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Bowers, Otis


Posted By: Ken Wright (email)
Date: 3/15/2008 at 07:47:39

Davenport Daily Republican
February 18, 1900

Bowers and Busby’s Minstrels.

Washington’s birthday is to be celebrated at the Burtis opera house next Thursday evening by the colossal minstrels, of which Otis Bowers is at the head. This fine company has recently finished a tour of the south, playing in most of the larger cities. Their success is noted in the following press comments:

The very best minstrel company that has been in Nashville, not only this season, but in years, is the justly famous Bowers & Bushby’s minstrels, which opened at the opera house last night. It is the very best because it is novel and striking in almost every particular, and unlike any minstrel show that has come this way. It is away up and beyond such hackneyed shows as the Wilson’s and the Thatcher’s and the unnumbered train of imitators that annually troupe and tramp this way. The program presented last night was full of brightness, freshness and minstrel originality. There was fun from start to finish. Tonight Bowers & Bushby will repeat their victory. Tomorrow’s matinee and tomorrow night’s entertainment close the engagement – Nashville Banner.

Those who failed to attend the performance of the Bowers & Bushby Minstrels last night at the Grand missed a rare treat. There was a good house which was unanimous in praise of the performance from the rising to the falling of the curtain. –Shreveport (La.) Daily.

The company play at the Burtis Washington’s birthday at 10, 20 and 30 cents.


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