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Carroll County IAGenWeb |
O. M. Gross | Abstracts and Loans; Mortgares Bought and Sold | Phone No. 217, Carroll, Iowa |
J. A. Dougherty | Farm Loans, Real Estate, Insurance and Investments | Carroll, Iowa |
Consumers Electrical Company | Electrical Contrators; Supplies and Appliances; Consulting Engineers; Fixtures and Motors | General Office: 119 West Fifth Street, Carroll, Iowa |
F. H. Hillemeyer | Dentist. Office House: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Carroll, Iowa |
E. P. Franzwa | Oldsmobile & Reo; Automobile Repair Shop; Overhauling, Rebuilding, Store, Machine Work - All Kinds of Electrical Work a Specialty | Carroll, Iowa |
Miner Brothers | Paul S. Miner & Harry T. Miner. Plumbing and Heating Contractors. Office and Show Room in Post Office Bldg. | Phone 600, Carroll, Iowa |
E. C. Frutiger | Chiropractor. Complete X-Ray Laboratory | Telephone 350, Carroll, Iowa |
The O Garage | Otto Olerich, Proprietor. Fire Proof Storage; A Complete Line of Accessories and Supplies - Pennsyvania Vacunm, Cup Tires | Carroll, Iowa |
Farmers Bank | Capital $12,000.00. P. W. Schenkelberg, President Jasper Schroeder, Vice-Pres. John Schenkelberg, Cashier William Eischeid, Asst. Cashier | Halbur, Iowa |
Farmers Savings Bank | Capital and Surplus $25,000 Frank Van erdewyk, Vice-President R. J. Heinen, Cashier | Halbur, Iowa |
Carroll County State Bank | Carroll, Iowa | |
J. B. Dopheide | Investmetn Banker. I Buy and Sell Farm Mortgages, Abstracter of Titles, Farm Loans and Insurance | Carroll, Iowa |
Green Bay Lumber Co. | Leading Dealers in Iowa | Carroll & Glidden, Iowa |
Matt Hardware Co. | Retail Hardware | Phone 165, Carroll, Iowa |
Dr. W. J. Forrest | Osteopathic Physician | Beiter Building, Carroll, Iowa |
Commercial Hotel | European Plan - Steam Heated. Frank J. Buchheit, Mgr. | Carroll, Iowa |
Becker & Co. | Dealers in General Merchandise. Give US A Trial. We Pay Highest Market Prices for Butter and Eggs | Phone No. 69, Carroll, Iowa |
The Neumayer Garage | Distributor of Dodge Brothers Motor Cars; "Exide" Batteries | Phone No. 78, Carroll, Iowa |
A. Moorhouse | Lumber - Grain - Coal. Yards and Elevators at Glidden & Ralston | Glidden, Iowa |
Peoples Savings Bank | Capital $50,000.00 Leo J. Wegman, President Wm. Schoeppner, Vice-President L. G. Schreck, Cashier F. G. Schreck, Asst. Cashier | Templeton, Iowa |
Commercial Savings Bank | This Bank invites new business in all departments of banking from Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals and gives the same careful attention to new comers as it does to its older customers. | Carroll, Iowa |
Helmer & Minnich | C.C. Helmer & G. A. Minnich, Att'ys at Law | Carroll, Iowa |
The Carroll Times" | arroll County's Foremoste Newspaper. Fearless - Independent - Progressive. Subscription $2 per Year | Carroll, Iowa |
Holley Music House, Inc. | Pianos, Player Pianos and Musical Merchandise, Victrolas and Brunswick Talking Machines and supplies. Victor Brunswick and Pathe Records, Music Rolls, Sheet Music, Music Books and Studies. The oldest Piano Dealer in this Part of Iowa. "All the Music all the Time." Send your Mail Orders to us. | Phone 42, Carroll, Iowa |
Anderson Bros. & Co. | Harness, Traveling Bags, Shoes, Trunks | Carroll, Iowa |
The Farrell Café | G. E. Farrell. Open Day and Night. Why make the wife work on Sunday? Eat with us! | Carroll, Iowa |
S. Walz & Son | Home of Good Shoes | Carroll, Iowa |
F. G. Rust | Fire, Lighting, Tornado, Insurance | Glidden, Iowa |
Bohling-Clausen-Leonard Company | J. C. Bohling, P. F. Clausen, R. E. Leonard. Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes | Glidden, Iowa |
Lechtenberg & Truhe | Dealers in Farm Machinery, Engines and Tractors. Power Washing Machines, Heating and Blumbing | Templeton, Iowa |
The American Saving Bank | The Bank that makes friends and keeps them will appreciate your business | |
E. A. Wissler | Lawyer | Carroll, Iowa |
McCrary & Urbany | Attorneys at Law | Carroll, Iowa |
Swaney Automobile Co. | Distributors Ford Motor Cars and Fordson Tractors. Supplies, Accessories, Repairs. Nothing but genuine Ford Parts W.B. Swaney, Pres. N. M. Mackey, Secy A. C. Sherwoood, Treas. | 218 West Sixth Street, Carroll, Iowa |
Carroll Battery Service | A. F. Owen, Mgr. Authorized Willard Service Station - Expert Battery and Electrical Service. | West Fourth Street |
Nockels & Sons | Men's Outfitters | Carroll, Iowa |
Thompson & Wigren | Tailors and Dry Cleaners | Carroll, Iowa |
Glidden Savings Bank | Capital Stock $25,000.00 J. W. Haselton, President Henry Mohr, Cashier L. H. Mohr, Asst. Cashier | Glidden, Iowa |
Glidden Hardware Co. | A. J. quigo & C. R. Dunbar. Dealers in General Hardware. Majestic Ranges, Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Harness, Paints, Oils and Greases of all kinds, Plumbing, Hot Water and Hot Air Heating Plants a Specialty | Glidden, Iowa |
Ralston Savings Bank | Collections - Insurance, Fairm Loans R. A. Hamilton, President Warren C. Garst, Vice-Pres. Edw. F. Buenneke, Cashier | Ralston, Iowa |
Iowa Trust & Savings Bank | Capital $50,000.00 Officers Geo. H. Bartels, President E. A. Wissler, Vice-President John P. Bowler, Cashier Directors Geo. H. Bartels, E. A. Wissler, A. J. Graham, J. A. schollenberger, John P. Bowler | Carroll, Iowa |
Saul & Son | Lawyers | Carroll, Iowa |
John A. Drees | Dealer in Farm Lands, City Property and Insurance | Carroll, Iowa |
Farnam Tire & Rubber Co. | Frank Morris, Prop. G. P. O'Brien, Mgr. New and Rebuilt Tires. Guaranteed Tire and Tube Repairing. | Cor. 5th and Court Steet, Telephone 105, Carroll, Iowa |
Lipsman Manufacturing Co. | M. Lopsman, Manager. Fine Tailoring for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children | Carroll, Iowa |
Glenn N. Weeks | Where Wares of Gold are Fairly Sold. Watchmaker, Jewelry and Phonographs. We make your Old Rings and Jewelry look stylish and fashionable. Low estimates gladyly furnished | Carroll, Iowa |
Schaefer Brothers Tire Co. | Dealers in Sprague Tires. Vulcanizing a Specialty | Carroll, Iowa |
First National Bank | A. Moorhouse, President D. E. Waldron, Vice-President C. U. Fisher, Vice-President H. W. Porter, Cashier W. F. Shove, Assistant Cashier | Glidden, Iowa |
Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank | Farm Loans, Collections and Insurance John Schleismann, Asst. Cashier Louis F. Kovar, Cashier | Lidderdale, Iowa |
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Farrell & Mertens | Auctioneers and Real Estate | Manning, Iowa |
The Monitor Publishing Co. | P. Bix and P. F. Werner, Publishers. Offical Paper for Town and County. First Class Job Department. | Manning, Iowa |
Farmers Trust & Savings Bank | Capital and Surplus $31, 000.00. Resources over $400,000.00. A continuous, Sound and Healthy Growth. Transacts a General Banking Busines. | Dedham, Iowa |
Farmers State Bank | H. F. Von Glan, President Jos. S. Schapmann, Vice-President J. R. Neumayer, Asst. Cashier Chas. B. Jones, Cashier | Breda, Iowa |
Farmers Trust & Savings Bank | Capital $25,000.00 W. W. Wine, President G. F. Teter, Vice-Pres. John J. Ruane, Cashier | Coon Rapids, Iowa |
Bachrodt Motor Company | Ford Authorized Sales and Service | Coon Rapids, Iowa |
Hoffmann & Son | Hoffmann Bros., Props. Herman Hoffmann & Henry Hoffmann, Jr. Lumber and Coal | Manning, Iowa |
Geo. B. Jones | Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Supplies | Manning, Iowa |
State Savings Bank | Established 1905. Safe, Sound, Progressive and Accommodating F. A. Toovey, President J. B. Dopheide, Vice-President Reed McMurray, Cashier L. E. Schueller, Asst. Cashier | Dedham, Iowa |
Henry Bruning & Son | Choice Iowa Farms for Sale. List Your Land With Us and We Will Find You a Buyer. Nebraska Farms and Colorado Irrigated Lands. Reference: Breda Savings Bank | Breda, Iowa |
Joyce Lumber Company | B. J. Bennett, Mgr. Preferred Products Building Material and Fuel | Coon Rapids, Iowa |
Coon Rapids Auto Salvage Co. | Earl Clark, Proprietor | Coon Rapids, Iowa |
The Valley Bank | West Side, Iowa | |
Bank of Manning | Manning, Iowa | |
Herman Gotch | Authorized Sales Agent for Hudson and Essex | Manning, Iowa |
C. J. Eden | Real Estate and Insurance | Manning, Iowa |
Olerich Company | H. J. Olerich, F. C. Olerich, H. J. Bruning, J. W. Zurmahr. Dealers in Hardware, Furniture and Implements | Breda, Iowa |
Leonard's Garage | F. A. Leonard, Prop. Electric Service, Firestone Tires, Battery Service, Ford Accessories. Repairing a Specialty, Truck Hauling, Taxi Car | Lanesboro, Iowa |
D. S. Weaver, D. V. M. | Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night. Res. Phone 27. Office Phone 52 | Coon Rapids, Iowa |
Peters Bros. Garage | Dealers in Buicks, Fords and Wallis Tractors. Genuine Ford Parts and Accessoris. | Arcadia, Iowa |
Iowa State Savings Bank | Capital $50,000.00. Surplus $25,000.00 Doglas Rogers, President R. H. Wheeler, Cashier H. P. Hansen, Vice-President and Asst. Cashier | Manning, Iowa |
F. D. Ross & Co. | Authorized Ford and Fordson Sales and Service | Manning, Iowa |
C. H. Reinholdt & Co. | Hardware, Implements, Heating, Copper-Clad Ranges, Samson Tractors and Trucks | Manning, Iowa |
Breda Auto Company | Wm. Heisterkamp, Prop. Authorized Ford Dealer. Auto Accessories and Supplies. Repairing of all kinds | Phone No. 77, Breda, Iowa |
J. & W. C. Shull | Dealers in Lumber, Coal and Building Material. General Office; Minneapolis, Minn. Yards in Iowa and Minnesota. J. W. Bross, Mgr. | Lanesboro, Iowa |
State Bank Of Arcadia | Capital and Surplus $55,000.00 J. C. Pruter, President V. Pruter, Cashier C. C. Wiebers, Vice-President H. W. Behneman, Asst. Cashier | Arcadia, Iowa |
Reinhold's Pharmacy | Drugs, Paints and Wall Paper. Soda Fountain, all kinds of Cold Drink | Phone No. 3 on 23, Arcadia, Iowa |
First National Bank | D. W. Sutherland, President R. G. Sutherland, Cashier E. D. Sutherland, Asst. Cashier | Manning, Iowa |
W. B. Parrott Company | Poultry, Eggs, & Butter. Buying and Packing Stations Jefferson, Carroll, Onawa, Ute. Priebe & Sons, Inc. 136 W. Kake St., Chicago, Sales Agents. | Main Offices and Storage, Manning, Iowa |
Hansen-Albert Comp. | P. F. Hansen, G. F. Albert, T. D. Hansen. "We Sell For Less". Dry Goods, Millinery, Groceries, Shoes, Men's Furnishings, Queensware. | Manning, Iowa |
Lanesboro Savings Bank | Safety, Courtesty A Friendly Place to Bank A. O. Wick, President Henry Miller, Vice-President L. C. Dreesen, Cashier | Lanesboro, Iowa |
Farmers State Bank | Nearly all Banks are good Banks. This Bank will do for you anyt thing that a good Bank ought to do. Captial and Surplus $20,000.00 Herbert Winter, President J. H. Van Scoy, Vice-President Orrin E. Van Horn, Cashier J. E. Wilson, Asst. Cashier | Lanesboro, Iowa |
J. R. Rehker | Hardware, Implements, Furniture and Undertaking | Arcadia, Iowa |
Farmers Elevator Company | Grain, Coal and Live Stock, Lumber and Building Material Fank A. Nathe, President Adolph Lichte, Secretary Herman Shutlte, Vice-Pres. J. E. Glaman, Manager | Arcadia, Iowa |
The Anderson Publishing Co. | Publishers of Atlases and Maps. Genuine Lithographic Productions. Specialty: Making and Publising of Origina Maps of Cities, Towns, and Township. We are Map Makers, not Dealers. Correspodence Solicited. | 3801 cottage Grove Ave., Des Moines, Iowa |