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Maloy News Clippings, 1881 ~ 1986


Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 9/3/2011 at 08:25:30



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The Ringgold Record
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
March 3, 1881

Benton Township News
John SHAY purchased William GERARD'S farm consisting of 100 acres. It is no use talking to John; you can't get all that joins you and you might as well stop now.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
March 18, 1881

H. T. MILLER, J. MILLER, D. MALOY and T. OSBORNE, had each bought a quarter section of land.

Maloy has a new resident, -- Orr CAMPBELL, a first class teacher.

J. D. CARTER has recenlty purchased the "PROCTOR farm," of 120 acres.

J. M. FOX has a handsome cigar case in which to display his stock of cigars.

J. M. STEVENSON has just put on full feed, about 75 head of nice steers, which he intends to feed out during this summer.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa

John SHAY ships two car loads of hogs from Delphos to-day. Seven cents was the average price paid.

Miss Lou HILL is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. She thinks of going west to teach in the spring.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa

Our Maloy merchant has been down to Burlington attending a lawsuit wherein he is defendant and a patent medicine firm is plaintiff. It seems the defendant gave his note for $200, but after reflection contermanded the order. When at maturity the note was presented for payment, he refused to pay and suit was instituted. Our friend FOX in his defense sets up a pleas of temporal insanity, as he had but just recovered from a long illness. FOX is not alone as several other defendants have joined forces with him.

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Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
February 2, 1882

MALOY -- We understand that Uncle Dave MALOY, one of our old and standby citizens, is trying to sell his farm thinking of moving to California for his health. We are loath to lose so good a citizen.

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Ringgold Record
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
May 30, 1883


~ ~ ~ ~
-- Thos. SHEY (sic) who was killed by Geo. Jones on May 30th, was buried at the Catholic [St. Mary's] cemetery on the following Friday and JONES was taken to Chariton where he will be held to await the next term of the court. The following is the verdict of the coroner's jury.

Ringgold County. }

An inquisition holden at Mt. Ayr, Iowa, in Ringgold county on the 30th day of May A.D., 1883, before one S. BAILEY, Coroner of said county, upon the body of Thomas SHEY (sic, should be SHAY), there lying dead by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed. The said jurors on oath do say that the said Thomas SHEY (sic) came to his death from blows received from the hands and foot of one George JONES (colored). And we, the said jurors recommend that the said George JONES be held without bail to await the sitting of the next session of the Grand Jury.

In testimony whereof the said jurors have hereunto set their hands on the day and year aforesaid.

Attest: S. BAILEY, Coroner.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
November 4, 1895

The box supper Thursday evening was a grand success.

Rev. SLATTERY will preach at the United Brethren church Nov. 10. He takes Rev. WALLACE'S place the coming year. We welcome Mr. SLATTERY.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
January 28, 1896

MALOY -- The town looked dead last Wednesday as all the democrats went to Mt. Ayr to hear Ex-Governor BOLEN, and when the democrats go away there are not many left.

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Ringgold Record
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
September 16, 1897


Thomas Canny Stabes (sic) His Neighbor, Gottlieb Bender.
~ ~ ~ ~
Frank BENDER, son of Gottleib BENDER, of Grant township, was in the city about 11:30 Sunday night and procured a warrant from Justice KELLER for the arrest of Thomas CANNY, a neighbor residing in the same township. Constable James BEARD, of this city, returnred with him and arrested Mr. CANNY, who was brought to Mt. Ayr early Monday morning. He is charged with assault on the person of Gottlieb BENDER, with intent to committ murder, the trouble occurring Sunday evening. He waived preliminary examination and gave bond for his appearance in the sum of $500 and was then released.

Mr. CANNY is a wealthy farmer and stock raiser of Grant township and his farm joins one owned by Mr. BENDER. On Sunday 125 head of cattle belonging to Mr. CANNY broke through the partition fence into Mr. BENDER'S cornfield. They were discovered and all driven out except twenty-five head, which Mr. BENDER held for damages. In the evening Mr. CANNY'S son came over and asked for the cattle and was told on what terms he could have them - payment of fifty cents per head to cover damages to the corn. He returned and told his father and they together came after the cattle. They were met by Mr. BENDER who told them they could have the cattle if they would pay him for the damage. Mr. CANNY refused and attempted to forcibly take possession of his cattle. Mr. BENDER resisted and the result was that CANNY stabbed him in the left side with a knife. The blade made an incision an inch wide and over two inches deep, striking close to the left lung. Dr. WHITE, of Clearfield, was called and dressed the wound. Mr. BENDER was in a dangerous condition for a time and has much trouble in breathing at present, but is thought he will recover.

The arrest followed. The matter will be brought before the grand jury this week, who will investigate the case. Mr. CANNY is over seventy years old and is worth nearly $50,000. The affair has caused considerable excitment in the community.

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Mount Ayr Semi-Weekly Journal
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
September 8, 1898

Death of Miss Maggie Lambert.
Miss Maggie LAMBERT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LAMBERT, prominent people of Benton township, died at 7 o'clock yesterday morning, after an illness of about a year. She was aged 20 years, and was a milliner by occupation. She was a most worthy young lady, and a member of the Roman Catholic congregation at Maloy.
NOTE: Margaret M. LAMBERT, daughter of William "Bill" and Mary Ellen (HART) LAMBERT, was born in 1878. She was interred at St. Mary's Cemetery near Maloy.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
July 28, 1899

Rev. C. G. STOUT of Des Moines preached an able sermon at the Christian church Sunday at 11 o'clock.

Rev. R. S. DENNEY of Des Moines, corresponding secretary for the Iowa Christian convention, gave us a fine lecture at the Christian church Sunday evening.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa

Rev. H. E. Van HORN of Des Moines will fill his regular appointment at Maloy next Saturday evening, and Rev. OSBORN of Clearfield will fill his appointment at the Baptist church next Sabbth morning and evening. Let everybody come.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown.

J. DICKENSON of Benton attends church at Highland quite frequently. John says he is dodging the whooping-cough.

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Ringgold Record
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown

More About That Horse Race.
Maloy, Iowa.
ED. Record: -- I have read Mr. KUHN'S horse race story of twenty-five years ago, and it cooresponds to nearly with the one I had a hand in twenty-six years ago, that I think it the same; for there were no Indians here twenty-five years ago. In the month of June, 1855, in company with eighteen other men, I left Chariton, led by one Mr. KEIFER, to look for land to enter in the west half of Ringgold county. The second night out we put in what was called the Three Forks of Platte River. Some of the company stopped at B. R. BAKER'S and some with a Mr. PARKER. Then next morning we started for J. T. ALLOWAY'S Grove. Part of the company wanted to take in the Indian town located in the RUBY neighborhood, and, as Mr. KEIFER wanted us to stay together, we all went over. Some of the company had a good horse and wanting some fun, bantered about among the Indians for a race. The Indians were afraid of the strange horse, for he was a good one. I have lived among the Sacs and Foxes from 1842 to '49, and had picked up some of their language, so stood in with the Indians to get up the race. The result Mr. KUHN has told, only the horse didn't turn and run the other way, but ran off to one side, so far that was no race to speak of.


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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
June 30, 1899

MALOY, JUNE 28. -- Mrs. Dr. B.B. WARING made a business trip to Blockton Wednesday.
Some of our young people attended an ice cream social at Mr. GOODMAN'S Tuesday evening.

Allie COWELL and Clement SHAY, while returning from Blockton Sunday afternoon, came very nearly losing their lives by the team running off with them. When the boys were about a mile from Maloy the neck yoke came down and the team started. They were caught at Maloy by Messrs. HARVEY and Ed WORTHINGTON. The boys were brought to Maloy by Mr. HOLLAND, who came along shrotly after the runaway. They were bruised up considerably, but not dangerously. The buggy is a total wreck.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
June 30, 1899

Maloy is to have a grand jubilee celebration. The Des Moines cornet band has been engaged. It is ne of the finest musical organizations of the capital city. Rev. H. E. Van HORN of Blockton delivers the address. There is to be a grand military display.The program:
Firing national salute at sunrise.
Grand parade from depot to grounds.
Address of Welcome ~ William LAMBERT.
Song ~ Glee club.
Invocation ~ Rev. T. J. LOFTUS.
Reading the Declaration of Independence ~ John M. HARTLEY.
Song ~ Glee club.
Adjournment for dinner.
Calithumpian [band] parade at 1:30 p.m.
Military display ~ Maloy regulars.
Music ~ Des Moines cornet band.
Oration of the day ~ Elder H. E. Van HORN.
Toast, "Our Country" ~ Ed BENNETT.
Toast, "Opportunity" ~ J. D. CARTER.
Music ~ Des Moines band.

The amusements are to be: Ballgame, Maloy Vs St. Joseph; wheelbarrow race, sack race, egg race, foot race, tug of war betweenthe strongs on the west side of Platte river and the stouts on the east side. Grand prizes for winners.

The Great Western will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip.

~ ~ ~ ~
Maloy is on a boom again. Dr. B.B. WARING is having a fine residence erected in the east part of town. He will also build a two-story addition to his office, which will be used for a drug store and hall.Mr. WARREN of near Clearfield is going to build a handsome new residence here, and will move to Maloy soon and make his future home with us.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
July, 1899

Principal J. W. LONG and Miss Ellen O'CONNOR closed a successful term of school here Friday, June 30. In the afternoon a well-arranged program was rendered, after which the children and visitors were treated to ice cream and cake. Quite a number were present and report a pleasant time. Principal LONG went Saturday evening to his home at Ellston, and Miss O'CONNOR to her home at Lenox. The directors met last week and hired both teachers for the next term.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
July 11, 1899

June 30, the patrons of Bozaris district No. 4, Benton township, had a picnic to the surprise of their teacher, Miss Anna JORDAN. Those who so kindly assisted in the surprise were Mesdames John GRAY, Tom SHAY, Milton OSTRANDER, Emma FROST, I. Van WINKLE, James JORDAN, Ben RUSH, Mary MARSH; Misses Sadie ALLOWAY, Maggie FROST, America PERKINS, Nellie and Libbie JORDAN; Messrs. T. S. SHAY, J. V. SHAY, Hile DENNIS, Will and Frank FROST, Willie LAMBERT, and Raymer STEVENSON. They all had a pleasant time, and especially their teacher, who wishes to express thanks to those who assisted in the pleasant surprise.
The following is the school report:

Names of pupils who did not whisper during the term are Elsie OSTRANDER, Ethel PERKINS, Calista SHAY, Charlie HIGGINS, Robert SHAY, Edd HIGGINS, Fred TINGLEY,Eva DeBOLT, Ida GRAY, Nellie DeBOLT, Tom SHAY, Nannie ALDRICH, Fay Van WINKLE, Mabel ALDRICH, John HIGGINS, Grace TINGLEY, Obie TINGLEY and Nellie ROWEN.

Those not tardy or absent the first month are Calista SHAY, Lee FROST, Tom SHAY, Ethel PERKINS; second month, Elsie OSTRANDER, Nellie ROWEN, Calista SHAY; third month, Nellie ROWEN, Clifford RUSH.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
August 29, 1899

Maloy Gathering Was A Great Success
-- Town and Country Schools Beginning
--Personal News
MALOY, Sept. 11. -- The Catholic picnic was largely attended Thrusday, considering the unpleasantness of the day, proceeds amounting to about $89. A ball game was played in the afternoon between the first and second nines of Maloy. Score, 8 to 7 in favor of the second nine.

~ ~ ~ ~
Misses Maggie FROST and Minnie BROWN returned Saturday evening from St. Joseph, where they had spent a week attending the jubilee.

Miss Virginia HARTLEY will go Tuesday evening to Des Moines to attend music school at Drake university.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
September, 1899

MALOY, Sept. 18. -- Ed APPLEGATE of Blockton was in our burg two days this week.

The road graders were here last week, grading the streets, which now make a good appearance.

Rev. OSBURN of Clearfield delivered two excellent sermons Sunday at the Baptist church.

Dr. B. B. WARING'S well soon move int in their fine residence, which is almost completed.

W. R. HART returned home Friday after an absence of two weeks.

Maloy in general took in the fair at Mt. Ayr last week.

Day CARTER wears a big smile. It's a girl and weighs ten pounds.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown

MALOY, March 13. -- The school election was more lively than usual. Those who were voted for as directors were Day CARTER, receiving 26 votes; John SCOTT, 23; L. WORTHINGTON, 21; Frank WARREN, 12. The directors now consist of M. N. HART, C. SHAY, J. WOODSIDE, John SCOTT, Day CARTER.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
March 8, 1900

We understand the baptistry had been completed in the Baptist church and the ordinance of baptism will be administered next Sunday after the morning preaching services, which are at 11 o'clock.

~ ~ ~ ~
The Union Sunday school organized at the schoolhouse Sunday morning will hold its services every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The officers elected were as follows: Superintendent, Charle SCONCE; assistant superintendent, Jack WINEINGER; secretary, Mrs. H. H. DeWEESE; treasurer, Frank COWELL; librarians, Ellie WINEINGER and Walter MASON; organist, Artie COWELL; janitors, Everett PARKHURST and Frank COWELL.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
March 16, 1900

The ordinance of baptism was administred to nine candidates Sunday at the Baptist church.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
April 10, 1900

MALOY, April 5. -- Ray HOLLENHORN and sister Pearl came Sunday from Dubuque to visit here a short time.

M. C. TALBERT sold his large stock of goods Tuesday tomr. SPURRIER of Clearfiled, and they were delivered to that place Wednesday.Mr. TALBERT has retired fromthe mercantile business and we understand his store building is for sale or rent, which would make a good opening for some one.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
April 16, 1900

The Union Sunday school will now hold its services in the hall over J. M. HARTLEY'S hardware and furniture store. It is progressing nicely with a large attendance and goo interest.

Quite a number of Blockton and Delphos young people attended Easter services at the Catholic church Sunday.

Elder H. E. Van HORN of Des Moines will hold his regular services after this at the hall, his next appointment being Saturday evening, April 21.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
May 1, 1900


~ ~ ~ ~
Clearfield - Mt. Ayr and Diagonal-Clearfield Lines Completed,
Maloy-Delphos-Mt. Ayr Line will Soon be Done.
Farm phone lines, the prespect for which has been spoken of previously in the NEWS, are not a reality in Ringgold county, three being in full operation, and another near completion. Lines from Diagonal to Clearfield and from Clearfield to Mt. Ayr has just been opened to the public, and a Maloy, Delphos and Mt. Ayr line is nearly ready for business.

The towns of Maloy and Delphos, with farmers between, are already connected by another farm line.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
June 19, 1900

MALOY, June 18. -- The Union Sunday school's Children's day exercises given Sunday evening, June 17, were a complete success and were witnessed by a large and attentive audience. The hall was beautifully decorated with bunting, evergreen and flowers. While Miss Virginia HARTLEY played a march the teachers and scholars marched in and took their places.

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Mount Ayr Semi-Weekly Journal
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown

Ye croakers tha predicted immediate bankruptcy to the entire community [Maloy] from resumption of specie payments have their answer in the prosperity of the country. Squire [William] LAMBERT has the entire number of notes of J. C. HART'S sale which took place one year ago, amounting in the neighborhood of fifteen hundred dollars. The squire tells me that a large number of the parties have paid up before being notified, and stated further that they paid up better than any notes left with him previous to this time. Just put that in ypur pipe ye croakers.

Crazy Christopher, I would advise you to get a hand card press and print "those poems." ~ RUSTIC.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
April 10, 1900

Our school started Monday with Mrs. J. KOUSTON as principal and Miss Ethel BLUNK as primary teacher.

Herbert HART left Monday for St. Louis, to resume his studies at the Christian Bros., college.

Leonard and Harry SHEIL, Leo MULLIN and Edward HART went to Conception Tuesday, where they will attend school at the Brothers' college.

Misses Zeta and Verda ROONEY have purchased a horse and buggy and will drive to school this fall. Miss Zita (Zeta?) teaches at Bozzaris (sic) No. 4, in Benton township and Miss Verda teaches at Shiloh No. 2. Their schools began Monday.

Miss Ola HARTLEY began today (Monday) a spring term of school at the Claton schoolhouse near Benton.

Our primary teacher, Mrs. BRIGGS, and family, of Blockton, moved to this place Saturday and occupy the Rube McCLURE property.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
June 15, 1900


~ ~ ~ ~Maloy Citizens will Give $50 to Know
Who Cut Harry Worthington's Harness.
MALOY, JUNE 11. -- We hereby agree to pay fifty dollars ($50) for the arrest and convictin of the party or parties that cut Harry WORTHINGTON'S harness at Maloy, Iowa, on the night of June 10, 1900: J. M. HARTLEY, V. WORTHINGTON, M. N. HART, M. H. SAMS, D. J. BONHAM, Day CARTER, E. W. STEEL, Ell SAMS, W. A. BEEN, J. B. RUSH, S. H. WORTHINGTON, Jerry SHAY, J. F. WOODSIDE, H. E. WORTHINGTON, A. M. COWELL, M. C. TALBERT, J. A. STEPHENSON, J. D. CARTER, M. I. PROCTOR.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
June 29, 1900

Friday, June 22, being the closing of Nellie LAMBERT'S school in district No. 7, Benton township, the patrons gathered in to have an enjoyable time with scholars and teacher. Directly after noon came an interesting program consisting of recitations and dialogs. Then the teacher treated the children to candy and cards. The patrons then thought it was their turn, and served ice cream and cake to all. Every one went home thinking that they had all the ice cream and fun they wanted for one day.

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From Benton Township Trustees meeting, June of 1901

"Township trustees T. S. SHAY, L. S. GROVES, W. A. MATTHEWS met for the purpose of settling disputes between Hugh DeBOLT and O. DeBOLT about water course on the s. 1/2 of the SW 1/3 of Sec. 7. O. DeBOLT agrees to put in tiling five feet from his fence into the road and one foot through the fence and two feet south of the corner post on the west side of the same quarter, the water to run from said tiling fourteen feet west of the willow tree.

O. DeBOLT is to put in dam on his own ground to turn water on Hugh DeBOLT 14 feet east of willow tree. O. DeBOLT agrees to not to throw dirt against Hugh DeBOLT'S fence while making dam."

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Mount Ayr Semi-Weekly Journal
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
April 9, 1904

W. R. HART was appointed special officer on the staff of the Sergeant at Arms at the National Democratic Convention.

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From Benton Township Trustees meeting, minutes of January 6, 1906

Motion is that children attending school at District No. 4 be kept at home for three weeks.

Motion that teacher and T. E. ALLOWAY, director, be notified to close school for three weeks.

Motion by S. J GERARD that J. E. GRAY be appointed to get corpse of Glen WINEINGER from road side close to his late home and convey said corpse to cemetery and place in grave.

Motion that Dr. WARING be appointed to disinfenct R. WINEINGER house and the school house in District No. 4.

Motion that if any further cases of said diphtheria occur in the township that B. B. WARING be appointed to make a positive diagnosis and the M. C. PARR notify attending physician of the same."


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Mount Ayr Semi-Weekly Journal
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
September 11, 1903

William LAMBERT of Maloy was transacting business in Mount Ayr Saturday and left with us a nice order of job work for the Maloy Mercantile Co. of which he is a member. This stor is getting to beon one of the most propular general stores in the smaller towns of the country. The members are well-to-do people, and with the honest dealing they give their customers their trade is increasing.

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Mount Ayr Semi-Weekly Journal
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
April 9, 1904

The following is the report for the first month of school in district No. 7, Benton township:

Those who have not been tardy nor absent during the month are Anna BROWN, Bertha BROWN, Pearlie POORE, James BROWN, Francis BROWN, and Alvin POORE. Ethel BLUNCK has been tardy, but not absent. ~ Nellie LAMBERT, Teacher.

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The Independent
Vol. 1, No. 97
August 14, 1913


Bodies Were Found Beneath Mass of Lumber
and are Badly Mangled.
Late Monday evening Coroner M. F. HANNELLEY was called to Maloy to investigate the death of two men who were found dead in a box car filled with lumber.

It seems that the men were stealing a ride and when the train was between Blockton and Maloy several cars were wrecked, including the car in which the men were riding. Their bodies were found beneath the great mass of lumber and were so badly bruised and cut-up that they were almost beyond recognition.

One was about 50 years old and the other about 35. Neither of them had anything upon them by which they could be identified but a slip of paper was found with the words "Mercer, Mo." by which they may later be traced.

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The Independent
August 18, 1913

Misses Mary and Zita ROONEY are spending their vacations with relatives in Lenox.

The lightning Sunday night killed a valuable horse for W. H. SHAY.

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The Independent
September 11, 1913

About forty young people gave O'Connell HART a very pleasant surprise Sunday evening, it being his twenty-first birthday. Games were played on the lawn which was beautifully lighted. About nine o'clock, refreshments were serviced consisting of mater melons, ice cream,lemonade and cake. The guests then retired to the parlors and enjoyed music until time to depart. O'Connell was presented with a gold watch.

Mrs. M. N. SHAY has returned from a visit with friends in St. Louis.

Mary E. LAMBERT spent the latter part of the week at the H. S. DUNCAN home in Clearfield.

A party of young folks enjoyed a nice little dance at M. H. SHIELD'S home Tuesday evening.

W. R. LAMBERT and T. A. SHEILD went to Montana Tuesday.

Miss Rosa LAMBERT and Miss Callista SHAY are visiting relatives in Chicago.

Miss Helen FOLEY of Topeka, Kansas, is visiting Miss Kathleen LAMBERT.

Miss Kate MULLEN and Miss Helen MIX visited over Sunday with Mrs. Hannah LAMBERT.

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The Independent
November 11, 1913

O'Connell HART was in St. Joseph Mo. a few days last week.

The progressive card party given by the W.C.O.F. in St. Mary's Hall was a complete success. The prize was won by Robert E. SHAY. A similar party will be given Friday evening, November 21.

Misses Verda and Zita ROONEY were in Des Moines a few days attending the teacher's convention.

Little Joe MULLEN while playing at school Monday, had the misfortune to fall and break his arm.

Little Casey O'CONNOR who has been seriously sick is reported much better at present.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
December 13, 1913

The dinner, supper and bazaar given on Thanksgiving day by the Catholic people of Maloy proved to be a complete success. The proceeds, amounting to $300, will be used for improving Rev. Father WHITE'S residence.

W. R. LAMBERT shipped two car loads of cattle to St. Joseph Saturday.

The Right Rev. Bishop DOWLING of Des Moines administered confirmation to a large class at the Immaculate Conception church on December 8th, and attended the dedication of the new Catholic church in Mt. Ayr Dec. 9th.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown.

An ice cream supper will be given at the home of Mr. COWELL'S on the lawn, Tuesday evening, Aug. 1. Proceeds to go to Elder Van HORN. A program will also be rendered consisting of songs, instrumental music, recitations, a drill by the M.W.A., and exercises by the small girls. Everybody is invited.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown

The social given by the Catholic ladies Saturday evening was a success. The proceeds amounting to $31, will be used in purchasing needed articles for Father WHITE'S residence.

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Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown

I wish to return my grateful thanks to the citizens of Maloy, Benton and intermedicate neighborhood for the prompt and effective services rendered Sunday afternoon in fighting fire. Had it not been for their timely and persistent aid my entire hay crop, full pasture and possibly all buildings on my farm would have beendestroyed, as nothing but heroic efforts under the high wind that was blowing from the railroad, the origin of the fire, could have stopped the progress of the fire. I hope I may sometime be able to return the favor, but in some other way more pleasant and profitable than fighting fire. ~ W. LAMBERT.

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Ringgold Record
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown

The roads have been impassible for a week past. Occasionally you might see a lone man upon a weary steed, plodding his way to some neighboring town for the doctor or a sack of flour, this being the extent of the travel.

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The Independent
November, 1913

The following is the report of Dryden School District number 6, Benton Township. for month ending November 14 [1913].

Those on the honor roll for perfect attendance, politeness, neatness, and applications are: Vinnie STEPHENS, Lela STEPHENS, Bernice EASON and Earl MICHAEL.

The following averages show the result of the examination:

Earl MICHAEL 95 per cent.
Lela STEPHENS 94 percent.
Harlan SAMS 93 per cent.
Joe MULLIN 93 per cent.
Berenice (sic) EASON 91 per cent.
Linn Stephens 90 per cent.
Louis STEPHENS 89 per cent.
Paul MICHAEL 87 per cent.
Paul STEPEHNS 86 per cent.
Gladys STEPHENS 83 per cent.
Vinnie STEPHENS 80 per cent.
~Kathryn LAMBERT, teacher.

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publication and date unknown

The Way It Was
From the Creighton University News Bureau, Omaha, NE -- The WARIN twins, Emmet and Leo, are making strong bids for varsity berths on the Creighton university basketball squad in their first year of competition.
Emmet is a forward and Leo a guard. Both men have seen service in the two games played to date, against the Oklahoma Aggies. Creighton won both games by scores of 30 to 14 and 55 to 26.
Emmet combines speed and and unusual faculty for team work with a good eye for the basket, and Bluejay sports fans are predicting a great basketball career for him during the coming three years, especially since the veteran Captain Louis TRAUMAN, another forward, will be lost to the squad in June via. the graduation route.

Leo, playing guard, uses his height to good advantage in taking the ball off the backboard, and has been used to considerable extent in several of the fast-breaking Bluejay offensive plays.

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Mount Ayr Daily News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
year unknown

Fire Destroys Maloy Store

Memoirs? Not for Him.
[Creston E.] FINCH set up his first general store ownership in Clearfield, but after several years sold out to in-laws and leased the Maloy Merchantile Store. He operated it until it was destroyed in a fire in 1919.

FINCH'S big deal in Maloy was the promotion of "drag races" -- not like the hot-rod racing of today. Maloy's drag races brought 50 or more teams to town pulling split-log, planed and metal road drags.

FINCH still has a hand-bill promoting the 1916 race. There were 15 prizes for four-horse team, four-mule team, two-horse team, etc., besides the heaviest drag, the lightest drag. Prizes -- such as a horse collar or $5 raincoat -- were donated by merchants.

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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
February 18, 1937

The Grant Center schoolhouse and contents were totally destroyed by fire last week, the cause of the fire being unknown. The blaze was discovered by Miss Edith WAHL, who lives across the road. Cecil CLOUSE, one of the directors, was the first to arrive on the scene, but nothing could be removed from the building. Grant Center was one of the best rural schools in the county, and the eight pupils were taught by Rita SHAY of Maloy. The pupils are being sent to their nearest school, with transportation provided by the school district.

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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
June of 1964

Mrs. Sheil Retires as Postmaster

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Mrs. Marea SHEIL, who retired June 1, after twenty-five years of service as postmaster of the Maloy post office, was honored at an Open House held Sunday between the hours of 2:30 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim BOPP, of Maloy.

Co-hostesses for the courtesy were the Mesdames Emeral WHEELEN, Ronald CONLEY, Howard JACKSON, Pat CARR, Frank CARR and Cleo LYNCH.

Refreshments of cake, mints, punch and coffe were served from a table laid with a white cloth and tastefully arranged with a bouquet of pink sweet-peas, flanked by pink lighted candles.

Included among the gifts with which Mrs. SHEIL was remembered were a gold swivel rocker presented by friends of the community and a pink rose corsage from Pat CARR.

Several pictures, which will serve to memorialize the occasion, were taken during the afternoon.

Guests in attendance were Mike SHEIL and Martin, Omaha, Neb.; Bill SHEIL, Plattsmouth, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Mike GROGAN, Chariton; Mr. and Mrs. Linn SHEIL and family, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice CARR, Mrs. Theresa SHAY and Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne WORTHINGTON, Linda, Steve and Loretta, Mount Ayr.

Also, Mr. and Mrs. Bob JUDY and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. O'CONNOR, Mary and Carmelita, Blockton; Mrs. Vera OLNEY, Des Moines; Mrs. Bernice NORRIS, Redding; Mrs. Kenneth BROWN and Lisa Ann, Grant City, Mo.; Martin and Billy MULLIN, Creston.

And, Mrs. Bob LYNCH, Joan and Joyce LYNCH, Mrs. Leland DUGAN, Mrs. Milford BENTLEY, Mrs. Rosa STANLEY, Mrs. Rena SWARTWOOD, Mrs. Grace WHEELEN, Mrs. Billy WYMAN, Mrs. Carl WYMAN, Rita SHAY, Mr. and Mrs. John D. WARIN, Ronald CONLEY, Cindy and Colleen, Pat CARR, Roger NOLAN and the Rev. M. J. COLHANE of Maloy.

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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa

Mrs. Bob LYNCH of Maloy, is the new president-elect of the Iowa Angus Auxiliary, the duties of which she will assume in 1973. She has been secretary-treasurer of the Auxiliary.

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The Bob LYNCH family has the distinction of having all four children plus Elizabeth graduate from Maloy High School and all four children, in addition to parents Bob and Elizabeth, married in the 'old' First Christian Church in Maloy.

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Rita SHAY retired at the end of the 1976-77 school year after teaching 39 years.

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Records show that a student with the last name of SHAY was in attendance at the Maloy school from the time it opened to the time it closed.

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Let it be known that in the year prior to our Centennial year, 1986, Benton Township received 60 inches of rain from June 1 to October 20. The Platte River ran rampant three times. The community endured a few days of below zero weather in November 1986 and from then until February 23, 1987 received only two inches of moisture in snow. Average winter temperature remained in the 50's during the day for several weeks.

SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 Pp. 20, 118, 131, 157, 203-6. 1987.

Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011


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