St. Paul's Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Artesian, Waverly
From Pictorial
Atlas, Bremer County, Iowa 1983
Transcribed by Karlyn Armstrong.
The congregation was formally organized as St. Paul's Lutheran Church on May 15, 1871, with 30 charter members under the direction and advice of Pastor Schmidt of Schaumberg, Illinois.
A small building was first erected which was to serve as the house of worship for the time being. This building has had a room added and since served as the school building.
Pastor J.J. Craemer was called to serve St. Paul's as the first pastor in 1871. In 1877, the Articles of Incorporation were translated into English by the second pastor, Rev. M. Stephan.
In 1885, a new church was erected and dedicated in the same year.
A Christian Day School was begun from the very beginning of the congregation. However, in 1962, due to present conditions, the Christian Day School was closed.
The congregation has celebrated its Silver Anniversary in 1896, its Golden in 1921 and its Diamond in 1946.
The years had shown themselves upon the building so that in September 1958, the house of worship was redecorated.
The congregation has had a Lutheran Women's Missionary League, a Walther League Society and a Lutheran Laymen's League. The present pastor, Rev. Rocky Mease, has served the congregation since 1981.