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Benny Anderson


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 3/2/2023 at 10:06:13


Benny Anderson is actively engaged in general farming on section 18, Fertile township, Worth county, and the well developed place returns to him golden harvests as a reward for the care and labor which he bestows upon the fields. He was born upon the farm where he now lives, his natal day being January 7, 1885. He is a son of Peter A. and Carrie (Erickson) Anderson, both of whom were natives of Norway. They came to the United States in young manhood and womanhood and were residents of Wisconsin for a time. In that state they were married and afterward removed to Iowa, settling on a farm which is now the home of their son Benny. There they resided until the death of the father in the year 1901. The mother survives and is living with two sisters in Albert Lea, Minnesota.
Benny Anderson was reared on the old homestead, his youthful days being passed in the usual manner of farm lads of that period. He attended the district schools and on attaining his majority he began farming for himself on a sixty acre tract of land three-fourths of a mile north of the home farm, which had been willed to him by his father. He had previously had wide experience in the cultivation of the old homestead, which he had operated for his mother, and he continued to farm this in that way until he made purchase of the home in 1912. He has always, therefore, resided in this locality and his enterprise and effort have brought to him substantial success. He lives a life of thrift and industry and the careful direction of his labors results in the gathering of substantial harvests.
In 1913 Mr. Anderson was united in marriage to Miss Ida Petersburg, a daughter of John Petersburg, one of the prominent farmers of Fertile township, and to them have been born three children: Stanley Hubert, Stella Irene and Viola Ella May. In his political views Mr. Anderson has been a republican since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He is the secretary of the school board and he is a stockholder in the Farmers' Cooperative Society of Joice. Both he and his wife are members of the Norwegian Lutheran church and guide their lives according to its teachings. They stand for those interests and activities which are of greatest worth in community affairs and all who know them entertain for them warm regard. Mr. Anderson has spent his entire life in Worth county and the fact that many of his staunchest friends are those who have known him from his boyhood is an indication that his record has ever been a creditable and honorable one


Worth Biographies maintained by Karon S. Velau.
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