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McKee, Edwin R.


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 6/29/2021 at 13:48:54

History of Warren County, Iowa; Containing a History of the County, Its Cities, Towns & Etc., by Union Historical Company, 1879, p.600

McKEE, Edd R., Indianola, capitalist; was born in Indiana in 1842, and is the son of Tabor W. and Sarah McKee; he came with his parents to this county in 1853, and were among the early settlers of the county; his father was the first to engage in the nursery business in this vicinity, and the grounds and orchards of the subject of this sketch are evidence of the success that attended his efforts in this direction; he was a man closely identified with the interest of the county, and was honored by its citizens with the office of sheriff and county treasurer; in the latter office his son acted as deputy; Mr. McKee has a banking experience of eleven years, and was one of the organizers of the First National Bank, and its cashier until 1874; he married Miss Emma Bundy, December 24, 1863; she was born in Iowa; they have two children: W. O. and Pearl K; and have lost two: Vane V. and an infant; Mr. McKee's father was born on the land where Cincinnati is situated, then known as Fort Washington; and his grandfather was in the Revolutionary War, and fought under General Wayne, in the war of 1812, and was shot by Indians.

History of Warren County, Iowa from Its Earliest Settlement to 1908, by Rev. W. C. Martin, Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1908, p.806

Edwin Ruthven McKee, deceased, was for many years one of the promi­nent and influential citizens of Indianola. He was born on a farm seven miles from Newcastle, Indiana, in 1842, and was the son of Tabor W. and Sarah (Elliott) McKee. The birth of the father occurred on land which is now with­in the city limits of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the mother was a native of North Carolina. Our subject's grandfather was a soldier of the Revolutionary War and also participated in the war of 1812, serving under General Anthony Wayne. At an early day Tabor W. McKee removed to Indiana, where he entered a tract of wild land and, in the midst of the forest, cleared and improved a farm. He became a very prosperous agriculturist and a large landowner. He was also prominent in public affairs and held a number of political offices. In 1852 he came to Iowa and first located in Des Moines but, not liking the city, he removed to Indianola and located on the place now occupied by the widow of our subject. Here he was engaged in mercantile business for a time, but later his attention was principally devoted to his official duties. He served as sheriff of the county for some years, and also county treasurer. No trust reposed in him was ever betrayed, and he met with success in all of his under­takings. By birthright he was a member of the Society of Friends. After a useful and well spent life he passed away in 1871 and his wife died in 1885. They were the parents of four children, of whom our subject is the youngest.
Edwin R. McKee received a good common-school education, and was twelve years of age when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Indianola. Leaving school at that time he entered the treasurer's office, serving as deputy under his father, and was later cashier in the First National Bank. Subsequently he engaged in the nursery business in connection with J. T. Lacey, and later turned his attention to the shoe business, meeting with success in all of his ventures.
Mr. McKee was quite prominent socially, being an honored member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In politics he was a strong Republican and took a very active and prominent part in public affairs. His fellow citizens, recognizing his worth and ability, called upon him to serve as mayor of Indianola and he also was city clerk for a number of years, a member of the civic council and held other minor offices of honor and trust. He died February 2, 1897, respected and esteemed by all who knew him.
On the 24th of December, 1863, in Indianola, Mr. McKee married Miss Emma Bundy, who was born in Farmington, Iowa, on the 24th of December, 1846, the daughter of John W. and Sarah Maria Bundy. Her father was a miller by trade. During her childhood the family removed to Quincy, Illinois, and later to Oskaloosa, Iowa, and from there came to Indianola, arriving here on the 8th of March, 1856. She attended the public schools of this city and subsequently was a student at Blue Bird Seminary, which was afterward merged into Simpson College.
Mr. and Mrs. McKee became the parents of four children, of whom William O., born October 4, 1864, died in 1882, and a son and daughter died in infancy. The only one now living is Pearl K. McKee, who was born February 17, 1874, and is now successfully engaged in the clothing business in Indianola. He married Miss Nellie Bradshaw and they have two sons, Edd R. and Leonard W.
Mrs. McKee is quite prominent socially and is an active member of the Rebekah lodge and the Degree of Honor, the auxiliary of the United Workmen, passing through all the chairs in both of these bodies. She is an earnest and faithful member of the First Baptist Church and the Baptist Young People's Union and is also connected with the James Whitcomb Riley Club, whose object is to cheer and brighten the lives of old people, to visit them and remember them on their birthdays and in sickness to care for them. The distressed and unfortunate have always found in her a friend and her motto is, "Do all the good you can, in every way you can and wherever you can." She is always ready to visit the sick and afflicted and she is loved and respected by rich and poor, young and old, alike. Pleasant and genial at all times, she makes many friends and no enemies and she is welcomed in the best society wherever she goes.


Warren Biographies maintained by Karen S. Velau.
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