Carroll County IAGenWeb |
Transcribed by Sharon Elijah December 1, 2020
Robert Stevens, retired farmer, Carroll Township, is one of the best-known citizens of Carroll County. He is a native of Cambridgeshire, England, born June 14, 1832. His parents were Josiah and Mary (Cornell) Stevens, and they had nine children, of whom Robert was the second child. His early life was passed in assisting at farm labor. August 29, 1854, he was united in marriage with Miss Sophia Perry, also a native of Cambridgeshire, born June 6, 1833. Her parents, John and Lucy (Linton) Perry, had eight children, Mrs. Stevens being the seventh. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Stevens came to America. They first located in Bureau County, Illinois, where Mr. Stevens bought a farm of eighty acres on section 23, Walnut Township. He improved this farm and lived upon it until 1868, then sold it and came to Carroll County. His first home in this county was on section 15, Pleasant Valley Township, where he bought 160 acres of wild land, for which he paid $5 per acre. After improving the farm and living upon it until February, 1883, he settled in his present home, near Carroll. Mr. Stevens owns 492 acres of excellent land, which is well improved; 240 acres of his land are on section 11 and 14, Pleasant Valley Township, 160 acres on section 16, Richland Township, and eighty acres on section 2, Union Township. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are the parents of seven children — John Perry, Mary Elizabeth Moffatt, Emily Jane Bender, James William, Margaret Rebecca Simpson, Lucy Helen and Alice Mabel. In politics Mr. Stevens is a Republican, and has served in most of the township offices with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are worthy and consistent members of the Christian church.~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~