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William W. Hoskins (ca. 1825-1890)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 3/15/2011 at 20:41:44

From Story County Watchman April 4, 1890

W. W. Hoskins, of Great township, died yesterday morning. The funeral services will be held Saturday, and the burial will be in the Nevada Cemetery under the direction of the Masonic Lodge of Cambridge. Nevada Lodge will assist in the exercises, shich will be at the church at 11 o'clock.

From Story County Watchman April 11, 1890

The funeral of W. W. Hoskins, of Grant township, was held in the Methodist Church in this city on Saturday last under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge of Cambridge. The church was well filled to hear the sermons of Rev. Elliot of that place who gave an interesting sermon upon the vicissitudes of this life and urged upon all the need of immediate preparation for the future. The brethren of the mystic tie took charge of the ceremonies and performed their usual routine at the grave, after which the returned to the hall of Nevada lodge and closed in form.

From Story County Watchman April 18, 1890

IN MEMORIAM.--At the last meeting of Jason D. Ferguson Post, G. A. R., the committee below was instructed to formulate and publish resolutions upon the death of Comrade W. W. Hoskins.
RESOLVED, Which they have done as herewith: We, as comrades , of Jason D. Ferguson Post No. 31, G. A. R. are again called upon to mourn the death of another comrade who has been called to that realm from which no traveler ever returns, Wm. W. Hoskins. He became a member of the Post shortly after its organization and has ever since been a devoted member.
RESOLVED, In his death this Post has sustained a loss which it can ill afford, and together with the community has lost an estimable citizen, consistant and upright christian and neighbor, respected and honored by all who knew him. His integrity was never questioned and was kind and generous to all, and he has now gone to his long reward in the full assurance of endless life.
RESOLVED, That, this Post drape the Post room and wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
RESOLVED, That, this committee be instructed to furnish the family of the deceased with a copy of these resolutions, and also a copy to the Story County WATCHMAN and the Nevada Representative with a request to copy the same.


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