Buena Vista County, IA
USGenWeb Project

1892 Reported Deaths in Buena Vista County
Contributed by Sheryl McClure

Pickering, Kate S. age 47 born Ohio; died Jan. 19, 1892 in Alta of pneumonia; buried Alta

Boles, John age 84 yr 2 mo 23 da; died Jan. 4, 1892 in Alta of pneumonia; buried Jan. 5, 1892 in Alta

Holmes, Pearl age 9 mo born Iowa; died Jan. 6, 1892 of la grippe; buried Jan. 8, 1892 in Alta

Tauk, Elmer Andrew age 5 mo. born Sulphur Springs; died Jan. 20, 1892 in Sulphur Springs of pneumonia; buried Jan. 22, 1892 in Newell

Cushman, Esther M. age 67 in New York; died Jan. 28, 1892 in Newell of acute duodinal catarrh; buried Jan. 30, 1892 in Newell

Johnsen, Fred age 44 yr 9 mo 1 da born Denmark; died Jan 16, 1892 in Newell of la grippe; buried Jan. 17, 1892 in Newell

Andersen, Carl age 68 yr born Denmark; died Feb. 3, 1892 in Coon Twp. of la grippe; buried Feb. 7, 1892 in Newell

Stephens, Edward J. age 17 born Canada; died Jan. 29, 1892 in Storm Lake; buried Jan. 30, 1892 in Storm Lake

Sroka, Rosena Matilda age 1 yr 5 mo 9 da born Blaine; died Feb. 23, 1892 in Blaine of choking; buried Feb. 25, 1892 in Hanover

Lauridson, Floyd Edward age 3 born Iowa died March 15, 1892 in Elk Twp. of diphtheria; buried March 15, 1892 in Elk Scandinavian Cemetery

Pickering, Clarence E. age 6 yr 28 da born Alta; died March 29, 1892 in Alta of scarlet fever; buried March 29, 1892 in Alta

Larson, Peter age 16 born Elk Twp; died March 25, 1892 in Elk Twp of diphtheria; buried March 29, 1892 in Elk Cemetery

Biggleston, Constance May age 6 yr 11 mo born Iowa; died March 23, 1892 in Marathon of valvular heart disease and nephritis; buried March 27, 1892 in Marathon

Hoffman, Herbert age 10 mo. born Storm Lake; died March 31, 1892 in Storm Lake of pneumonia; buried April 1, 1892 in Storm Lake

Hettwer, twin boy and girl; born and died March 20, 1892 in Newell of premature birth; buried March 21, 1892 in Newell

Hulsey, Bertha May age 7 yr 10 mo. born Brooke Twp; died March 21, 1892 in Brooke Twp. of cerebral atrophy--meningitis; buried Cherokee

Lemke, Fred age 12 born Illinois; died May 1, 1892 in Newell of la grippe; buried May 4, 1892 in Coon Twp.

L. Y. Hayes age 54 born Penn.; died May 16, 1892 in Storm Lake of perforation of the bowels; buried May 18, 1892 in Storm Lake

Larsen, James age 76 born Denmark; died June 13, 1892 in Newell of unknown causes; buried June 15, 1892 in Newell

Hunter, Lenora Viola age 4 yr 8 mo born Newell; died March 19, 1892 in Newell of diphtheretic croup; buried March 21, 1892 in Newell

Jensen, Carrie age 26 born Denmark; married; died June 21, 1892 in Newell of consumption; buried June 23, 1892 in Newell

Maynard, Sidney S. age 53 yr 10 mo born Mass.; died July 11, 1892 in Alta of cancer; buried July 13, 1892 in Storm Lake

Swanson, male age 2 yr 1 mo born Alta; died September 2, 1892 in Alta of dysentery; buried September 4, 1892 in Alta

Cadmun, Earle W. age 16 born Ohio; died July 2, 1892 in Newell of diphtheria; buried July 3, 1892 in Newell

Piercy, Samuel age 11 mo. born Newell; died September 30, 1892 in Newell of cholera infantum; buried Oct. 2, 1892 in Newell

McFarland, John age 71 born New York; died Aug. 15, 1892 in Newell of heart disease; buried Aug. 17, 1892 in Newell

Loveless, Mary Ann age 75 born Tenn.; died Oct. 2, 1892 in Alta of neuralgia of the heart; buried Oct. 4, 1892 in Alta

Webster, Maudie Goldie age 7 mo 22 da born Brooke Twp.; died September 22, 1892 in Brooke Twp. of cholera infantum; buried September 23, 1892 in Peterson

Crawford, Mrs. E. D. age 37; died Aug. 21, 1892 in Sioux Rapids of portal congestion; buried Aug. 23, 1892 in Sioux Rapids

Cornell, S. A. age 41; married; died May 4, 1892 in Sioux Rapids of phthitis pulmonaria; buried May 7, 1892 in Sioux Rapids

Grant, male age 2 born Storm Lake; died September 29, 1892 in Storm Lake of capillary bronchitis and lobar pneumonia; buried Oct. 1, 1892 in Storm

LakeLee, Beulah age 4 born Storm Lake; died September 15, 1892 in Storm Lake of capillary bronchitis; buried September 17, 1892 in Storm Lake

Haywood, Sarah age 68 yr 3 mo born New Hampshire; died Oct. 26, 1892 in Nokomis Twp. of dysentery; buried Oct. 28, 1892 in Alta

Trusty, Orba H. (male) age 2 born South Dakota; died Nov. 30, 1892 in Sioux Rapids of inflammation of the brain; buried Dec. 1, 1892 in Sioux Rapids

Fox, Henry age 69 born Penn.; died Dec. 17, 1892 in Alta of typhoid fever; buried Dec. 20, 1892 in Alta

Roberts, Robert age 3 mo. born Peterson, Clay Co.; died Dec. 16, 1892 in Peterson of convulsions; buried Zion Church cemetery (Clay Co. ?)
Page Last Updated 09/04/2017 19:43:49