Carroll County IAGenWeb


A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement



Transcriptions by Mona Sarratt Knight placed on this site with her permission, 27 Feb 2003.

JOSIAH CODER *pages 206, 207, 208*

Josiah Coder, the cashier of the Farmers Bank at Glidden, has for the past 10 years been associated with D. F. Everts and W. A. Kelly in the conduct of that institution. His birth occurred in Hancock county, Ohio, on the 20th of July, 1854, his parents being Samuel and Catharine (Hough) Coder, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. His paternal grandfather, John Coder, was a native of Germany who emigrated to America and settled in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania. He died in Ohio when well advanced in years. Unto him and his wife, Mrs. Mary Coder, were born quite a number of children. Andrew Hough, the maternal grandfather of our subject, was born in Pennsylvania and followed farming as a life work.

Samuel Coder, the father of Josiah Coder, was successfully engaged in general agricultural pursuits throughout his active business career. He came to Carroll county, Iowa, in 1873 and settled in Sheridan township, where he purchased and improved a farm of 160 acres, continuing to reside thereon until within a year of his demise. He died at Glidden in 1894, when 68 years of age, passing away in the faith of the Methodist church, of which his widow is also a member. Unto them were born three sons and six daughters, as follows: Levi J., who is deceased; Cyrus, who is a resident of Windom, Minnesota; Mary E., who is the wife of J. H. Dickey and lives in the city of Oklahoma; Josiah, of this review; Delcena, wife of Ames Hollister of Lake City, Iowa; Hattie, the deceased wife of Howard Shutes of Minot, North Dakota; Susie M., wife of Zimri Barrett of Britt, Iowa; Lydia A., wife of Lester Hamm of Glidden, Iowa; and Sarah A. wife of J. M. Streeper who lives at Sawyer, North Dakota.

Josiah Coder was a resident of Jones and Jackson counties of this state before coming to Carroll county in 1868. He was reared to the work of the farm and attended the district schools in the acquirement of an education. He began teaching school when a youth of 15 and taught for 21 terms of four months each, imparting clearly and readily to others the knowledge that he had acquired. On abandoning educational interests, he became a partner in the firm of Dickey & Coder, general merchants, being thus engaged in business for 14 years. Subsequently, he spent 8 years in the First National Bank of Glidden, while for the past 10 years, he has been associated with D. F. Everts and W. A. Kelly in the control of the Farmers Bank of Glidden, a private institution, which was organized in 1900 with a capital stock of $20,000. He is a courteous and popular official of the bank, and his ability is a recognized feature in its successful management. In addition to his financial interests, he owns 160 acres of land in Richland township and also has a nice home in Glidden.

On the 18th of September 1883, Mr. Coder was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary A. Rummell, a native of Olin, Iowa, and daughter of Andrew and Margaret (Walker) Rummell, who were born in Pennsylvania and Ohio respectively. Her paternal grandfather, George P. Rummell, was a native of Pennsylvania and worked as a tanner in early manhood, subsequently becoming an agriculturist. Unto him and his wife, who bore the maiden name of Mary Stouffer, were born the following children: Jacob, John, Andrew, George, Josiah, David and Nancy. William Walker, the maternal grandfather of Mrs. Coder, was a native of Pennsylvania and a farmer by occupation. Unto him and his wife, who bore the maiden name of Eve Brubaker, were born ten children, namely: Eli, Mary, Margaret, Catharine, William, Elizabeth, Daniel, Jane, John and one who died in infancy. Andrew and Margaret (Walker) Rummell were Presbyterians in religious faith. They were the parents of 8 children: Mrs. Josiah Coder; Elizabeth J., wife of F. E. Somers; George W.; Nancy C., wife of Charles Field; Ada A. who died in infancy; Nellie V., assistant cashier at the Farmers Bank of Glidden; Frank W., who is a resident of Hale, Iowa; and Roy C., living in Olin, Iowa.

Mr. Coder is a Republican in politics, and his fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability, have called him to positions of public trust. He has held various township offices and served as mayor of Glidden for two years. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, belonging to Haggai Lodge No. 291, A.F.&A.M.; Copestone Chapter No. 78, R.A.M.; and Jefferson Commandery, K.T. He is also a member of Philo Lodge, No. 291, I. O. O. F. In all the relations of life he has proven himself a man of genuine worth and straightforward purposes, and his progress in business has been the direct result of energy, intelligently applied.

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