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News of Carroll County Boys &
Important Local Issues Transcribed and contributed by Joe Conroy. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 27 Sep 1917 Page 1 Carroll Boys Go Into Company A, 350 Reg. Men Assigned to Places in Regiment at Camp Dodge To Stay With Friends Intention of Government to Keep Boys from Same Counties Together Wherever Possible — No Local Boys to Go to Deming, N. M., as Report. The Carroll county boys who went to Des Moines last week to join the 350th Regiment of United States Infantry have been assigned to their company, which is Company A, First Battalion. This announcement came the first of the week, and relatives and friends in the county who wish to write them can reach them to much better advantage by mentioning the letter of the company and the number of the regiment. Colonel C. W. Castle is commander of the 350th, but the names of the company officers have not yet been learned by this paper. The government's plan is to keep every man among friends insofar as it is possible, without sacrificing efficiency, and under this plan every one of the Carroll county boys who went in the second contingent has been placed in the same company. Not only has this plan been followed out, but men from adjoining counties been placed in the same company. In the case of the local boys this was not so easily done, so Company A is made up of the selected men from Carroll, Buena Vista, O'Brien and Osceola counties. The fact that the local boys could not go with the Greene and Boone county troops is due to the sending of these boys to Deming, N. M. It was reported here at one time that the local boys in the second contingent would be sent to the border to fill up the ranks in what was formerly the First and Second Iowa National Guard regiments, both being depleted in numbers by the calling of some of their men to bring the Third, which is soon to go to France, up to war strength. However, this is not to be the case, as the selected men from Benton, Black Hawk, Boone, Buchanan, Dallas, Deleware, Des Moines, Grundy, Hamilton, Hardin, Henry, Iowa, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Keokuk, Linn, Louisa, Mahaska, Marion, Marshall, Muscatine, Polk, Pottawattamie, Story, Tama, Wapello, Warren, Webster counties, the city of Des Moines and the city of Waterloo will be sent south to fill up the ranks of the National Guard. The 350th Regiment, to which the local boys are assigned, will consist of fifteen companies, divided into three battalions of four companies each, and three independent companies. The Calhoun county boys are in Company C, Shelby county in Company D, Greene and Audubon in Company E, men from Denison, Ida Grove, Sac City and Spencer will make up the Headquarters Company, while the supply company and the machine gun company make up the remainder of the regiment. The permanent quarters for the men of the Three Hundred and Fiftieth regiment have not been entirely equipped as yet, but when the organization is completed and the men established they will be near the middle of the camp in the long row of barrack buildings. Their location will be several rows of barracks buildings south of the main entrance to the camp and facing the main camp road, which is paved with cement. Just now they are midway between the north and south end of the barracks which are being occupied. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 11 Oct 1917 Page 1 First 416 Men Are Accounted For Now Last of List Certified for Military Service by District Exemption Board. Final disposition of all exemption claims made by the first 416 men called in this county has been made by the district board, and only a part of the last hundred called remain for disposition from this same source. The county auditor received the final returns on the first 416 on Tuesday of this week, and has posted their names for service. The district board has been extremely busy during the past few weeks, but it is now getting its work caught up in nice shape and men are receiving much quicker returns from their claims for exemption than was formerly the case. The men certified at the first of the present week were as follows: Peter Balk, Dedham. George F. Moylan, Coon Rapids. Julius F. Hagge, Arcadia. Herman D. freese, Dedham. William J. Schmich, Carroll. Thomas J. Hall, Carroll. Vertus Lamp, Manning. Bernard W. Brinks, Carroll. Frank J. Dultmeier, Manning. Herbert A. Schelldorf, Manning. Joseph Kraus, Carroll. Joseph Behrens, Carroll. Herman Grau, Manning. Frank Nicholson, Lanesboro. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 8 Nov 1917 Page 1 Thirteen Boys to Deming Thirteen of the Carroll county boys who were sent to Camp Dodge with the second contingent were among the thousand men recently sent from that place to Deming, N. M., where they will remain in camp with the other soldiers at that place. The squad from this county was in charge of Nicholas Wolff, and besides him was composed of William J. Leuer, Mike Lammers, Will Lappe, Arthur Pearson, Ernest Dammann, Joseph Crandall, John Wiskus, Jacob Cretsinger, John Davis, Ed Heller, Arthur Ehlers and Claus Stuve. County Auditor Wohlenberg was at Camp Dodge at the time of their departure and saw them off. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 29 Nov 1917 Page 1 Commissioned in the National Army Reports from the Second Officers Training Camp at Fort Snelling, Minn., Friday last, regarding the graduation of students seeking commisions, contained two names that will prove of exceptional interest to residents of this city and county. They are: Charles C. Helmer, of Carroll, who has been commissioned a captain of infantry. Glenn N. Weeks, of Carroll, commissioned a first lieutenant of infantry. The class of which these men were members has been laboring hard since last August to complete the course prescribed, and the work has been hard and the hours of recreation short. The newly commissioned officers will report after a few days furlough to the training camp at Camp Dodge, where drill instructors are badly needed for the new increment of men that will be coming in about the middle of December. The many friends of these men in this vicinity will learn of their new-found honors with genuine pride and pleasure, and The Times hastens to join this host in heartiest congratulations upon the success attending their efforts to secure the coveted golden spurs. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 6 Dec 1917 Page 1 More Carroll Men Join The Service Eight Young Men Join the Colors From This City During the Week. Carroll's list of men in the service of Uncle Sam was considerably augmented Tuesday when eight of our boys went over to Omaha and joined the aviation corps. There was nine men in the party, but one of their number, Reo Green, was not accepted on account of physical disability. Those accepted and ordered to report thursday for duty were: Bernard Daley, Lenn Baird, Lloyd Shoemaker, James Dawson, Oscar Forbes, Fred Trecker, Wade Wissler, Ben Ludwig. The boys have entered the service as mechanics in the aviation corps, and left this morning for Omaha, after a brief visit at their homes in this city. They will be immediately sent to Denver, and from there on to Fort Sam Houston, at San Antonio, Texas, where they will enter into intensive training. The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 13 Dec 1917 Page 1 Glidden Bids Her Soldiers Farewell Large Gathering of Relatives and Friends Say Goodbye to Departing Soldiers. Eleven Men Enlisted Home of Iowa's First Martyr to the Cause of Democracy Continue to Send Men to Battle for Cause for Which Merle Hay Gave His Life. Through the courtesy of W. B. Swaney and Joseph J. Meyers, The Times editor was permitted to participate in the ceremonies that marked the departure of eleven of Glidden's fine young manhood Monday evening. Glidden has been very patriotic in the present war, and from all indications her people are not allowing the candle of patriotism to burn low. When the Carroll party arrived at the place set for the solemn gathering that was to take place, the good ladies of the town were busy as could be preparing with loving hands a lunch that would cause our friend Hoover hours of anxiety. It was not definitely known that the boys were to leave on Monday evening until that morning and J. O. Carter, that prince of big-hearted fellows, and his loyal friends of that city, set about to make the occasion one of fond remembrance for the boys. That they succeeded nobly can be attested by the large crowd that responded to the invitation to be present at the M. E. church. After the delightful banquet which was served in the church basement, the crowd repaired to the auditorium, where an impromptu program was listed to and thoroughly enjoyed. A male quartette opened the program with the rendition of a popular number, after which Rev. Parker, of the local Presbyterian church introduced W. B. Swaney, of this city, who, in a brief address filled with poignant remarks acquainted his auditors with his views on the war situation, and took a few shots at the obstructionists who litter our legislative halls and walk at large about our streets. Mr. Swaney is a very mild appearing gentleman to converse with, but when he gets in front of an audience discussing his views on the war, timidity takes flight and in the place of that most excellent virtue there appears a courage and conviction born of deep thought and intensity of purpose. Mr. Swaney resigned the rostrum to Hon. Jos. J. Meyers, also of this city, who in his inimitable manner, took the audience into his confidence and held them in high good humor for the time allotted him. Mr. Meyers has the happy faculty of just opening his mouth and allowing his vocal chords to run riot in a pleasing and entertaining manner at most any gathering he is called upon to address, and on this occasion his inherent qualification did not fail him. He admonished the departing men to remember that those less fortunate than they — the ones who were compelled, by age, sex or physical reasons — who were compelled to remain behind and keep intact the home ties and furnish the sinews of war, were behind them in every move that was undertaken, even to the last dollar of money and the last mouthful of bread. For about fifteen minutes he continued in a happy strain to impart good cheer to loving relatives and friends of the departing men, and retard thoughts of the sad farewells that were so soon to be said. At the close of his remarks Miss Adella Carter sang in a most pleasing manner "Somewhere in France." Following is the list of young men who were honored by the gathering Monday evening, and who are now at different points of concentration throughout the country: Ed Dedrick Leslie Whiting Glenn Bell Joseph Nichols William Kline Melvin Hartman Edward Rust Morgan Crandall Charles Robson Virgil Foxworthy Henry D. Johnson The Carroll Times Carroll, Iowa 13 Dec 1917 Page 1 "Mother" Crackling Hears from Her Boys in the Service The Times is deeply indebted to Mrs. John Crackling, superintendent of the Sailors and Soldiers department of the Carroll county W. C. T. U., for the appended array of interesting letters from soldier boys claiming Carroll as their home. The letters cover a vast latitude of territory, and tell the story of army life in a vivid and forceful manner. Glen Cove, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1917, Mrs. John Crackling, Co. Supt. of the Sailors and Soldiers Department of the W. C. T. U., Carroll, Iowa. Dear Mrs. Crackling, Please accept my sincere thanks for the splendid box of sweets and fruits sent to me by the W. C. T. U. and want to assure you the first was greatly appreciated as I took it down to the plant where I work and shared it with three other boys who are here as inspectors of leather equipment also. When I explained to them that every boy in the government service was the recipient of a similar box they said that the people back where I came from must be white and you can assure yourself I did my best to affirm it. Thanking you again and with best wishes, I am, yours truly, Louis H. Anderson. Camp Mills, L. I. Nov. 27, 1917, Mrs. John Crackling, Co. Supt. Soldiers and Sailors Department W. C. T. U., Carroll, Iowa. Dear Mrs. Crackling: It was surely a welcome surprise for me to have received the package of good eats which the W. C. T. U. has so kindly distributed to the boys. And while I am only one of the many whom this organization has made happy through this kind contribution yet I believe no other recipient of this generosity feels more grateful and appreciative toward the W. C. T. U. organization than I do. There is nothing to my mind which the average soldier feels more concerned about than this, is the sacrifice which the soldier makes fully appreciated by the people left behind? Then when the folks back home through their various organizations send us such liberal shares of good things to eat and to wear, we cannot but feel that their hearts are with us all the time. I divided the contents of the box among the boys in my squad and if you could have seen them smile in anticipation when the box was opened, I am sure you would realize how much we have all appreciated your generosity. Our division is almost ready to go abroad. Almost all equipment has been received and nearly all preparation has been made. So while one does not know the date of departure yet when all indication point one way, anyone can make a pretty good guess. While at this camp, I have had opportunity to visit various places of interest at New York and Brooklyn and have spent several days at each place which was indeed a treat for one having lived in Iowa and Montana where large cities are rare. Everyone at the camp is in good health and good spirits and I believe our regiment hasn't a grouch in it. Our band is one of the finest in the service and is composed of some excellent musicians. I believe a good band is indeed an aid toward making the boys feel good occasionally as it gives them opportunity to sing along and dance to the music. Well, Mrs. Crackling, please convey to the members of the W. C. T. U. my thanks for their generosity and tell them we certainly appreciate this kindness. With best wishes to the order and to Mr. Crackling and to yourself. Yours very sincerely, Geo. G. Osten, 163 Inf. Band, Camp Mills, L. I. Camp Dodge, Iowa, Dec. 3, 1917 Dear Mrs. Crackling: Let me take this rather tardy opportunity to thank you and the other kind members of the W. C. T. U. for the fine box sent me for Thanksgiving. I assure you I enjoyed its good contents very much as did a number of other boys here in the regiment. I thank you very much for your kindness in remembering me. Very sincerely, Stanton L. Sherman, 1st Lt. D. R. C. 339th F. A. Camp Doniphan, Okla., Nov. 19. Mrs. John Crackling, Dear Friend: I certainly was agreeably surprised this afternoon on receiving that box of sweets. The W. C. T. U. certainly knows what we soldiers enjoy. It would have given you much pleasure to see how the rest of the sergeants in my tent gathered around that box. So you can be assured that it was appreciated. It would give me much pleasure if you would please extend my thanks to every one of those dear friends whose names I found on that list. School has just been called so must close. Yours very thankfully, SGT Gerard B. Lubbert, Co. C, 130 M. G. B. Camp Doniphan, Ft. Sill, Okla Camp Dodge, Nov. 25, 1917, Mrs. John Crackling, Carroll, Iowa. Dear Madam: Let me as one of the soldiers at Camp Dodge thank the organization of which you are the county superintendent, for remembering the Carroll county soldier boys as you did. We most heartily enjoyed those little dainties and wish you success in your organization. Respectfully, Bert Wilson Headquarters Co. 350th Infantry Ft. Wiley, Cal., Nov. 21, 1917 Dear People: I received the box of good things today and I am going to try and tell you how much I appreciate it. A fellow does a good deal of thinking when he is away on a mission of this kind, and most of the time his thoughts are of the dear people he left behind. Many times my thoughts have passed over the day I left those people behind, and I wondered if it was as fresh in your minds as it is in mine. But when I received the box today I knew it still dwelled upon your minds and I have not been forgotten. So I thank you, kind people, once more for your rememberance. I am sincerely, "Chub" Parsons Fort Scott, Cal., Nov. 21, 1917. Mrs. John Crackling, Supt. of the Sailors and Soldiers Department of the W. C. T. U. Carroll, Iowa. Dear Madame: The box of good things to eat came today and was enjoyed by several soldiers. I am very pleased to know the popele think of their soldiers and express their thoughts in such a manner. Home-made sweets certainly take well with the soldiers. I want to thank you all for your thoughtfulness. Yours respectfully, Harry W. Badley. Here are the signatures of the soldiers who had a taste of the "eats" and that they were great: Frank C. Wellman and Clarence A. Crosby. |