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Autograph Book Belonging to Ida Clifford


Posted By: Colette Miles (email)
Date: 8/3/2003 at 12:18:31

I am the holder of a few of my greatgrandmother's possesions (Ida Clifford Lamm), and among these possesions is an autograph book that was given to her by her teacher and schoolmates about 1880. I will list here each page exactly as it is written in the book.
Presented To Ida Clifford
As a token of remembrance.
By her Schoolmates and Teacher
Dear Ida
Remember Me when friends are few
Remember me dear Cousin do
Your Cousin
Emanual Harris
Montour Iowa
Frank Harman
Johnnie Conant
Clara M. Wilson
Orpha Honeywell
Dear Ida Montour Iowa
Thy Mother My Sister
I loved so Well
has gone among the Saints to dwell
And Thou wert left a bud from the tree
and for her dear sake i shall ever
remember thee
your Aunt Christinia Harris
(note: written on the side of the page is [Ada Clifford], I think that this may be the middle name of Julia A. Fisher Clifford)
Friend Ida
If these lines you
should regret
Blot them out & me
J.F. Suse
Audubon Iowa
Dec 16, 1884
May your joy be as deep as the ocean
Your sorrow as light as its foam
Yours Truly A.F.
Audubon Iowa
December 16th/84
Cameron Dec 16th 1884
Dear Ida,
"Not like the rose may our
Friendship wither, but like the
Evergreen live forever,
are the wishes of your friend
Nellie F*****
(note: I think the last name is Forester)
May thy young life no sorrow know
Each tear be dried ere it begins to flow
May thornless roses round thy pathway bloom
Nor one leaf wither ere you reach the tomb
your friend
Mrs. M.P.Burt
Feb 13,1880
Dear Ida
True love will never ease
Fby 29, 1880
Remember me forget me never
Till yonder sun has set forever
Your Cousin
Katie Cooper
Montour Iowa
Grant C. Burt
When this you see remember
me and the old schoolhouse

Amanda B. Conant

Ida J. Harman
To Ida
When far a way and
Friends are few Remember
me and I will you
March 1, 1880
Your Aunt
Rosa Lamm
Dear Ida
Remember Well and bear in Mind
A trusty Friend is hard to find
but when you find one just and true
quit not the old one for the new
March 1, 1880
Your Aunt
Emerretta McBride
Henry Clifford
Ida A. Clifford
March 1, 1880
Ida Dear with heart so light
Remember the Pledge you
signed last night
Your Uncle
Wm McBride
Farewell Dear Niece
Feb 17, 1880
While you reside in
Carroll Town dont
forget the honest chap that
wrote these few line
Your Friend C.W.*etley
Remember me when
this you see though
many miles apart
we be
Annie Harman
Dear Ida
Roses red and Violets blue
none can love as I love you.
Your Cousin Eliza Cooper
Montour Tama Co. Iowa
Feb 29th 1880
Feb 23, 1880
Remeber me for I am your friend
your friend ill ever be
What others say when I am away
Speak not unkind of me.
George Ranck
Dear Ida
May you while this rough wourld you tred
No rude misfortune know
But find your walks with roses spread
and happy live below.
Your Aunt
Justina Lamm
Montour Iowa
Feb 16 1880
Miss Ida
Do you remember who in the middle
of February
now dont laugh
Green Mountain Iowa
Dear Nice
May your path be light
May it be strewn with roses birght
And when from single life you part
To some brave Soldier give your heart
Your Uncle
Monroe Lamm
March 1st 1880
Dear Neice
Remember me when death shall close
My eyelids in their last repose
When gentle breezes lightly wave.
The grass above your Aunts grave
Mrs Mable Lamm

Adella S. Lamm
Birdie Wilson
Freddie Rokes
Ernest Bovee
May Clifford
Bertha Burt
David Wilson
Friend Ida
Remeber me ever
In kindness I pray
Forget me oh never
Although far away
Minnie Wilson
May you always be able to
look forward with pleasure
and backward without regret
Henry M. Bovee
Some write something funny
I never could do so
So Ill just inscribe my name
Its the funniest thing I know
Robert G. Wilson
Dear Ida
Roses red and Violets blue
if you love me as I love you
no knife can cut
our love in to.
Your Cousin Julia Harris
Montour Tama Co. Iowa
Feb, 28,1880
If Scrbbing in albums Remeberance
assures. With the greatest of pleasure
Ill scribble in yours
Your Friend
Charles S. Burt
Dec. 16,1884
Dear Ida
When the sinking sun is set
and your mind from care is
free and some distant friend
your thinking Ida wont you
sometimes think of me
your friend
Kate C. Renfile
Audubon Co. Iowa
Friend Ida
May you always be able to look forward
with pleasure and backward without
your friend
George F. Burt
To Ida,
May your bark in safety glide
Up life's rough and stormy tide
And when your voyage is o'er
May you land on Canaan's shore
You Well Wishes
May 19th 1882
Mr & Mrs Jno Hardie
Carroll Co. Iowa
Strive to win in all you do
never give up until you win
Your Friend & Teacher
Jas A. Dickinson
Carroll Iowa
Dec 12, 1881
To Ida
Life we've been long together
Through pleasant and cloudy weather
Tis hard to part when friends are dear.
Your Aunt
Mrs. C. Turner
To Ida
Whatever life may be or bring
In May time or December
The sweetest burden of its song
Will always be remebrr
Jan 29, 1880
To Ida
a line of my Writing
O what shall it be
a token of friendship
From Howard to thee
Your friend Howard
Bad Writing forget
Bad spelling forgive
But remember the writer
As long as you live
Eddie Rokes
Dear Ida
Remember well and dont forget
you have a Friend in Iowa yet
Your Cousin
Huston Cooper
Montour Iowa
May the roses of sunshine
Embellish thy lot
May they flourish after
thy friend is forgot

Mijo Ida A Clifford
Carrol Citty
Carol Co

Mrs Maca Clifford
Tama Co
Ethie Hardie
Lulu McGregor
Nellie McGregor
Emma Buck
Mar 27 1882
Miss Ida
Forget not the writer
though he be a poor one
Your Friend
Henry Dobson
your schoolmate
Belle Harman
To Ida
Don't forget your friends
in Tama Co.

Remeber well and bear in mind
Good looking boys are hard to find
But when you find a good looking bean
Hang on to his coat and don't let him go

Mrs Maca Clifford
Tama Co
Dear Ida
Where'er in life thy path may lead
Take virtue for thy guide
Let not the wealth of royal mines,
Entice thee from her side.
From virtues bright and pleasant ways,
Let not thy steps depart;
Better than gold or jewels rare,
Is a pure and guileless heart.
Your Teacher and Friend
Laura Bruner
Toledo Iowa
January 25, 1880
Ida in all your undertakings
strive to be winner
If you should fail strive
the harder is a good motto

To Ida
A mark of friendship pleasing power
In these few lines you see
And often in a future hour
View them and think of me
Your affectionate Teacher
Maggie Brammer
Viola Center
Audubon Co. Iowa
June 10, 1881
To Ida
Remember me when far away
When only half awake
Remeber on the wedding day
To send me a slice of cake
From your friend
Hattie Brockitt
Green Mountain Iowa

The angel of the Lord encampeth
aroung about them that fear him
Psalm 34-7
Miss J. H.Roberts
Albert Troup
Arlie Buck
Willie McFarland
Annie Hawkins
To Ida
"We may write our names in albums
We may trace tem in the sand
We may chisel them in marble
With a fine and steady hand
But in the book of life God's album
We should write our names with care
And may all that have here written
Write their names forever there."
Your Friend and Teacher
Ellen Irwin
Deadham Iowa
May 19, 1882
Carroll City, Iowa Mar. 27th 1882
Dear Ida
May the gilt edge of truth shed
radiance 'oer thy flower strewn pathway
through life and thy bright record be written
in the Eternal Book above.
Your Friend
Lenna Dobson
April 17 1880
To Ida
Not like the rose
May our friendship
But like the evergreen
live forever
M. C. Steward
When I am far away and
no one else is near read this
and think of one who oftin
thinks of the
C D Clifford
Sept the 30 AD 1883
May you live long and conduct
your self in tht way that
you will bee anouriment
to the society, in which
you are surrounded and a
credit to your self, is the
wish of your unkle
H. L. Dobson
To Ida
Strive to excel in all
your undertakings
Your friend
Wm Fisher
Feb 25 1880
My Dear Ida
May you never
know more sorrow than
during your girlhood days;
and may those be ones of
unalloyed pleasure.
Most truely
Your friend
Mable Stack
Jefferson Ia
February 18, 83
Lucy A. Hempy
Dora C. Hempy
To Ida
When this you see
Think of me
Marie Hempy
Feby 25 1880
To Ida
Remeber me
When this you see
R. M Hempy
Feby 25 1880
Pearl Martin
Cora Buck
Edward Troup
W. Troup
Viola E. Foster
Mary I. Foster
Annie Foster
Walter A. Foster
Changes must come and friends must part
But absence can not change the heart
Ida I will always remember you
As one of my best and most loved schoolmates
Your Friend
Ida Peterson
Carlton Iowa
Jan 31st 1880
know one to love
know one to to caress
know one to by me a calico dress
yours truely
Jacob A Dunbar
Tama Co Iowa
Emma A Dunbar
Tama Co

Volna Dunbar

Gertie Dunbar
allways look on the sunny side
all though life checkered be
A mary heart bids care depart
and time flies merily
C.W. Dobson
Carie Blanch Dobson
Tama Co Iowa
Dear Ida
May you my Cousin be ever blest
With friends selected from the best
May every blessing be thy lot
I only ask forget me not
Your Cousin
Cordie Turner
Feb 26 1880
Feb 23, 1880
Trust in the lord, with all
Thy heart and lean unto
thine own undertaking
John W. Ranck
Dear Ida
Remember me
Dear cousin do
when I am far
away from you
Your cousin
Nellie Harris
Miss Ida
Your only friend
Around me shall hover
In sadess or glee
Till lifes dream be over
Sweet memories of thee
Mr. George Woods
Mijo Ida
While rosy cheeks thy blom coufer
And youth thy bosom warms
but virtue and let knowledge dress
Thy marry noble carmer
Mr. A. Lamb
Montour Iowa
Tama Co.
Callie Lamm
Montour Iowa
To Ida
While on this Earth
we do Remain we only
must to part a gain but if
we riched that heavily shore
we there shall meet to part no more
Your friend Mattie Edwards
Truman E Welton
Carlton Iowa

May C. Welton
Carlton Iowa
Dedham Iowa
July the 15, 1883
May your life be long and happy
And your enemies be few
And your friends be just as many
As the sparkling drops of dew
is the wishes of your friend
W. H. Bremmer
Spring Creek Iowa
Feb 22 1880
Friend Ida
How saine a thing
In lifes dark sea
To ask you to
Remember me.
I. J. Yeltey
Dear Ida
Not here not here not where the
glittering waters fade into mocking
sands as we draw near where in
the wilderness the lone step falters
I shall be satisfied but o not here.
Your Cousin
Ella Turner
Feb 26, 1880
Dear Ida
O seize on truth where er its from
Among your friends among your foes
On Christian or heathen ground
The plants divine where er it grows
J.W. Turner
Dear Ida
A little word in kindness spoken
A motive or a tear.
Has often soothed a heart thats broken
And made a friend sincere
Truley your friend
Phebe Conant
To Ida
As sure as the sun sets
in the west you
are the one that
I love best
your friend
Elva Clifford
That life is best which answers lifes
great end

To Ida
Scatter seeds of kindness
For your seaking by and by
Your friend Amanda
Dedham Iowa
Let not mercy and truth
forsake thee; find them
about they meek; unite
them upon the table of
thine heart;
A.D. L.
Dear Ida
Feb 28 1880
Your company sweet
your union dear
and when i see that we must part
your draw like cords around my heart
yet Ill only ask a little spot
to write three words
Forget me not
Your cousin
Viola Harris
Montour Iowa
When you are away
But thore do not
forget the one that
rote thare fwe lines down
Bill Ranck
Friend Ida
May your life like the unrippled bark
Glide peacefully on to that happy place
Is the earnest wish of your friend Sadie
feb 22 1880
Feb 29 1880
Dear Cousin
When I am in a foreign land
Remember the writing of my hand
and if the grave should be my lot-
remember me when I am not
Your affectinate Cousin
Eveline Cooper
Hast My pretty little dove
And bring an ancer from my love
Let it a token fond to you
And me with hopes respond
J. S. Lamm
yours Truly
Feb 29 1880
Oh there who driest the mourners tear
Remember me when trials appear
and never from his word depart
but keep it cherished in your heart
Your Aunt
Lizzie Cooper
Strive in virtue to excel
your friend
James W. Dobson
Carlton Tama Co. Iowa
April 13th /80
S.S. Dobson

Do thy best always
To Ida
Let love through all your
actions run and all
your words be kind
Your friend
Mary Dobson
Carroll City
March 27 1882
To Ida
last in your album
last in your thoughts
last in to be rememebered
and first to be forgot
Your friend Ida D.


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