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News from Polen


Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 7/8/2012 at 07:12:56

NOTE: Polen had a post office from 1891 to 1901 in Section 3 of Lincoln Township. It isn't known where the following was copied from - probably from the Diagonal paper - or the date of the publication.


Don't fail to call and inspect the large new line of spring top coats and some of the latest styles in Men and Boy's clothing at Guss's.

A. B. PARKER was transacting business at Lenox Saturday.

On account of the snow and bad roads the ladies of the double SS postpone their meeting until the last of the month.

Remember Saturday ends the big corn show at Polen.

Willis GRIFFITH has been visiting at the home of N. S. DAVENPORT.

R. G. SNODGRASS made a business trip to Lenox Tuesday.

James McMANUS sold a valuable team on last Thursday topping the spring market in this vicinity. Jas. is a good hostler and always aims to keep the very best.

Ray WALTERS spent a couple of days in the first of the week in town looking up a location to start a new clothing store.

W. G. BAUMANN has been visiting at the home of his parents near Polen, the last few weeks.

New styles in spring top coats at Freemans.

Quite a number of the young people of Polen attended the Baker's comedy show on alst Saturday night and was well pleased with the program.

While returning from the show last Saturday night Art BAUMANN had the misfortune to tear one of the runners from his sleigh, causing him to side track his Portland and take a walk.

Chas. SHOLL spent a few days in the country with Fred BAUMANN.

Arthur ELLIOT has moved into his new home in the nort part of Polen.

Car Heart Overalls 75-cents at Guss's.

Ethyle FELL spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of J.P. LININGER.

Orville SNODGRASS returned from school to assist his father in the spring work.

Willie McDONALD has hired Edd BLISS for the summer. Edward is a very industrious boy and no doubt will give Willie satisfaction.

A coal strike is predicted in Polen if this cold weather continues.

Roy DAVENPORT has accepted a position to travel for the Independent Drug Company, and will begin his work soon.

Fred BAUMANN topped the market on last Thursday with his well finished cattle. Fred said if they had been a little fatter he would of took them to Spain with him, but after him getting there he reports the market dull.

We have a few choice full blood roosters left. We are going to offer them at 75-cents each. ~ The Polen Poultry Company.

Miss Lizzie and Mary McMANUS visited Sunday with their brother, Dave, near Creston.

Patrick CALLYHAN has sent in his order for a new split hickory buggy. We believe he is going to get married.

Willie McDONALD is contemplating on getting a car of oats shipped from Dakota for spring seed if he can get enough of the farmers to take what he don't want off his hands and those believing them oats to be all righ tshould have council with him.

Stop that cough with GUss' new remedy - for sale at all leading drug stores, price 10-cents.

When needing any fancy wood work or your photo painted call on Joe McMANUS, prices reasonable.

J.J. McDONALD stopped over Sunday at his brother-in-laws, James CARROLL, near Kent.

Arthur BAUMANN is contemplating on going to South Dakota to purchase a farm, don't imagine what he is going to do.

George POLEN and Lenard LININGER attended prayer meeting at Brother Charles JONSON'S last Friday.

Grandma BLISS died at the home of Edward BLISS on Monday, being 86 years and a few days old.

Joe McMANUS has purchased a new pyrography outfit and is preparing to burn all sorts of fancy pictures. We know Joseph is handy with the pencil and believe he can make some nice illuminations.

Ray WALTERS has his application in for the school, No. 2, Lincoln township.

The fire in Polen did not destroy as much as was reported.

Mrs. James TINDLE was reported quite ill at this writing.

Fred BAUMANN spent a few days with friends and relatives at Creston last week.

We must give Chas. SHOLL, Joe McMANUS and Arthur BAUMANN credit for capturing two of the savage wolves that have been doing so much damage in this neighborhood. They report it a very wild chase and a merry time but after a chase of about nine hours they succeeded in putting two out of business, one which was shot at a distance of nearly 300 yards by Joe McMANUS, Polen crack shot, and the other by hanging a noose in the wolf's path as we may call it.

Wanted, an office boy. Call or write Gus GREEMAN.

Roy DAVENPORT has been confined to his home for the last week on account of the cold weather.

Wanted on my farm before May 1st, a man that can do housework and a good hand with chickens. Call at 800 7th Street.

Smokers attention at Guss's, the new brand (Dixie).


Submission by Ann Wyer, July of 2012


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