Chenall, Stephen 1824-1903
Posted By: Wilma J. Vande Berg - Volunteer (email)
Date: 9/7/2012 at 12:27:30
From the Alton Democrat of Jan 24, 1903
At his home four miles, west of Maurice on Thursday morning occurred the death of Stephen Chenall at the age of about three score and ten. Deceased had been sick with
Brights disease for about five weeks and had been in poor health for a much longer time. He was one of the county's best known and respected citizens. He was an Englishman by
birth and came to Sioux county fifteen years ago. He accumulated considerable of a fortune in lauds and money and was the father of a large family.
His children—four boys and four girls—are all useful citizens. He was a man of value and will be missed. His children are all married but one. A son lives in Missouri and one near Peterson. The rest are in the county. Funeral services are to be held Saturday at two.Alton Democrat of Jan 31, 1903
The following additional particulars of the life and death of Stephen Chenhall whose demise was chronicled briefly last week are taken from the columns of the Ireton Clipper: ;
Stephen Chenall one of Sioux. county's pioneer settlers died at his home east of town Wednesday night; January 21 1903 after a sickness extending over a period of a year. The
funeral was held from the family residence Saturday afternoon at two, o'clock—Rev. Gilbert of the Methodist church officiating. The funeral was one of the largest ever witnessed in this vicinity. Seventy teams followed the remains to their last resting place at the Lutheran cemetery, east of town (Ireton) which was a splendid testimonial of the regard in which he was held by his neighbors and friends. All the children were present
at the funeral. Those present: from, a distance were Mrs. M. A. Tururan a sister from Shellsburg Wisconsin and J. T. Chenall a son from Bedison Missouri,, The deceased was born in Black water Cornwall England June 21,1824 and was seventy-eight years and seven months old when he died. He removed to America when eighteen years of age and was married to Miss Jane Tururan fifty-three years ago next June in Lafayette county Wisconsin. Later they removed to Mineral Point, Wisconsin where the family was born and reared. Twenty-five years ago they removed to their present farm east of town where they have since resided Mr. Chenall was a frugal and industrious man and -made a success in
life. He was a kind father and neighbor. His life was an open book to all. His best friends were those who, knew him longest. Besides a sorrowing widow the deceased leaves eight children as follows: Raymond and James Chenall, Mrs. Elizabeth Walker and Mrs. Addie Vander Hamm of Ireton, Mrs. Minnie Hitchcock of Hawarden, Mrs. Georgia Thomas of Springfield SD, Mrs. Annie Simons of Marcus and Mrs. Mary Parkenson of Washta.(According to an report his parents were Stephen Chenhale 1786-1838 and Ann Dawes 1781-1861.)
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