Carroll County IAGenWeb


A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement



Transcribed by Sharon Elijah June 26, 2020

CHARLES A. EASTERLY, D.D.S. *pages 79, 80*

Dr. Charles A. Easterly, who is for eight years engaged in the practice of his profession in Manning, was born in Lisbon, Lynn county, Iowa, on the 10th of May, 1873. He is the younger son of Samuel A. and Sarah (Laufler) Easterly, both of whom are natives of Ohio. The father, who was born in 1848, enlisted as a private in Company F., Thirteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, going to the front in 1863, where he remained until the close of hostilities, participating in Sherman’s campaign. After receiving his discharge he returned to Lisbon where for several years he continued to follow his trade, which was that of carpentry. He subsequently accepted a position as foreman of the carpentry gang on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad from Boone to Council Bluffs, which position he retained for about twenty-five years. In 1885 he removed to Carroll where he later established a marble business which he conducted for two or three years. In 1902 Mr. Easterly and his wife removed to Sedalia, Missouri, where he is now living retired. To them were born two sons: David L., who is a resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Charles A., the subject of this sketch. The family always attended the Presbyterian church in which the parents hold membership, while fraternally Mr. Easterly was identified with the Masons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He maintained relations with his old comrades of the field through the G.A.R., and his political support he gives to the republicans.

The school days of Charles A. Easterly began in his native town of Lisbon, his education being completed in the grammar and high schools of Carroll. Having decided that he would adopt the profession of dentistry for his life vocation, after the completion of his preliminary education, he entered the Chicago Dental College, Chicago, where he pursued his professional studies, being awarded the degree of D.D.S. with the class of 1901. After being graduated he returned to Manning where he established an office which he maintained for eight years, meeting with very good success in his practice. Upon his appointment as postmaster on the 1st of December, 1910, however, he abandoned his profession and has ever since given his entire attention to the discharge of his official responsibilities.

On the 24th of January, 1904, Dr. Easterly was united in marriage to Miss Elsa K. Studeman, a daughter of Ernst Studeman, a native of Germany but a resident of Manning. The union of Dr. and Mrs. Easterly has been blessed by the birth of two sons: Robert W., who was born on the 21st of February, 1906; and Samuel E., who was born on the 30th of November, 1909.

Fraternally Dr. Easterly holds membership in the Masonic order. Ever since attaining his majority he has given his political support to the men and measures of the republican party, but he has never prominently participated in municipal activities. During the period of his service in his present capacity he has discharged his duties in a manner entirely satisfactory to the citizens.

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Page created by Lynn McCleary June 26, 2020