone, Assigned to Carroll Charge by the Conference Last Week Rev. Sheppard to Report October 4th. Rev. R. Burton Sheppard returned Sunday from Jefferson where he had been last week in attendance at the conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, and is busily engaged in making preparation for his entry into the army, having received notice that he had been appointed to the office of Chaplain. Rev. Sheppard will report on October 4, at Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky, where he will undergo five weeks' training, after which he will be assigned to service. The five weeks' training is not of a military nature, but only to determine if men appointed to the office are physically capable of withstanding the strain to which they are subjected. The appointment of Rev. Sheppard to the army, and the consequent failure of the conference to return him to his charge at Carroll, while not altogether unexpected, comes as somewhat of a surprise. Last summer, when General Pershing asked for an increase in the number of army Chaplains, each district superintendent for the Methodist church in Iowa was asked to name three men for such position. Rev. A. A. Thompson, superintendent of the Boone district, in which Carroll is located, named Rev. Sheppard as one of his three men, but nothing had been heard since that time. However, word was received last Thursday to the effect that Rev. Sheppard had been appointed to the office, and the conference therefore did not give him any assignment for the coming year. Rev. S. Grant Lewis, of Jefferson, who preceded Rev. Sheppard in the Carroll pastorate, was also nominated by the Superintendent but failed to receive an appointment. He was returned to his charge at Jefferson for another year. Rev. and Mrs. Sheppard are packing their household goods for shipment, though Mrs. Sheppard's plans for the future are not very definite. If her husband is appointed to permanent work in some of the cantonments in this country she expects to remove to some nearby city in order to be with him, but if he is sent to France of course this will be out of the question. Rev. and Mrs. Sheppard have made many friends during their two years' residence in Carroll, all of whom will regret the necessity for their departure, but nevertheless all join in congratulating them on Rev. Sheppard's preferment. Rev. T. E. Thuresson, formerly of the First Church, Boone, has been assigned to the Carroll charge for the coming year by the conference. Rev. Thuresson has been enjoying a vacation for a year, but was called back into active service by the shortage of ministers in the district. He is said to be a very forceful speaker and a much beloved pastor by those chuch which he has served in the past, and the people of the Carroll congregation consider themselves very fortunate in his appointment to this city. |