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Bartlett D. C. Herring (ca. 1800-1868)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 8/31/2018 at 19:17:18

From Story County Aegis April 16, 1868 (page 4)

At Iowa Centre, March 28th, Elder Bartlett D. C. Herring, in the 68th year of his age, and the 46th of his ministry,

The Gospel was his joy and song,
E'en to his latest breath,
The truth, held proclaimed so long,
Was his support to death.

At a regular meeting of Nevada Lodge No. 99 of Free & Accepted Mason, convened at their Lodge room, April 4th, A. L. 5868, N. B. Goldsbery, J. Warren Maxwell and E. B. Fenn were appointed a Committee, who submitted the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, it hath pleased the Great Head of the Church, in His allwise Providence to remove by death, Elder Bartlett D. C. Herring, from the duties of the ministry--the oversight of his flock; to his eternal rest in the Grand Lodge Celestial; while we bow submissively to Him who doeth all things well, deeply affecting us, preaching serious and searching reflections on our lives and responsibilities, we will cherish his memory as one dear to us as a minister and brother beloved; holding in lively remembrance, his honesty of purpose, his untiring zeal in the cause of Christ, and the brotherhood, his fidelity to his church, to his family, to his country and his God.

Resolved that we will not overlook his sorrowing children and friends, but tender to them our sympathies and commend them to the consolations of Him who is the God of all comfort.

Resolved, That to the Baptist Church in which he officiated as Pastor, with so much fidelity and acceptance, by his good counsel, his untiring efforts in the cause of Christ and his christian conversation, we tender our sincere sympathy, trusting that his generous devotion to their spiritual welfare may ever keep alive in their hears, a loving regard for his memory and exert such a salutary influence in their lives as to cause them to realize that, "he being dead yet speaketh."

Resolved, That these resolutions be signed by the Committee and published in the STORY CO. AEGIS, and a copy transmitted to his friends.


SUBMITTER'S NOTE: 1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa states, "Elder Herring's service was suddenly cut off by his death on March 28, 1868."


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