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Thomas B. Howland (1819-1888)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 12/14/2015 at 21:32:37

From Nevada Representative February 29, 1888

Mr. T. B. Howland, one of the old and highly esteemed residents of Milford township died at his home last week Tuesday aged about 60. Mr. Howland has been sick a long time and his death though not unexpected is no less a great bereavement to his family. He was in life exemplary and an earnest worker in every good cause as he has opportunity. The people generally as well as his immediate friends are losers by departure.

Also in the same issue of the paper:


....T. B. Howland and old and well known resident of Howard Tp., died last week after a long and painful illness....


Story Obituaries maintained by Mark Christian.
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