Bamberg, Philomine (Mrs. Peter) 1861-1930
Posted By: Wilma J. VandeBerg -volunteer (email)
Date: 12/4/2023 at 18:31:41
OBITUARY of Philomine Wictor (Mrs. Peter Bamberg)
Source Alton Democrat of May 2, 1930.
Mrs. Peter Bamberg died at Alton IL. Was Alton Iowa Resident for Past 44 Years, Funeral Thursday
Mrs. Peter Bamberg, an Alton resident for the last 44 years, passed on late Sundy afternoon in the hospital at Alton IL., where she had gone for treatment five weeks ago, accompanied by her niece, Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Sioux City. She had not been in good health for a long time but had hoped to receive relief at the hospital where her daughter, Mrs. Vincent Lieb, a resident of the Illinois city, visited her each day. Mr. and Mrs. Lieb and two children arrived Tuesday noon with the remains, and funeral services were held this Thursday at St. Mary’s church, conducted by Very Rev. A Schemel.Mrs. Bamberg, then Miss Philomine Wictor was born January 10, 1861 at Port Washington WI. In 1871 or 72 the family moved to Ossian, Iowa where Miss Wictor lived until about 1886. Then she came to Alton and opened a millinery shop in the building now occupied by the Van Surksum barber shop and which is still in her name. She conducted the shop until her marriage in 1888 to Mr. Peter Bamberg. She is survived by her husband and adopted daughter Mrs. Lieb, and by two brothers, Joe F. Wictor of Remsen and Frank Wictor of Seattle WA, and a half sister, Mrs. C. Wiltgen of Granville, who are all that remain of a family of 12 brothers and sisters.
Mrs. Bamberg was a quiet and gentle lady, devoted to her home and a faithful member of her church. Alton friends feel the greatest sympathy for the bereaved husband, whose only brother also passed on during the last month, and for the daughter whom she reared as her own. She also assisted in the care and support of an orphan at Ossian and in a quiet unobtrusive way did much good in her lifetime.
(See the Peter Bamber Family story in BIOS on this site.)
Sioux Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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