Herring, William
Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 6/29/2021 at 11:55:05
History of Warren County, Iowa from Its Earliest Settlement to 1908, by Rev. W. C. Martin, Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1908, p.884
William Herring, deceased, was for many years one of the leading farmers of Linn Township and a man honored and respected wherever known. He was born in Pennsylvania, May 7, 1839, and was a representative of an old family of French origin that was early established in the Keystone state. There his father, Ebenezer Herring, was born and reared and on reaching manhood married Miss Jane McLaughlin. In 1854 he brought his family to Iowa traveling by wagon and boat to Warren County, and in Linn Township he purchased eighty acres of land, which he at once began to improve and cultivate, making his home thereon until his death.
William Herring was reared in much the usual manner of farm boys of his time and was educated in the country schools, one of his schoolmates being a girl who became his future wife. He remained under the parental roof until his marriage, early becoming familiar with farming in all its details, and on starting out in life for himself engaged in operating rented land. He subsequently bought eighty acres in Linn Township and about 1893 purchased fifty-two acres near Norwalk, where on his widow now resides. Throughout life he followed farming and met with good success in his chosen occupation.
It was in 1873 that the marriage of Mr. Herring and Miss Mary Beery was celebrated and their union was a happy one. They reared an adopted daughter, Pearl, now the wife of Frank Willett. Being a strong temperance man, Mr. Herring affiliated with the Prohibition Party and he was a faithful and consistent member of the Christian Church, to which his widow also belongs. After a useful and well spent life, he passed away on the 30th of January 1904, leaving many friends as well as his family to mourn his loss.
Warren Biographies maintained by Karen S. Velau.
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