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Carroll County IAGenWeb Military Records |
Great War (WWI) |
Transcribed and contributed by Joe Conroy. |
The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 28 Mar 1918 Page 1 Enlisting For The Kansas City School Volunteers for the Training School at Kansas City Are Coming in Very Nicely. The local exemption board a few days ago received a telegram from the Provost Marshal General stating that 1,500 men were wanted from Iowa, 14 of whom must be sent from Carroll county for assignment with staff corps, probable duty of mechanics in the aero squadrons. Qualifications make it imperative for the applicant to be white men possessing at least an eighth grade education. Registrants for this branch of the service may enlist up to and including Friday, March 29, after which they will be sent to the Sweeney Auto School, Kansas City, Mo., where they will be given two months' training at government expense. Those who have taken advantage of this opportunity to enlist in an excellent branch of the service up to the hour of going to press are: Martin G. Clennon, Coon Rapids. Roderick Patrick, Coon Rapids. Clifford W. Snyder, Glidden. Elmer R. Copenhaver, Ralston. Guy Toyne, Glidden. Hull B. Baker, Fort Wayne, Ind. Francis L. Smouse, Coon Rapids. D. A. Anderson, Casper, Whyoming. Frank Kemper, of Templeton, has been delivered to the military police at Camp Dodge, charged with desertion. John Frank Murray has been turned over to the military police at Camp Dodge, charged with being a draft evader. Adolph E. Moeller has been apprehended at Alcester, South Dakota, and sent to Camp Dodge, charged with being a draft evader. Andrew Jorgensen, under charges of desertion, was taken into the meshes of the law at Barksdale, Wisconsin, and his case will be disposed of by the military authorities at Camp Dodge. Private Carl Emil Koepke has been assigned to duty in the Engineer Corps, and sent to Camp Grant, Illinois. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 4 Apr 1918 Page 1 Enlist for Auto School The following Carroll county men have enlisted in the aero service of the United States army, and will leave here Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock for the Sweeney Auto School, at Kansas City, Mo., where they will be given instruction by government experts in work that will be taken up after their induction into active service: Elmer Copenhaver, of Ralston. Cliffor Snyder, of Glidden. Roy E. Thorne, of Glidden. R. B. Nichols, of Lanesboro. Guy Toyne, of Lanesboro. G. W. Adolphson, of Manning. Ben Torgerson, of Manning. W. L. Kirkpatrick, of Manning. Francis Smouse, of Coon Rapids. Martin G. Clennon, Coon Rapids. Hull B. Baker, Fort Wayne, Ind. Brent C. V. Jensen, Racine, Wis. Roderick C. Patrick, Coon Rapids. David A. Anderson, of Carroll. Two volunteers for the navy have been received by the local board during the past week. They are: Ira E. Jones, of Carroll, who was sent to Omaha, and Arvid C. Anderson, of Carroll, who was sent to Des Moines. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 11 Apr 1918 Page 1 3,412 More Men Are Demanded of Iowa Carroll County Will Furnish 30 Men on Uncle Sam's Latest Summons. No Credits Allowed Backward Legislation Has Made It Impossible to Extend Credits for Volunteer Enlistments at This Time, but Will be Given Later. Another call for men has been made for Iowa and beginning with April 26 Iowa will entrain 3,412 men to Camp Dodge. In five days' time from this date the men will all be assembled from the different parts of the state and be in training at Camp Dodge. Carroll county is to furnish thirty men. Local boards are ordered to pass order number of men engaged in agricultural pursuits. No credits for volunteers are allowed on this call but a credit will be given on the second quota on all volunteers, who have enlisted since June 30. The following men have been called for April 26: William E. Schmich, Carroll. William C. Naber, Arcadia. Jacob Schleisman, Carroll. Theo. Vogt, Carroll. Edward Stangl, Templeton. Elmer Knight, Coon Rapids. Wm. J. Nutt, Templeton. Wm. H. Wurr, Lidderdale. Carl F. Boettcher, Carroll. Louis M. Bruning, Breda. Martin I. Berger, Carroll. Theo. W. Happe, Carroll. John Delaney, Carroll. Arnold Fischer, Carroll. Carl H. Dysart, Carroll. Dick Claussen, Arcadia. Lee H. Austin, Coon Rapids. John E. Dillavou, Glidden. Ralph Hageman, Carroll. Arthur Neu, Carroll. Louis A. Meis, Carroll. Harry T. Miner, Carroll. Elmer P. Michael, Carroll. John Conway, Carroll. Russell M. Kingman, Carroll. Richard M. Caswell, Coon Rapids. Harold F. Wildman, Perry. Oliver F. Hendrickson, Carroll. Anton Huenkler, Templeton. Bernard Eischeid, Halbur. Walter O'Connor, Carroll. Reginald B. Sutton, Sapulpa, Okla. Brent C. V. Jensen, Racine, Wis. John H. Kuypers, Templeton. Alois Westendorf, Breda. Henry V. Vanderheiden, Carroll. Carl F. Bauerle, Arcadia. Recent volunteers are Francis Cassady, of Templeton, who enlisted Monday with the marine corps, and Tom Kerwin, who left with the boys Friday ot attend the Sweeney Auto School at Kansas City, Missouri. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 18 Apr 1918 Page 1 Carroll County Does Its Share But Why All the Fuss About It? This is an editorial about an editorial. The front page of a newspaper is not usually the place to look for editorials, but it is a poor rule that can't be broken. The reason for breaking it is that the following was published in the Des Moines Register last Saturday: "Carroll County" Carroll county is one of the centers of Iowa's German population. With the exception of a strip in Wisconsin from Milwaukee northwest, and an area in Minnesota to the southwest of St. Paul, Carroll county, Iowa, is as strongly German in its population as any part of the United States. We have heard a great deal about the failure of German communities, especially those in which the population is found in small towns and rural districts, to subscribe to the Liberty loans, Red Cross funds, etc. The Register therefore wishes to call attention to what Carroll county has done in the third Liberty loan campaign, now in progress. This campaign opened last Monday morning. By Monday evening, Carroll county had gone "over the top" to the tune of 200 per cent of its quota. Not only that, but every town, every township and every election precinct in the county had surpassed its quota. This was done in the first day of a four weeks' drive. It was done in one of the strongest German centers to be found in the United States. It could not have been done without the hearty support of the entire German element of the population. A county might reach its quota, after a long struggle, with one element among the people holding back, but it could not produce double its quota in one day without both unanimity and enthusiasm in the loyalty of its people." It would seem that the foregoing would need no comment and no elaboration. We whose homes are in Carroll county thought little or nothing of the fact that this county had subscribed 200 per cent of its bond quota until the outside world began making a fuss over it. At a meeting of the county chairmen in Council Bluffs some two weeks ago Carroll county was pledged to suscribe 150 per cent of its quota and that settled the matter. That it happened to go more than 200 per cent is merely incidental. Statistics show that in the Second Liberty Loan this county subscribed only 38 per cent of its quota. Its people have no shameful apologies to make for this fact. There was nothing basically wrong with the county or its people at that time, any more than there is now. Those who care to do so may remember that no counties, no districts and no states were oversubscribing to the extent of 200 per cent in those days. The nation as a whole, from the land of the Maine Yankee to the territories of the Texas Ranger, was not as fully awake to the situation as it is today. Another reason for the 38 per cent subscription is found in the fact that this is an agricultural county, and people in such a county are not usually bond buyers. Until recently most of them had but little conception of a bond. When they were looking for investment they bought farm lands or farm mortgages. No one ever made an intelligent attempt to explain to the people of Carroll county the real nature of a goverment bond or any other kind of bond until this Third Liberty Loan drive came up. Now that bond buying is understood, The Times feels safe in predicting that the number of bond owners in this county, both during and after the war, will compare favorably with that of any other county in the state. The Des Moines Register, the Chicago Tribune, and probably hundreds of other papers in the country have published editorials on Carroll county similar to that reproduced above, but while the county is pleased to receive credit for what it has done, it does not feel that the occasion is one to warrant such widespread publicity. The fact that this county's population is largely descended from people who came from Germany is the point that these outside papers are trying to make. While it is well enough that they should give this credit, there is really nothing sensational about it. There is no more reason for growing excited over the fact that the descendants of the liberty-loving people who fled the oppressors of Germany and settled in Carroll county buy Liberty Bonds than there is for growing excited over the fact that the descendants of English, Danish, Swedish, or Italian immigrants should buy them. It is well enough to give credit, but there is no reason for holding Carroll county up as nine days' wonder. This county will be found doing its share along with all the others in good old Iowa, and it prefers to do it with just as little fuss as possible. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 25 Apr 1918 Page 1 Board Calls More Men Into Service Seventeen Boys Go To Jefferson Barracks, Mo., On May 10. Order Numbers Rule Only Men Engaged in Active Farming May Have Call Deferred, No Matter How Pressing Their Business — Fou Special Volunteers Seventeen more of Carroll county's boys who are subject ot the draft have been ordered into service and are to be sent to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, on May 10. The allotment ordered from Iowa at this time is 1910, and Carroll county's quota will be made up as follows: George Vennix, Essexville, Mich. Lodie H. Harrison, Davenport. F. R. Florencourt, Savannah, Ga. James A. Raygor, Coon Rapids. J. P. O'Brien, Maple River. Edward J. Conway, Rock Island. Ben H. Determan, Breda. George D. Esdohr, Coon Rapids. Leo Schueller, Dedham. Fred Nicholson, Ralston. Haraloppos Fatakes, Bettendorf, Ia. Julius Vinke, Manning. John Herbers, Manning. Joe A. Bruning, Breda. Frank X. Silbereisen, Dedham. W. E. Brown, Table Rock, Nebr. Hubert Odendahl, Lanesboro. William H. Meis, Carroll. In this connection, the board has been advised by national authorities that only those who are actively and assiduously engaged in farming shall in the future have their enrollment for service deferred. Men engaged in other occupations must answer the call to service no matter how pressing their business demands in respect to their proper order numbers. Dick Clausen was sent to Camp Dodge Monday to take the place of Roy Cox, who was rejected. Volunteers for special service will be accepted up to and including April 27. Those from this community who have volunteered lately for special service are Henry T. Miner, Wallace Baker, Louis Meis and Carl Selzer. |