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Georgiana Hutchins (1841-1880)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 11/20/2010 at 18:18:30

From Story County Watchman February 20, 1880

DIED--In this city, on Tuesday night, February 17th, Miss Georgiana Hutchins, at the age of 39 years and one month, of that dread destroyer consumption.

Miss Hutchins came to this city about three years ago from North Anson, Sommerset county, Maine, the place of her nativity, and immediately took charge of the Grammar room in our public school, where she remained for two years, and she proved to be one of the best teachers that ever entered our school room; liked by parents and scholars; and when it was announced, one year ago, that she would be compelled to resign her place, on account of failing health, all regretted it. Miss Hutchins was a ripe scholar, a deep thinker, and a noble, pure woman, and from the exemplary life she has led here, it is certain that all is well with her in the Great Beyond. Surrounded by loving hearts and soothed by tender hands, conscious to the last moment, she peacefully passed away. Almost her last words were: "I die happy." Though far from the scenes of her youth the friends in the distant home may rest assured that to-day she will go to the rest she longed for in the beautiful cemetery, followed by many who loved her and who will long cherish her memory.


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