J. A. Barlow
Butler county has been signally favored in the class of men who have
occupied her public positions, in which connection J. A. Barlow should
be mentioned, as he is now capably filling the office of county
treasurer. Allison numbers him among her native sons, his birth having
here occurred April 27, 1886. His parents, John and Bell (Oleson)
Barlow, are residents of Dumont, where the father is engaged in the
banking business. He was filling the office of county clerk at the time
of the birth of his son, J. A. Barlow, and after Ms term of office had
expired he removed with
the family to a farm in Ripley township, five miles southwest of
Allison, there residing for five years. He next returned to town, the
family taking up their abode in Dumont when J. A. Barlow was but nine
years of age.
The subject of this review had acquired his education in the public
schools of Dumont and was employed in his father's bank for six years,
or until his election to his present position in November, 1912. He then
returned to Allison, his native city, and assumed the duties of the
office of county treasurer on the first of January, 1913. He is
systematic, methodical, prompt and reliable and is making a most
creditable record in office. He was elected on the republican ticket,
having always been a supporter of the party since age conferred upon him
the right of franchise. He likewise served as town clerk for four years
while in Dumont. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias fraternity and has
many friends in that organization as well as in other connections. Those
who know him esteem him for his sterling worth and none hold him in as
high regard as those who have known him longest, a fact which indicates
a well spent life.
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