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Nancy A. (Brouhard) McQuillin (1853-1890)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 3/15/2011 at 12:29:44

From Story County Watchman March 7, 1890

New Albany

The funeral of Mrs. J. McQuillin on Tuesday of last week was sad, sad in the extreme, when the friends and family turned for a last look at their loved one almost the entire audience were suffered in tears and strong men that seldom weep, wept there. PETER O'TOOL.

From Story County Watchman March 14, 1890

DIED.--Of Lagrippe, in Colo, Ia., Feb. 23rd, 1890, Mrs. Nancy A. wife of Mr. John McQuillin, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Broughard, was born in Story county, Iowa, Dec. 31st, 1853. Was married to John McQuillin, April 13th, 1870. About twenty-two years ago she professed faith in Christ and hers was a quiet peaceful trust. She was very dignified in manner and in many respects a model woman, a loving wife, a true mother, and a faithful daughter. Her busy fingers and cheerful face will be much missed by a large circle of friends and relatives who mourn, and a kind husband and affectionate daughter, two sisters Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Rush, four brothers, also her aged parents wigh whom they lived and for whom she, very feeble only convalescent, anxiously and faithfully cared for in their recent sickness forgot her own feebleness, alas, in three days her body succumbed, and her happy spirit, we trust, was borne by a convoy of angels to the Paradise of God. The funeral service was conducted by the writer in the M. P. Church. The true regard for the departed was seen in part by the large assemblage at the funeral, although the day was cold and stormy.

WHEREAS, God, in his allwise providence has seen fit to remove from our number our beloved sister Nancy McQuillen. Thus death a second time has visited our order, and called form our midst one who by her many virtues had endeared herself to us all. She was ever ready to lend a helping hand in all our society's endeavors, and by her death we have suffered a great loss.

Resolved, That J. B. Steadman Corps No. 68, tender to the husband, daughter, mother and relatives our heartfelt sympathies, in this, their hour of bereavement and sad trial with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflict them, we would commend them, for consolation, to Him who order all things well.

Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the record of our Corps one be sent to the bereaved family, a copy to the county peaper and Grand Army Advocate.

By order of committee.


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