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Ringgold County's 4-H Hall of Famers, 2002 - 2011


Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 8/13/2011 at 23:49:07

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, August 10, 2011

Hayse to be inducted in 4-H Hall of Fame

Preston HAYSE of Ringgold county will be inducted into the 2011 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the 4-H Exhibits Building at the Iowa State Fair on Sunday, Aug. 21.

Eighty-eight Iowa counties are participating this year and have selected 121 inductees for their outstanding service and dedication to 4-H. Inductees or their surviving family members will be presented a certificate by the Iowa 4-H Foundation as they are introduced on stage.

Preston will be recognized at 3:30 p.m. A reception will follow the presentations.

Preston HAYSE is an example of someone who bleeds green - he believes in 4-H, the nomination of the Hall of Fame notes.

When HAYSE was county extension director, he encouraged the local youth to experience the opportunities that were provided within th ecounty, but also stressed the importance of participating in activites outside the county such as multi-county 4-H exchange program he helped to organize and 4-H camps.

His passion for poultry lead him to work with Campbell Soup to create an opportunity for county youth to receive and exhibt poultry at the Ringgold County Fair. What HAYSE is most known for though is his ability to make every 4-H youth feel special.

In the past and yet today, he always makes a point to talk to every 4-H member and tell them how great he thinks their exhibit is, whether it be livestock or something in the 4-H building. HAYSE'S green blood will flow forever and he's doing his best to pass it on to generations to come.

Counties select inductees for their exceptional work in contributing to the lives of 4-H members and the overall 4-H program. Many inductees served as club leaders, youth mentors, fair superintendents or fair board members, Iowa State University Extension county council members, county youth council members, fair judges, financial supporters, chaperones or ISU Extension staff members. The inductees have demonstrated dedication, encouragement, commitment and guidance to Iowa's 4-H'ers through the years.

"This is a wonderful opportunity for the counties and state to recognize and celebrate 4-H volunteers and staff who have shown outstanding service and dedication to Iowa's 4-H program," said Chuck MORRIS, director of ISU Extension 4-H Youth Development.

The Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame was initiated in 2002 to help commemorate the 100th anniversary of 4-H.

Information about previous inductees will be available at the 2011 Iowa State Fair in the 4-H Exhibits Building. Information about previous inductees also is available on the Iowa 4-H Foundation website, organized by year and by county.


2002 ~ Milt HENDERSON spent a lifetime loving youth and encouraging them to be the best possible persons they could become.
Milt became involved in ISU Extension work in 1946 and served on the local, area and state level. At one time Milt could name all the 4-H members in the six counties he served in southern Iowa. In addition to impacting so many club programs, youth, and their volunteer leaders he served 25 years as swine superintendent at the Iowa State Fair, head of the State Fair Livestock and grain judging contests, dean of delegates at State 4-H Conference, head of delegates at the American Royal 4-H Conference in Kansas City, organizer of the 4-H United Fund and of the 4-H Interstate Exchange program. Milt served the 4-H program and residents of Iowa until 1974 when health matters caused him to resign from the youth work he so dearly loved.

Milt also served as a pastor for 10 years and was involved with community activities and youth events as long as he was able. His dedication to youth development was lifelong and outstanding. He believed in getting the most he could out of life and was willing to put much into living in exchange. Governor Terry BRANSTAD honored him in 1989 for his contribution to his community as a volunteer.

Milt HENDERSON'S values, character, and role modeling have made a difference in several generations of Iowans through his dedication to 4-H.

2003 ~ Bob MARTIN is a hands-on volunteer in the Ringgold County 4-H Program. He has served on the County Extension Council, as a 4-H & Youth committee member, 4-H volunteer, County Fair 4-H & Livestock Superintendent, and a mentor for many youth and adults. His ability to influence policy-making in the best interest of youth is exceptional.

Bob is a favorite of everyone. Every year, 4-H County Council sponsors an overnight lock-in for 3rd - 6th graders. 4-H County Council teens always ask that we consider Bob's schedule so he can be with us. Bob is positive, generous with his time and talents, and an excellent role model for all of Ringgold County.

2004 ~ Arlene SOBOTKA served as a 4-H leader in the Jolly Jinglers 4-H Club for 20 plus years. She also served many years on Ringgold County Extension Council, Open Class Superintendent for the Ringgold County Fair and on the 4-H & Youth Committee.

Arlene's ability to develop life skills in youth and to teach them to give to their community, area, state, and country is evident today. The hundreds of youth she has influenced continue spreading her message of involvement and caring in all they do and do the best they can. Arlene taught them well!! Her ready smile, excellent morals, and belief in youth continue to impact and influence 4-H members and young people.

2005 ~ Mary Ann SMITH has had a long 4-H career. It began as a young 4-H member and continues today in her many roles as a 4-H volunteer. Mary Ann was a successful 4-H member with many accomplishments that helped make her the individual she is today.

Mary Ann was a 4-H leader for many years impacting the lives of countless individuals in her community 4-H club as well as other youth from the county. Mary Ann served on the Ringgold County Extension Council and she is currently on the 4-H & Youth Committee setting policy and guidance for 4-H members. She serves as a County Fair Superintendent and judges other county fairs, sharing her positive and friendly way of life while educating youth to be the best they can be.

Ringgold County is proud to induct Mary Ann into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame.

2006 ~ Jessica PIERSCHBACHER touched many youth and adults with her kindness, caring, and fairness in 4-H and by being a great person during her 16 years of life.
She helped many youth to see the value and good of being involved in 4-H.

She was a true example of what 4-H is about and why learning by doing develops skill and character.

Jessica's ability to provide leadership, share a caring attitude, and assist others to learn and do was practiced continuously in 4-H. She cared deeply about people around her, doing the right thing at the right time, sharing a great smile, and being a positive role model. She impacted her local club and 4-H members in Ringgold County with her can-do spirit even when she was extremely ill. Jessica was an excellent example of practicing citizenship in all that she did in her club and on the county level. Jessica’s last 4-H activity was leading a fleece blanket workshop in her club so hospitalized children would take a blanket with them when they were well enough to go home. Jessica touched many people with her kindness, caring, fairness, and by being a great person.

2007 ~ Merritt & Lorene TRIGGS have been lifetime supporters of 4-H in Ringgold County.
Merritt was an 11 year member of 4-H in Ringgold County. His passion while in 4-H was the swine and horse project area. He exhibited Spotted and Poland hogs, draft horses, decorated and drove multiple hitch. After his years of "learning by doing" he gave back as a 4-H volunteer. He held several different roles as a volunteer—sheep superintendent, swine superintendent, and Fair Board Secretary/Treasurer. Merritt also served on the Iowa State Fair Board for 22 years.

Both Merritt and Lorene believe that the 4-H program and fair experiences allowed youth to be the best that they could be. They always had words of encouragement, recognized achievement -- both big and small -- and went out of their way to build relationship with youth. To this day they continue to be in touch with many county and state level exhibitors.

2008 ~ Doyle and Connie RICHARDS from Tingley, IA are the 2008 Ringgold County Hall of Fame Honorees.

Connie's ability to connect with youth and adults and to provide quality programs are a couple of traits that really stand out. She is a willing volunteers for a wide variety of Extenison programming and events. Connie has served as a 4H Club Leader, a member of the 4-H and Youth Committee, served on Extension Council, started Pee Wee Wranglers for youth to exhibit a calf at the Ringgold County Fair in Kindergarten through 3rd grade, and oversees the Bucket Calf and Bucket Calf Plus 1 event. Connie has assisted with the 4-H Beef Weigh-in for numerous years as well as presented safety information at the Farm Safety Day Camps.

Doyle has been with the Sheriff's reserves for numerous years providing security at the county year. He also assists with the beef weigh-in providing his equipment, corral, and time.

Doyle and Connie have the enthusiasm, energy, and dedication that is so necessary when working with youth. They makes events and activities fun with education always being the end result, yet the kids look forward to doing things with them.

2009 ~ Judy HENSLEY from Mount Ayr, IA is the 2009 Ringgold County Hall of Fame Honoree. Judy's ability to care about the youth of Ringgold County and to positively influence adults as well as youth is ongoing.

Judy has served as a 4-H Club Leader, 4H Program Assistant, Office Assistant and County Extension Education Director. Judy doesn't refer to the clock or calendar when it comes to 4-H activities as it is a pleasure to be with the youth as they learn and acquire new skills. She has been involved with numerous committees, activities, and programming such as Farm Safety Day Camp, Overnight Lock-in, Basketball tournaments between 4-H Clubs, Grooming Clinics, Pancake Breakfast at the county fair and other fair events, and Clover Kids. Judy has assisted many youth to become all they can be in leadership and citizenship activities having many 4-H County Councils and teens develop skills they have used for a lifetime.

Judy credits 4-H with helping her become an adult ready and willing to make a difference in the lives of youth. Having 11 brothers and sisters (whom all were 4-H members) lessoned the ability for the family to be involved in the bigger world in their rural county because everyone traveling was major. The support of caring adults -- 4-H volunteers, allowed for gaining life skills that have made a difference in Judy and all that she has become and accomplished.

Judy demonstrates the 4-H motto when working with youth in Ringgold County. Her heart is seen through her patience and kindness to both parents and youth. Her hands work countless hours to provide a positive experience to all. Her head is used when thoughtful, common sense thinking is needed. Her philosophy is "what is best for youth" and she demonstrates this both in her words and actions.

2010 ~ Jim SMITH, is a well known farmer, auctioneer, and volunteer in Ringgold County.
Jim has had involvement in 4-H his entire life. He was a member of the Tingley Toppers 4-H Club as a young man. Jim especially excelled in his beef project work. He participated in every aspect of 4H and achieved the high honor of being selected to represent Iowa at the National 4-H Congress in Chicago. He also received state 4H awards such as the Lou PLAGER award.

As an adult, Jim served on the 4H and Youth Committee, Extension Council, as a 4-H leader and 4-H parent. Jim has auctioned the county fair livestock sale since 1996. His ability to talk with youth, inspire them to do their best, and to put them at ease are a few of his many skills that he utilizes when working with youth. He has provided countless nights of being on Sheriff Patrol at the county fair as well as other events where youth are involved.

Jim is truly an excellent model of what a 4-H volunteer is about. He connects with youth and adults making a difference in their lives on a personal basis.


Earl McALEXANDER ~ Calhoun County, 2008 Without volunteers like Earl and Kerri McALEXANDER, Calhoun County would not have the successful 4-H program that it has. They both started their involvement in 4-H as youth; Earl in Ringgold County and Kerri in Calhoun County, and continue still today through their involvement as club leaders, chaperones for CWF trips, State Conferences and other events, in addition to being Iowa 4-H 1000 donors. The ideals that 4-H represents, Earl and Kerri want to pass down to their children Brittany and Jacy who are 4th generation Calhoun County 4-H members.
Calhoun County would like to thank Earl and Kerri McALEXANDER for the countless hours of dedication and support they have given and continue to give to the 4-H program.

Earl - Extension Youth Field Specialist with ISU Extension for 21 years.
* Served primarily Calhoun, Pocahontas and Sioux Counties as well as many others in the NW Area
* Primary programming emphasis – Camping; Animal Science; and Science, Engineering and Technology
* State Roles – State Fair 4-H Swine Superintendent – 4 years, State Fair 4-H Tractor Exhibit Coordinator – 4 years, Part of curriculum development teams for Biotechnology, Tug of War with Grain, Youth Fire and Emergency Services Day and Ricochet – Teen Leadership; State SET Liaison; National Association of Extension 4-H Agents – National Vice President and Regional Director
* Community Roles – Sunday School teacher 17 years, Secretary for Calhoun County Republican Central Committee 8 years, Coach for many youth sports teams
* 4-H history – 4-H member nine years in Ringgold County - primary projects were swine, beef, crops and weather, parents were 4-H leaders for 30+ years

Kerri –
* Community Roles – 2nd Grade teacher at Rockwell City/Lytton Elementary School – 20 years, Sunday School teacher 18 years, AAUW member, PEO member
* 4-H History – 4-H member four years in Calhoun County – Primary projects were Food & Nutrition and Clothing, Mother and Grandmother were 4-H members in Calhoun County, making the family a four generation 4-H family in Calhoun County, 4-H Communications judge.

Lucille DEEMER ~ Decatur County, 2002
Lucille began her association with 4-H as a youth member in Ringgold County. In Decatur County Lucille has worked in a number of leadership roles. She served as a community club leader from 1972-1984. During that time and beyond she has served on the Fair Board (several years as board secretary), 4-H Committee, various fair committees, and 4-H exhibit building superintendent, a role she continues in today.

Lucille's husband Ron and children Christine and David have been involved in member and leadership roles as well. In addition, Lucille has served on the Decatur County Extension Council since 1999, giving support and guidance to the youth program on a continuing basis.

Lucille has attended judging workshops for a number of years and judges Family and Consumer Science project exhibits in several counties around the area. She has been very active in the county Farm Bureau organization, serving on and giving leadership to several committees, including Public Relations, Women's, Policy and Annual meeting. She has also given much support to Farm Safety and Ag in the Classroom efforts, which have helped build partnerships with and support for Extension, 4-H and Youth programs in these areas as well.

Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011

Ringgold County's 4-H Hall of Famers

Ringgold Documents maintained by Tony Mercer.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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