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Elizabeth Jane (Shenkle) SHEARER 1840 - 1914


Posted By: Jerry Hale (email)
Date: 3/30/2002 at 21:24:16

The Collins Gazette Thursday, February 26, 1914

Elizabeth Jane (Shenkle) Shearer
(Mrs. Silas I. Shearer)

Elizabeth Jane Shenkle, daughter of Benjamin and Edith Shenkle, was born in Marion county, Ind, Oct 6th, 1840 and died at her home in Collins, Iowa Feb. 20, 1914, her age being 73 years, 4 months and 14 days.

She came to Story county, Iowa, with her parents at the age of fourteen. Here she grew to womanhood and was married to S.I. Shearer Nov. 3, 1859. To this union were born eleven children. She leaves her husband, nine children, two sisters and two brothers, forty seven grand children, seven great-grandchildren and scores of relatives and friends to mourn the loss of a loving wife, a kind mother and a friendly neighbor.

One child died in infancy. Benjamin R. died at the age of forty-two years. Those who survive are L.D. Shearer of Collins, Eliza Ellen Bence of State Center, Sanford Shearer of Gilbert, Minnie M. Kinberley of Collins, Ora R. Heintz of State Center, Catherine L. Diggins of Melbourne, Elias W. Shearer of Colo, Hattie S. Girton of Ardmore, S. Dak., James G. Shearer of Armour, S.Dak., seven of whom were present at the funeral.

Mrs. Shearer was converted forty-three years ago and united with the Evangelical church at Willow Creek schoolhouse, Collins township, near which place she spent the greater part of her life. In 1906 they moved to Bondurant. There being no church there of that faith, she united with the Congregational church, and two years later moved back to Collins and remained a faithful member until death.

The above obituary was read by Rev. C. S. Hanson at the funeral services, which were held at the home in Collins Monday afternoon. His text was from James 4:14, "What is your life." From these words he preached an eloquent and conforting discourse, in which lessons of the first importance were delivered to all present. He emphasized the greatness of the life of the departed, whose descendants living and sixty-three in number, all of whom can ever remember her as being worthy of their highest as well as most affectionate regard.

The residence was crowded with old neighbors and friends who came to pay their homage to the worth of deceased and give their condolences to the deeply bereaved husband and family. The choir sang the comforting hymns with tender feeling.

The floral tributes were of the choicest, many and very beautiful. Flowers were sent by the V.A. Lockwood Grain Company. Sanford Shearer is manager for the Lockwood Grain company at Gilbert, Iowa.

The interment was at Evergreen cemetery, the pall bearers being Sanford Shearer Jr., F. W. Kimberley, Oliver Shearer, Louis Bence Jr., Isial Kimberley, and Fred Heintz, grand sons of the deceased.

Sanford's sons Roy and Sanford are attending College in Des Moines and boarding at the Y.M.C.A.

(This obituary was copied from the original held by Marjorie Patterson, Perry, Dallas Co., IA)


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