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Kirk, James Y.


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 7/9/2021 at 13:17:08

History of Warren County, Iowa; Containing a History of the County, Its Cities, Towns & Etc., by Union Historical Company, 1879, p.616

KIRK, JAMES Y., farmer, Squaw Township, Sec. 17; P. O. Madora, born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, February 15, 1813, where he was raised and married to Miss Martha Donaldson, February 7, 1839, a native of Pennsylvania, born August 20, 1816; they have a family of twelve children; they have but nine living: Joseph, Isaac D., Elizabeth, wife of David Summerfield, of Jones county, James W., Robert H., David W., John, Hattie M., wife of B. Glickler, and Mintie; they moved to Washington county, this State, in 1865, and the following spring to this county; owns eighty-five acres of land; has a very fine orchard and an extensive vineyard; they have lost three children: Samuel, died February 25, 1841, Sarah, deceased wife of L. W. Coruthers, died January 21, 1875, Rebecca, died October 21, 1864.


Warren Biographies maintained by Karen S. Velau.
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