Carroll County IAGenWeb


The Lewis Publishing Company, 1887


Transcribed by Sharon Elijah January 26, 2021

*pages 199-200, portrait page 198*

     The subject of this brief sketch was the ninth to hold the position of Governor of Iowa and the sixth to fill the office under the State organization. He held the office four years, from 1864 to 1868.

     William Milo Stone was born October 14, 1827, a son of Truman and Lavina (North) Stone. His great-grandfather on both sides of the family was in the seven years’ struggle for independence. His grandfather, Aaron Stone, was in the second war with England. Truman Stone moved to Lewis County, New York, when the son was a year old, and six years later to Coshocton County, Ohio.

     Like many other self-made men, William M. had few advantages. He never attended a school of any kind more than twelve months. In boyhood he was for two seasons a team-driver on the Ohio Canal. At seventeen he was apprenticed to the chairmaker’s trade, and he followed that business until twenty-three years of age, reading law meantime during his spare hours wherever he happened to be. He commenced at Coshocton, with James Mathews, who afterward became his father-in-law; continued his readings with General Lucius V. Pierce of Akron, and finished with Ezra B. Taylor, of Ravenna. He was admitted to the bar in August, 1851, by Peter Hitchcock and Rufus P. Ranney, supreme judges, holding a term of court at Ravenna.

     After practicing three years at Coshocton with his old preceptor, James Mathews, he, in November, 1854, settled in Knoxville, which has remained his home since. The year after locating here Mr. Stone purchased the Knoxville Journal, and was one of the prime movers in forming the Republican party in Iowa, being the first editor to suggest a State convention, which met February 22, 1856, and completed the organization. In the autumn of the same year he was a Presidential elector on the Republican ticket.

     In April, 1857, Mr. Stone was chosen Judge of the Eleventh Judicial District. He was elected judge of the Sixth Judicial District when the new Constitution went into operation in 1858, and was serving on the bench when the American flag was stricken down at Fort Sumter. At that time, April, 1861, he was holding court in Fairfield, Jefferson County, and when the news came of the insult to the old flag he immediately adjourned court and prepared for what he believed to be more important duties—duties to his country.

     In May he enlisted as a private; was made Captain of Company B, Third Iowa Infantry, and was subsequently promoted to Major. With that regiment he was at the battle of Blue Mills, Missouri, in September, 1861, where he was wounded. At Shiloh, the following spring, he commanded the regiment and was taken prisoner. By order of Jefferson Davis he was paroled for the time of forty days, with orders to repair to Washington, and if possible secure an agreement for a cartel for a general exchange of prisoners, and to return as a prisoner if he did not succeed. Failing to secure that result within the period specified he returned to Richmond and had his parol extended fifteen days; repairing again to Washington, he effected his purpose and was exchanged.

     In August, 1862, he was appointed by Governor Kirkwood Colonel of the Twenty-second Iowa Infantry, which rendezvoused and organized at Camp Pope, Iowa City, in August, 1862. The regiment was occupied for several months in guarding supply stores and the railroad, and escorting supply trains to the Army of the Southeast Missouri until January 27, 1863, when it received orders to join the army under General Davidson, at West Plains, Missouri. After a march of five days it reached its destination, and was brigaded with the Twenty-first and Twenty-third Iowa regiments, Colonel Stone commanding, and was designated the First Brigade, First Division, Army of Southeast Missouri. April 1 found Colonel Stone at Milliken’s Bend, Louisiana, to assist Grant in the capture of Vicksburg. He was now in immediate command of his regiment, which formed a part of a brigade under Colonel C. L. Harris, of the Eleventh Wisconsin. In the advance upon Port Gibson Colonel Harris was taken sick, and Colonel Stone was again in charge of a brigade. In the battle of Port Gibson the Colonel and his command distinguished themselves, and were successful. The brigade was in the reserve at Champion Hills, and in active skirmish at Black River.

     On the evening of May 21 Colonel Stone received General Grant’s order for a general assault on the enemy’s lines at 10 A.M. on the 22d. In this charge, which was unsuccessful, Colonel Stone was again wounded, receiving a gunshot in his left forearm. Colonel Stone commanded a brigade until the last of August, when, being ordered to the Gulf department, he resigned. He had become very popular with the people of Iowa, and they were determined to make his Governor.

     He was nominated in a Republican convention held at Des Moines in June, 1863, and was elected by a large majority. He was brevetted Brigadier-General in 1864, during his first year of Governor. He was inaugurated January 14, 1864, and was re-elected in 1865, his four years in office closing January 16, 1868. His majority in 1863 was nearly 30,000, and in 1865 about 16,500. His diminished vote in 1865 was due to the fact that he was very strongly committed in favor of negro suffrage.

     Governor Stone made a very energetic and efficient executive. Since the expiration of his gubernatorial term he has sought to escape the public notice, and has given his time largely to his private business interests. He is in partnership with Hon O. B. Ayres of Knoxville, in legal practice.

     He was elected to the General Assembly in 1877, and served one term.

     In May, 1857, he married Miss Carloaet Mathews, a native of Ohio, then residing in Knoxville. They have one son — William A.

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Page created January 26, 2021 by Lynn McCleary