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Family Connections


The Breda Centennial Book, Older Days Renewed, page 151

Otto Becker was born in Germany September 17, 1845. In 1867 he left the land of his birth and came to America, settling in Illinois where he remained two years. He then came to Iowa where he homesteaded on a farm two miles west and one-half mile north of Breda. This farm has remained in the family ever since, and it is now owned by Darwin Becker.

In 1877, Otto Becker married Mattie Aden at Carroll, and to their union six children were born. One son died in 1893 at the age of eleven years. The other children were: Mary (Peon), Minnie (O'Toole), Anna (Luckow), Emma (Schlorholtz), and Otto, Jr.

Mrs Becker died in 1895, and Otto E Becker passed away March 16, 1918 at his home in Breda.

The Breda Centennial Book, Older Days Renewed 1877-1977, pages 163 & 165

The Darwin becker Farm

In 1869 Otto Becker came to Iowa and homesteaded the farm two miles west and one-half mile north of Breda. He was one of the first settlers in this part of the country. At that time Breda was not on the map.

During the year 1877, Otto Becker was united in marriage to Mattie Aden. They were parents of six children. One son died in 1893 at the age of eleven years. The other children were: Mary Poen, Minnie O'Toole, Anna Luckow, Emma Schlorholtz, and Otto Becker, Jr. Mrs Becker died in 1895.

Otto Becker retired from farming in 1900 and purchased property in Breda where he made his home until his death in 1918.

In 1877, when the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad was built in Breda, Otto Becker shipped the first carload of grain, namely barley, out of Breda. He was compelled to shovel the entire load.

Later Otto Beker, Jr., took over the home place. He was married to Minnie Huisenga, and they were the parents of two sons. Donald, who is married to Geneva Herrig, lives in Wall Lake. Darwin, who is married to Darlene Kies, lives on the home place now. They are the parents of four children: Larry, David, Joni, and Jason.

Submitted in August 2003 by Anita Henning - Lemon Grove, CA

Page updated August 28, 2020

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