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Merie/Marie Eloise McIntosh (1893-1906)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 4/18/2016 at 20:22:43

From Nevada Representative October 1, 1906



Marie McIntosh, the thirteen-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McIntosh, died at their home in Grant township Saturday of cerebro-spinal meningitis. She had been ill for two or three weeks; but her ailment was a recurrence of a very serious illness which she had from the same cause about seven years ago, and from the effects of which she never fully recovered. She would have been fourteen years old on November 25; and to all the friends of the McIntoshes and of the Hemstocks--to which latter family her mother belongs--she was known and beloved as an especially sweet child, and her death brings grief to a great many homes. Her funeral is being conducted this afternoon at the Lutheran church, by the pastor, Rev. J. O. Simon, and the procession as it passed to the church was all of a half mile long. The floral offerings have been very numerous and beautiful, and the sympathy with the bereaved parents has been very profound. Among the friends from abroad that are here to the funeral are Mr. and Mrs. Deville Hemstock of Clinton and Miss Mabel Brunson of Aurora, Illinois.


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